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Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Time Is Running Fast!


Except For Me !


Is time running fast, 

Is it walking slow!

Depends on whether,  

You know or don't know,

Is time standing still, 

Or it's going to sleep,

Depends on, whether, 

You're shallow or deep!

But who knows time, 

That is so weird,

That is so changing,

That is so absurd!

Do we define the time, 

Or it defines the man?

Who could tell to us,

How, Where and When!

For Time is Like the Space,

Walking into the Time, 

Takes you not beyond,

Keeps you tethered in Time!

Isn't it a great wonder, 

Like the past and future,

Time / Space are in mind,

How to find and Where?

Could the two exist,

When you think not, 

Do you too exist,

If there is no thought!

Thought begets the thought, 

And appears there a thinker, 

Like the shadow of thought,

Soon going to disappear! 

The consciousness though, 

Is the underlying fact, 

Ever so unbroken, Intact!

Consciousness is Being, 

Consciousness is knowing,

Consciousness knows itself,

There is no other else!

Light and darkness though,

Play all the while,

World and its shadow,

Are but Space and Time!

Momentary, Illusory,

Appear and disappear,

Self Keeps rejoicing,

Joy and Bliss thus flow!


Thursday, October 17, 2024

In The Jungle House.

A note addressed to mysel --


During March 23 to February 24, I lived somewhere in a house in the jungle. You can conveniently call it a farm-house as well. With me, the only round the clock companion there, was a female pitbul. She too knew well this reality, though her owner came everyday to visit her and to give her the morning and evening meals. I too shared with her a part of my meals everyday. She had learned to live and accommodate the conditions.

My another such a great companion was my mobile handset. I often write down great blogs everyday.

I had no books nor even the note-books any, available to me. 

About 11 months passed in such a way.

Then one sunny day, as it was winter in the February month of the year 24, I had to leave that place and shifted to a city, where I had earlier lived for so long. To say almost 45 years.

This time too I was living there at the mercy of those who knew not what they should do of me. They neither let me go away, nor could help me living a simple life in my own way. God knows what was on their mind.

So one fine day of August 4th I somehow managed to run away from them with a bit of acrimony, I felt they too couldn't stop me from going away.

I came up to this another Jungle-house.

Far better than the earlier one where I lived for almost eleven months. 

Here where presently the temperature is 32° in the room and 34° outside, and the electricity plays hide and seek for hours, I'm doing penance / तपस्  which I always did in the past in the extreme conditions, in the another jungle house at so many other places. Jungles too have their own pleasures and pains, troubles risks and joys and difficulties. But even then, one can live in peace and tranquility if mind if one can see that it's the way of life.

The External conditions and situations hardly matter.

If one can see the 5 modes of the mind are but the whole and entire personal life, and one is aware that sleep too is one of those 5 modes of mind, one can sit in the chair or walk in the fields or road with a mind Empty of Thoughts.

सोचो भी मत, सोओ भी मत! 

Was the only mantra I often followed in whatever external conditions might be.

There I came to see how sleep is again an activity (वृत्ति) - mode if mind where "ego" sustains.

So Either on the bed or an other place I could remember :

सोचो भी मत, सोओ भी मत! 

Don't think, and don't go to sleep!

Was what I often reminded to myself.

Even if I couldn't sleep it hardly matters.

I felt. 

The body is of no consequence any. Let the body perform its so many different and various actions. Let the mind too its own.

I didn't try to practice silence or stop the mind from chattering whenever it did.

I had earlier studied The Patanjala Yoga-Sutra and knew well theoretically and  satisfactorily what I could understand in my own way. The nirodha pariNAma, the ekAgratA pariNAma and the samAdhi pariNAma, trayamekatraM saMyamaH.

As elaborated in the four chapters :


The many kinds of samAdhi like :

असंप्रज्ञात, संप्रज्ञात,

सविकल्प, निर्विकल्प,

सवितर्क, निर्वितर्क,

केवल निर्विकल्प, सहज निर्विकल्प

But in the jungle house I had plenty of time to contemplate about what all this really meant, and their importance. 

I understood how

त्रयमेकत्र संयमः

is to be practiced, and how it helps in attaining certain mysterious and occult powers mind.

But I had already in my mind that these Powers are as such in the waking state only  

स्वविषयासंप्रयोगे चित्तस्वरूपानुकार इवेन्द्रियाणां प्रत्याहारः।।2.54।।

व्युत्थाननिरोधसंस्कारयोरभिभवप्रादुर्भावौ निरोधक्षणचित्तान्वयो निरोधपरिणामः।।3.9।।

In this way I realized the same power that manifests as Siddhi in the waking state is latent there in the state of samAdhi, and which could be any of the kinds said earlier.

Here again all this comes to the mind when at 32° temperature, I am writing all this.

Even now, I've no books available to me any to refer to. I write with the memory.  Einstein once said :

"Time is Illusion".

J. Krishnamurti, in his earlier writings, "Poems and Parables" wrote down, 

"Time and Space exist(s) in mind only."

As Time and Space are interdependent, we could say exist or exists according to whether we believe them two distinct or one and the same. And therefore Time is illusion for the observer who too is not other than the observed.

J. Krishnamurti knew well that There is but only one and the same Reality that -- because of consciousness appears as the  observed and the observer.

Einstein had yet to ascertain and know this. 

While mind itself has no independent existence, how the Objective Reality may have any?

UpaniShad declares :

सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म, एकं सत् विप्राः बहुधा वदन्ति, अयमात्मा ब्रह्म, तत्वमसि, अहं ब्रह्मास्मि, प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म ...


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Why I Don't Die?



Since How Long,

I Have Been Here? 

Isn't The Question Absurd?

For I'm Always Now,

And I'm Always Here.

Why I Don't Die? 

For, I can't Die!

Neither As The First Person,

Or As The Second Person,

Never As The Third Person. 

For I'm Never A Person.

And Just Because,

I'm Not, Someone Else,

Other Than I.

I Just Can't Objectify I, 

Nor Can Subjectify I. 

And As An Identity,

Neither Can Identify.

I may Though Appear, 

Voluntarily, Or Involuntarily,

Constantly And / Or Incessantly,

Going On And On And On, 

Deteriorating, Lost Sight Of I,

Still I Survive On, On And On! 

That's The Only Mystery, 

That's The Only Secret,

And The Truth Is :

I Wish Not, I Need Not,

And May Never Will! 

Why I Can't Die, 

Why I Don't Die!


Ode to the Wanderer!

P O E T R Y 

The Self,

And The Love Of The Self.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost!


One may wander away from God,

Just because One doesn't know God,

Or,  perhaps can't imagine or think,

Who or what exactly God may mean,

One may wander away from Truth,

Lured either by lust, desire or greed,

One may perhaps repent later on,

Wondering on how, I will be freed, 

From the sin inadverdently committed.

One may either through ignorance,

Or may negligence or Indulgence,

Might have committed a deadly sin,

Wandering away from peace and joy,

Might have regretted  for the same, 

Full of self-pity, remorse, full of shame,

For whatever reason, whatever cause,

One can never wander away from Self, 

That radiantly shines there one's heart.

Self in all its kindness, calls one back,

Forgives one for all one's mistake,

And if even once, one gives it a chance, 

Held in its Beloved's embrace, dance!

This is no wandering somewhere away, 

It's but the role and it's Self's all play, 

For all love Self, and Self loves all,

The distances all vanish in the Self! 

The two were always one and the same,

One never wandered, away from Self!




You may Wand

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Ambiguity, Anxiety and Agony.

Thought, Thinker and Thinking. 


With the emergence and manifestation of Life, which is essentially non-personal knowing of life, without an individual being as the knower, the Life-form at once gets associated, attached and then ultimately identified with the same. This sense of I'm this and such a being in the world, which I'm, though apart from, is neither me nor other than me.

The ambiguity and uncertainty about me and the world that belongs to me causes conflict in me about how to stay always happy in this world.

Though happiness is inconspicuous, the ambiguity, anxiety, agony, displeasure, disappointment are so evident that can't be denied. The fear and the apprehension about the future that invariably belongs to me and is like my world that is in my perception, could never be got rid of by any or whatsoever effort on my part.

Am I wrong in my approach in dealing with this matter?

I but certainly know that there is always something like a phenomenon, where I go through an experience, say like of the ambiguity, anxiety, fear, apprehension or agony and ruminate about the same in the very next moment or later on.

I hardly question or suspect, if I really think, or it is the thought that enters my consciousness, stays there for a moment, assumes reality and is gone off in the next moment!

If I am alert and attentive about this whole phenomenon / happening, soon it would be revealed to me that I am neither the thought nor I'm thinking. In the instant I can be aware that it's only the mind that assumes the dual role of the thought and the thinking together. If I can see this, I discover I never think nor can think. I only see and it is not that I can start or stop thinking or seeing.

There is absolutely nothing that I can do about thinking or seeing.

I can neither start, continue nor stop it.

Thought and thinking happen to me, but the seeing and the knowing exist only. They are always there in the background, not as two different ways of existence but only one and the same as a single Unique Reality.

So Who I'm?

Am I the thought, thinking, the mind that assumes thinking and believes it thinks,and is the thinker!

Or, I'm the underlying principle, the seeing and the knowing only?

Having understood this, could I then again be a victim of mind, thought, thinker and thinking any more?

Could then I say or utter "I"? 

Be free of ambiguity, anxiety and agony?


Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Category of Four.

Who Controls The World?

Just an hour ago, I was watching the P-Gurus Channel on YouTube.

The following question was put by the host Sri Aiyer before Sri Sumeet Peerji :

Who is controlling the World?

And Sri Sumeet Peerji answered :

Religion, Conflict, Interference and War-Economy.

Now I can say these Categories of Four really govern the state of World affairs.

I commented upon this citing 3 stanzas from Shrimadbhagvadgita :

नादत्ते कस्यचित्पापं सुकृतं चैव न प्रभुः

अज्ञानेनावृतं ज्ञानं तेन मुह्यन्ति जन्तवः।। 

न कर्तृत्वं न कर्माणि लोकस्य सृजति प्रभुः

न च कर्मफलसंयोगं स्वभावस्तु प्रवर्तते।। 

ज्ञानेन तु तदज्ञानं येषां नाशितं आत्मनः

तेषां आदित्यवज्ज्ञानं प्रकाशयति तत् परम्।। 


There exists no such a unique objective world common to all. Everyone thinks of such a world in one's own mind. There is neither anything like individual action (Karma). Karma is but an idea. Likewise the sense of doer-ship too is an idea.  The sense of "I suffer / enjoy / experience" is also again such a thought in the mind and lastly - the possessiveness and being the possessor of possessions - "I'm The Owner"  is a similar one idea only. 

So only the swabhAva / nature performs all activities through all the beings, and they wrongly become a victim of the idea "I do,  I have to do,  I must do, I will / will not do and several others like this. This is verily अज्ञान / the delusion that covers up the  ज्ञान  /  Wisdom. Really nothing what-so-ever happens and so no one is responsible for anything that takes place anywhere in the world.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Who Rules Over?




Did You Ever Wonder, 

Who Rules Over,

Your Body, Your Mind,

Your Breath, Your Feelings?

Did You Ever Wonder, 

When Inadvertently You Say,

My Body, My Breath, My Mind,

My Possessions, My Feelings, 

My Memory, My Cravings,

Did You Ever Wonder,

Who Cares For You, 

When You're Absent-minded,

Walking Along the Precipice, 

On The Sharp Mountain Ridge?

When Inadvertently You Claim, 

The Body, The Breath, The Mind,

The Memory And The Feelings, 

As Your Own, owned By You, 

Like Many Worldly Things!

Don't You Carelessly,

Because Of The In-attention,

Oblivious Of The Fact,

Whether There Is A Possessor,

Whether There Is The Possessed,

The Things That Are Owned, 

And The One That Is The Owner,

Exist Independently Apart And,

Different From One Another?

Where-from Arrives The Thought,

That Splits Up Itself As Me and Mine, 

Where You Are The Body And Mind?

Where You Seem To Have Control, 

And You Rule over All These Things?

Or, Maybe, There Is A Power,

Beyond All Your Knowledge,

Beyond Your Understanding,

That Alone Controls Your Body,

Your breath And Your Mind?

Could You Ever Comprehend,

Could You Ever Understand, 

That Mysterious Power,

From Where You Come,

Where-from In Existence,

You May Call It's God, 

You May Say It's Love, 

Did You Ever Wonder, 

Neither God Nor Love, 

It's But The Power Of Karma, 

Neither Your's Nor Mine,

Not Of Those Innumerable Beings,

But Only Of Totality As Whole.

Nothing Other Than Destiny,

Another Name Of MAYA.

Once You See And Know,

You Stop Finding Out, 

The Causes And The Reasons, 

For Whatever Seems To Happen, 

Because It's Just Senseless,

Meaningless And Absurd Too. 

Then You Abide In The "What Is",

Timelessly, Unaffected, In Peace,

And Become Peace Itself. 




Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Law Of Four

About Laws and Rules :

Yesterday I wrote :

The Rule Of  Four

We know that Laws are firm and strict, inviolable, while the Rules are flexible and could adopt to different situations and conditions.

The Supreme Reality is The Intelligence Non-dual Supreme, that governs the Laws while the Manifest and the Latent Reality is The consciousness where the formal division between the subject and the object, between the subjective and the objective appears to exist.

The Supreme Power that is associated with The Supreme Reality is Itself the Law; The Manifest and The Potential Unmanifest is The indirect mode of the Nature / प्रकृति having two aspects - one, the Power Of Knowing and another Power Of Activity. Of the two, The Power Of Knowing is the static while the Power Of Activity is the dynamic aspect of this Power.

The Supreme Reality is The Awareness; The Nature / प्रकृति  is consciousness.

The consciousness has two modes :

The Mechanical or the instrumental - the Activity, and The Authoritative or the Ego - The Knowing or the Light.

The instrumental is the illuminated, the Ego is the one that illuminates. Still the Light that illuminates both is beyond the two.  

The Rule Of Four  

applies to the illuminated / instrumental and helps in conducting the activities of the material world, and also to the Ego that assumes the sense of authority over the world seen by itself in its own very limited light. We can say it is the world of the individual.

Still there is an authority that controles and regulates the functioning of both the worlds the individual and the collective as well.

This is Mahat Prakriti / महत् प्रकृति :

मम योनिर्महद्ब्रह्म तस्मिन्गर्भं दधाम्यहम्।। 

Thus points out Gita. 

Now about The Law Of Four :

Ego the individual has two predominant attributes One is physical and mental activity, and the another is just knowing only.

We can see that while our body and the  mind go through any activity, we say : I do, did, will do, should or shouldn't do; at the physical / bodily or even also at the mental level and when that state of body / mind is over and we perform any another activity, we assume the sense of doer-ship and claim to do,  did, will do,  should or shouldn't do. 

Obviously during all the time there is a sense of knowing that is though in-active watched the happening of the activity. The One Who knew didn't perform the activity and only saw that it was being performed.

Now we can relate this fact with :

The Rule Of Four

While in the world everything appears to happen prompted and governed by some Law unseen by us, in the individual one spontaneously and without any effort associates oneself with the sense of the doer-ship, and with the sense of having seen the happening also. Though the activities keep on changing all the time, the sense of doer-ship and the knowing remains unchanging.

Then there are physical / bodily states of "being" when one has to go through the states of childhood, adulthood, middle-age and old-age.

Not only we humans but almost every living being goes through this what we call it's "life-cycle".

So long as one is kind of an animal, one can't see this whole pattern. Only a man of intelligence can see and discriminate this whole thing.

Accordingly though the Nature / प्रकृति  itself facilitates this for all living beings only a human with evolved and mature consciousness can understand this fact.

This is verily :

The Law Of Four.

In Vedantika parlance this is called the four  आश्रम / Ashrama namely :

ब्रह्मचर्य / brahmacharya

गृहस्थ / gRahastha

वानप्रस्थ / vAnaprastha and

संन्यास / sannyAsa respectively.

Everyone has to go through these four states of "being" and "experiencing" too.

This is the Law. 


The Law Of Four.



The  Category  Of  Four

(संस्कृत  -- कतिगृहीय कोटिगृहीय)


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Life Personal

Within, Without and Beyond.


The Better Half.

There is a life external (to me), and a life internal (to me). I'm but the composite of the two as if the two make up a whole 'I'  / me, like a couple where one is the better half the other.

I identify myself as the one who has a life external as well as a life internal. 

In both lives I come across two issues. 

One is being Related while the another is being connected.

Either I may be related with my better half but not connected. Again I may be connected but not related. Happiness in life happens when I am connected and related also at the same moment. There are chances when there is dispute over certain thing or issues.

Occasionally there are times when life is going smooth and mind is in utter peace and silence.

Then something stirs and at once follows a sense of dissatisfaction, anger, anxiety and uncertainty of the future. There is an urge as well to remove or overcome the same or to getting rid of the situation so as to restore the peace and silence that I had been enjoying a moment ago.

Where-from comes up the desire?

Is it because of the urge that there is the desire or is because of the desire that the urge arises?

Doesn't the moment I start believing in the existence of something other than this spontaneous peace and silence, this urge assumes reality and raises its head?

This may be a trivial bodily need like the hunger, thirst, sleep, body-ache or a pain somewhere in the body or something like the weather that may cause uneasiness and discomfort of the kind.

The internal life affects the external and likewise the external affects the internal. 

It's like a square peg in a round hole or a round peg in a square hole.

But why do I expect or fear about the assumed future? Why do I think of it and hope that everything would / should go in my favor? Isn't it an external factor, an element that infiltrates the mind and overpowers me?

Is really there a future? Or there is only a thought of an assumed future, like in an abstract form that soon looks like a reality to me?

Still I can see and understand that I have neither the knowledge nor experience of  what is going to happen in the coming of the next moment.

Maybe, I can guess about the things of the purely physical and material kind, how could I possibly know before-hand through what states of mind I shall go in the next moment(s)? 

Precisely this is the utter ignorance and in a way the foolishness also that I get infatuated and overwhelmed by this idea of a hypothetical future and then want to affect a change over it.

What progress can I hope from all my efforts in trying and getting involved in  such an activity?


Monday, June 17, 2024

The Rule Of Four.

The Four Fundamental Aspects Of The Evolution In Consciousness :





The Practice of meditation as a means of Spiritual Evolution of mind begins with the Mindfulness. Mind is Consciousness and Consciousness is Mind. This implies there is someone who is conscious of and about something. This someone is Mind / conscious factor, while the something is the Object which is given attention to by the Mind / consciousness.

We all know there is a multitude of the objects and at any moment only one of them is given the attention. But the one who pays attention is always one and the same. So this someone can deliberately or involuntarily shift attention to any of those many and various objects. If this happens involuntarily it means the one is in a state of where mindfulness lacks, like the animals who unmindful of their activity go on wandering from place to place. Only whenever an external force or the internal mental situation like the hunger, thirst, fear or sleep forces them, they stop or alter their activity. So they are governed by the forces of nature in a mechanical way and have no awareness any of themselves as someone other than the something.

But man is given with a sense of being someone and not a something that is driven by the forces of nature.

This is the beginning of consciousness or the Mind.

Then this Mind evolves and prospers in a state of watchfulness where it can watch itself, so as to observe how this someone behaves in various situations.

Still the sense of being someone matures even more in and as a strong sense of "I", "I'm being myself or the ego, and though there are several others like me, I am a someone far greater and important than all those others; be that a something or someone.

This sense of being myself - the ego can though desire, can never eradicate itself. It's the strong bond of the watchfulness with the consciousness that prevents it from from doing so. In the activity of watching, -the sense of being someone is there and is hardly given attention any, whatsoever.

Only a deep sense of the futility and the absurdity of the world and all the things in the world causes in it an urge to find out whether there is a way out from all this nonsense.

When and as this sense of the futility and the absurdity of the world matures and ripens enough, it falls down on its own.

Then the same watchfulness undergoes a mutation or the radical transformation of the kind where it is discovered, found out that neither something nor someone apart from and other than the light of understanding of  "What Is" really exists.

This is verily what could be called : 

The Awareness,

Where all apparent distinctions and all such differences cease to exist.

When this happens, though the world is as before seen as a multitude of names, forms, colors and appearances still all are realized as but many expressions of the one and the same Awareness.



Friday, June 14, 2024

The Insomniac

And The Somnambulist.

I had a friend. His father was a simple clerk in some government department.

He had a sister and this family of  four was living happily in a quarter alloted to them by the government.

I had one another friend. He lived in the same campus where the family of four was living. His father and mother both were serving in the same government department. That is how the two families got accomodation in the same campus. 

The daughter in the family of four was kind of somnambulist. This was known to them since when she was just a 3 or 4 year old kid. But when I knew the family, she was about the age of 18 or 19. She had joined a college and was studying in the second year of the bachelor's degree.

She would often asked me for help when she had any difficulties in her study, and I would happily try solving her problems and the difficulties.

Once her mother told me, every night  they tie her leg or hand with some immovable object such as to a chair or to the door-knob or a window. I was just  amazed.

"Why?" -  I asked.

She told their daughter would often walk in sleep and though has no problem any what-so-ever, wouldn't dash into walls or other things, yet could walk up-to 1 or 2 miles sometimes.


The father of another friend was kind of an insomniac. He was old and was about to retire soon, maybe in an year or two. He couldn't pass time at home turning sides in the bed. So he would walk up in the sprawling campus area. For an hour or more he would keep walking and then return to bed. 

One night when he was on his routine walk and had walked for about one and a half mile, he was surprised to see the somnambulist girl on his way. He could not understand what was wrong with her in the midnight at about 01:00 A.M.

Then he followed her from behind and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw her entering in her house.

Next day all in the campus knew this.

But since that day someone would take care and make sure that she is tied with a post while going to bed.

She was married off with the same friend who knew all this and was already well aware of this problem. But they were in love and too intimate with one another.

After some 25 year, they celebrated their marriage anniversary, all invited in the party shared this interesting story and all enjoyed too.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Troubled Waters.

Fishing in the Troubled Waters.


मैं नहीं कह सकता कि उपरोक्त शीर्षक का प्रयोग मैंने जिस प्रकार और अर्थ में किया है वह अंग्रेजी भाषा में इसी प्रकार और अर्थ में किया जाता है या नहीं। वैसे मेरा तात्पर्य यहाँ यह है कि जैसे किसी शान्त तालाब के जल में मछलियाँ पकड़ना आसान है बनिस्बत अशान्त जल में मछलियाँ पकड़ने से, किसी भी मनुष्य, स्थिति या राष्ट्र के बारे में भविष्यकथन का ज्योतिषीय प्रयास वैसा ही कुछ है। जैसे किसी इलेक्ट्रिशियन के लिए बिजली की लाइन पर काम करना तब अधिक आसान होता है जब उसमें बिजली का प्रवाह बन्द हो और प्रवाह के चालू रहने पर काम करना अपेक्षतया अधिक कठिन और जोखिमयुक्त होता है, वैसे ही किसी राजनीतिक, सामाजिक, क्षेत्रीय या अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्थितियों के उथलपुथल के समय उनके बारे में भविष्य के आकलन और भविष्यकथन करने का प्रयास अपेक्षाकृत अधिक जोखिमयुक्त होता है बनिस्बत किसी सामान्य समय पर उनका आकलन करने से। वैसे सामान्य वैदिक ज्योतिष सिद्धान्तों के अनुसार प्रत्येक आकाशीय खगोलपिण्ड जैसे कि ग्रह-उपग्रह नक्षत्र और उनके समूह अर्थात् राशियाँ सचेतन विशिष्ट देवता होते हैं  और इसी प्रकार राहु तथा केतु भी स्थूल पिण्ड नहीं हैं, फिर भी राहु और केतु दोनों सूक्ष्म आकाशीय अक्ष के दो शीर्षबिन्दु हैं जिन्हें कि ज्योतिषीय गणना में अपरिहार्यतः आवश्यक रूप से मानना पड़ता है क्योंकि शीर्षबिन्दुओं की तरह से भी उनका अस्तित्व सूर्य-ग्रहण और चन्द्र-ग्रहण के सटीक पूर्वानुमान से भी सिद्ध है, इसलिए वे भी अदृश्य होते हुए भी दूसरे स्थूल दृश्य पिण्डों जैसे, ऐसे ही सचेतन देवता हैं, जो किसी भी घटना के फलित होने में महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं। जैसे एक से अधिक ग्रहों-उपग्रहों का विशिष्ट योग उनके सम्मिलित प्रभाव का सूचक है सकता है, वैसे ही समय विशेष - नक्षत्र, मुहूर्त, करण, योग, तिथि, मास और पक्ष भी इतने ही महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं। तात्पर्य यह कि जैसे जैसे समय का विस्तार छोटा या बड़ा होता जाता है, वैसे वैसे भविष्य का आकलन और भविष्यकथन कर सकना  उतना ही कम या अधिक कठिन होने लगता है। फिर भी ज्योतिषशास्त्र के अधिकाँश अध्येता इसी प्रयास में लगे ही रहते हैं।

और एक दूसरा उदाहरण शतरंज के खेल का हो सकता है। जैसे खिलाड़ी के लिए किसी चाल को चलते समय यद्यपि अनेक विकल्प होते हैं किन्तु उनमें से वह किसी एक को ही चुन सकता है, और इसके बाद उसका प्रतिद्वंदी भी इसी तरह से चलने के लिए अनेक विकल्पों के होने पर भी एक को ही चुन सकता है, और अगली ही चाल में उसके लिए चल सकने के लिए उपलब्ध संभावित विकल्पों की संख्या आघातवर्ध्य क्रम में बढ़ती ही चली जाती है, वैसे ही ज्योतिषीय आकलन और गणना में भी संभावनाओं का क्रम ज्योतिषीय गणना करनेवाले के लिए दुरूह चुनौती होता है। शुद्ध खगोलीय स्थूल घटनाओं का तो अवश्य ही ठीक ठीक और संदेहरहित पूर्वानुमान लगाया जा सकता है, जिस पर सभी खगोलविद सहमत ही होते हैं लेकिन जब किसी सूक्ष्म घटना का पूर्व आकलन और अनुमान लगाया जाता है तो उसके सत्य सिद्ध होने की संभावना लगभग शून्य हो जाती है। विशेष रूप से राजनीतिक स्थितियों के बारे में तो यही कहा जा सकता है। यद्यपि किसी समय स्थितियाँ सामान्य होंगी या असामान्य, यह तो बतलाया जा सकता है किन्तु किसी भी स्थिति का एक लगभग धुँधला सा चित्र भी बना पाना कठिन होता है, फिर अक्षरशः सही सिद्ध हो सकनेवाली कोई बिलकुल स्पष्ट भविष्यवाणी कर पाना तो और भी अधिक कठिन है। इसलिए ज्योतिषियों की अपेक्षा तो दूसरे लोग जैसे कि राजनीतिक, आर्थिक, सामाजिक राष्ट्रीय या अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परिस्थितियों के विश्लेषणकर्ता ही अधिक बेहतर पूर्वानुमान कर सकते हैं।

किन्तु सामान्य मनुष्य के लिए उन्हें समझ सकना और उनके द्वारा दिए गए विभिन्न  पूर्वानुमानों को स्वीकार कर पाना संभव नहीं हो पाता है। और शायद इसलिए भी लोगों की रुचि ज्योतिषियों के पूर्वानुमानों में अधिक होती है, राजनीतिक प्रेक्षकों और आलोचकों के द्वारा व्यक्त किए गए  निष्कर्षों में नहीं। 


Thursday, May 16, 2024

मन्दिर और दास-प्रथा

The Template.

Temple and the Job-culture.

The Temple-culture is the prime and the only basis that supports the Sanatana or the Sanatana Dharma.

This is the oldest and the ancientmost form of entrepreneur-ship culture.

And is outwardly the way of earning the livelihood in at the social level, the level where the wealth is created by all and everyone and everyone is as much rich  according to one's physical and bodily mental and intellectua efficiency, work and entrepreneurship.

This is The Temple Economy supported by and based on the Temple- culture, in contrast and comparison to the Western Job-culture, where either the State, the individual, a Company or some group of people is the owner of all the wealth but really no one creates it (the wealth).

The East India Company launched by the erstwhile British Empire could be a prominent and dominant example of the same.

The whole and sole purpose of launching and founding The British East India Company was to loot the hard earned wealth of Bharata. With this intention  and fulfilling this purpose, Bharata was renamed and given the name India.  This happened during all those days of the history; our memory accordingly in the expansionist British colonialism was distorted, blurred and then we started to believe :

"We The People of India, that is Bharata ... "

The Sanatana Dharma has always been supporting the freedom of the individual and the society as a whole and there was no way to "slavery" of the kind any.

The social "classes" were structured according to the tendencies and the qualities of the individual's inherent nature, and every individual, family and the whole society as well created and earned wealth in such excessive, huge quantity was affluent in such a way that proverbially the land was called  :

सोने की चिड़िया. - The Golden Bird.

The British, The French, The Portuguese, The Dutch, summarily - The West  tried to loot and maraud this Golden Bird. 

Because of so many reasons and most importantly of our very own ignorance and negligence of their evil and croocked purpose we fell victim to their intentions.

That is the history how the 

"Temple Culture"

- the entreprising, the enterpreneur culture was gradually destroyed and was replaced the "Job-culture".

The Mandir culture - the enterprise and the Sanatana Dharma scripture and practices were scorned, derided condemned and attacked vehemently by the British  Empire.

Now during all these years of history of Bharata, The British had to leave and they handed over their culture, tradition and legacy to their "Indian" avatar - the "Indian National Congress".

Time however has run a full circle and now all and we also as  Bharata  have waken up to the emerging new Reality of the World, where the Economic Models - capitalist of Adam Smith, communist of  Carl Marx and the socialist of mixed economy all have utterly and ultimately failed. All these models comprising of and based upon

the Job-culture

are all going to die their natural death soon.

The only hope for the whole humanity lies in the Entrepreneur Culture which is the prominent and essential feature of the Temple culture of the Sanatana Dharma.

Sanatana Dharma is not cult or the culture, though it can accommodate both if they are truly honest in them. Civilization on the other hand is :

The Chivalry.    

There is very often clash of cultures, and not the clash of Civilizations, as there is only one Civilization worth the name --

The Sanatana Dharma, which is the way of living in chivalry, harmony and peace for all people everywhere on the earth and at all times.

This  refers to : 



Tuesday, May 14, 2024


भविष्य की चिन्ता 


कभी कभी मैं उत्सुकतावश यू-ट्यूब पर बड़े बड़े ज्योतिषियों की भविष्यवाणियों से संबंधित वीडियो देखता हूँ। भौगोलिक और वैश्विक घटनाओं का उनके द्वारा किया गया पूर्व आकलन प्रायः सत्य सिद्ध होता है। वैसे भारतीय ज्योतिष, वेद का उपाङ्ग होने से आकाशीय ग्रह-नक्षत्र और प्रत्येक ही स्थूल और सूक्ष्म पिण्ड में भी चेतन तत्व की विद्यमानता मानता है और मनुष्य भी ऐसा ही विशिष्ट प्राणयुक्त शरीर होने से प्रत्येक दूसरे स्थूल और सूक्ष्म पिण्ड को प्रभावित करता तथा उनसे प्रभावित भी होता है।

यह भौतिकशास्त्र के नियमों के ही अनुसार है। जैसे एक स्थूल पिण्ड दूसरे स्थूल पिण्ड पर गुरुत्वबल का प्रयोग करते हुए उसे आकर्षित करता है, वैसे ही सूक्ष्म चुम्बकीय या विद्युत कण भी परस्पर एक दूसरे को आकर्षित या विकर्षित करते हैं।

जैसे स्थूल भौतिक बल किसी स्थूल पिण्ड को सरल रेखा में रैखिक गति प्रदान करते हैं और उस पिण्ड की स्थैतिक अथवा गतिशील दशा को प्रभावित करते हैं वैसे ही एक से अधिक बल मिलकर संयुक्त होने पर या तो एक ही सदिश मात्रक (vector quantity) का रूप ले लेते हैं या केवल एक युग्म-बल के रूप में उस पिण्ड को इस तरह प्रभावित करते हैं कि वह एक सरल आवर्त गति में गतिशील रहे -

घड़ी का पिण्डलम्ब / पेन्डुलम इसका एक उदाहरण है, जो एक समतल में गतिशील रहता है। इसका दूसरा उदाहरण चक्रीय या वृत्त में होनेवाली वर्तुल गति जो पुनः एक ही समतल में होती है।यही समतल वह समतल है जिसमें तीसरे प्रकार की एक और गति देखी जाती है। जैसे कार के ड्राइविंग व्हील पर दोनों हाथों से नियंत्रण कर उसे गोलाकार दिशा में गतिशील किया जाता है। विशाल और बृहदाकार स्थूल पिण्ड अर्थात् आकाशीय ग्रहों में दो गतियाँ देखी जाती हैं - एक तो सूर्य के चारों ओर परिभ्रमण, और दूसरी अपने ही अक्ष पर घूर्णन । सूर्य भी सतत वेगपूर्वक किसी दिशा में गतिशील होते हुए भी समस्त ग्रहों के साथ एक ही समतल में जैसे जड़ा हुआ है।

वाल्मीकि रामायण में सौर मण्डल को देवलोक कहा जाता है और इसमें विद्यमान सभी ग्रह इसीलिए विशिष्ट "देवता" हैं।

यही देवलोक स्वर्गलोक है। 

भगवान् श्रीराम के रघुकुल में ही उनके एक पूर्वज राजा थे, जिनका नाम था "त्रिशंकु"। वे सशरीर स्वर्गारोहण करने की कामना करते थे।  ऋषि विश्वामित्र ने इस चुनौती को स्वीकार किया और यज्ञ के माध्यम से एक अंतरिक्षयान निर्मित किया जिसमें तीन शंकु थे। उस अंतरिक्ष-यान में बैठकर राजा जब देवलोक / स्वर्गलोक की दिशा में जा रहा था, तो देवताओं ने इस पर आपत्ति की क्योंकि उनके उस समतल में, जिसमें सभी ग्रह स्थूल रूप में गतिशील हैं, कोई भी देहधारी मनुष्य या अन्य प्राणी सशरीर प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता था। तब विश्वामित्र के कोप से डरे हुए देवताओं ने त्रिशंकु के लिए देवमण्डल के समतल से कुछ अंशों के कोण पर स्थान निर्धारित किया। हो सकता है कि खगोलविद जिसे आकाश में त्रिशंकु के नाम से जानते हैं वह ऐसा ही कोई मनुष्य-निर्मित उपग्रह या अंतरिक्ष यान हो, और निकट या सुदूर भविष्य में कभी उस पूरे लोक तक वैज्ञानिक पहुँच पाएँ। हो सकता है कि Aliens वहीं रहते हों और वहीं से हम पर दृष्टि रखते हों!

यदि हम Aliens और त्रिशंकु (उपग्रह / राजा / सभ्यता) के रहस्य का उद्घाटन कर सकें तो वाल्मीकि रामायण की सत्यता और विश्वसनीयता भी प्रमाणित हो सकती है।

मेरे किसी दूसरे ब्लॉग में मैंने वाल्मीकि रामायण के इस प्रसंग का उल्लेख करते हुए स्पष्ट किया है कि जैसे एक ही रस्सी पर कम या अधिक दूरी पर छोटे बड़े पिण्ड बांधकर रस्सी को तेजी से घुमाया जाए तो रस्सी में उत्पन्न तनाव के कारण रस्सी एक ही समतल में गतिशील होती है। इसी प्रकार सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमनेवाले सभी ग्रह एक ही समतल में स्थित हैं उनमें से प्रत्येक पर एक तो युग्मबल कार्य करता है जिससे ग्रह अपने अक्ष पर घूमते है, दूसरा युग्म-बल उस समतल में कार्य करता है जिसमें सभी ग्रह स्थित हैं और उनमें से प्रत्येक ग्रह इसी दूसरे युग्म-बल से सूर्य का चक्कर काटता है। 


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Law Of Karma

The Scientific Consciousness. 


The core principle of Sanatana Dharma is --


The two words;

Science and Consciousness are cognates of two different root words in Sanskrit.

Both could be seen to bear resemblance with two similar verb-roots धातु  in the Sanskrit.

From the verb-roots root -

शी - शयति - संशयति, sceptic, suspects,  and शेते, meaning asleep and शान्तः,  in peace, collected, calm, potential, 

and another verb-root - 

शक्, शंक्, शंस्  - शक्यते, शक्ति, प्रशंसयति, शंक्यते - in English : capable, of strength, praises, Science, doubts or suspects.

Again Science and Conscious, Sense and consciousness could again be accepted as closely related cognates conveying the near about and similar meaning.

Science of consciousness

Is therefore and accordingly :

यम / The Law Supreme but next and secondary to Dharma / Karma that governs the functioning of :

प्रकृति or the Nature.

धर्म and यम together are also known and called too as the  यमधर्मौ - अश्विनौ and the analogy between the two pairs is to be seen. The two Equinox -  is cognate of   अश्विनौ -- the Sanskrit word - namely the two "sons" of  The heavenly / Celestial "SUN". The Sun begot these two "sons"  from His spouse / wife named  "संज्ञा".

This is not Mythology but Sattology; -as is there in the :

स्कन्द-पुराण  / skanda purANa - ancient Sanskrit Text dealing with, explaining the beginning of the manifestation of the material aspect of the world.

संज्ञा the Sanskrit word is again made up of a prefix / उपसर्ग "सं" denoting "perfect and appropriate" while the verb-root "ज्ञा" - (वि)जानाति, प्रजानाति  denotes simple "knowing" / "perception" either through the senses of knowledge (ज्ञानेन्द्रिय) or in the form of the intellect or thought and information that could be stored in one's memory.

"संज्ञा" thus is "the consciousnesses" or the "sentience".

"Sun" is in this way, the father of the two Equinox and is also the Material Law that governs the whole material existence.

"Consciousness" - or the "संज्ञा" on the other hand governs the मन / the mind of both the entire and the whole Life as well as the  "वैयक्तिक  मन" / the individual mind also. 

As is declared in the Gita :

भूतानामस्मि चेतना।।

The direct and simple meaning is : 

I AM (THE "SELF")  as consciousness in all the sentient creatures / beings.

"Self" here is the same as Atman or the I AM. Though in the individual, it  assumes the form of "अहङ्कार"  or the "self" / ego.

धर्म, यम, and  कर्म

Are therefore the three Essential Laws that govern the whole  existence at three levels.

धर्म / स्वभाव / प्रकृति

यम / शक्ति

कर्म / कार्य

The three could be synonymous with the spiritual nature, the mental thought and the physical action.

The Law of Karma therefore applies at all the three levels - The Spiritual, The mental world of the individual and the Physical, material level.

We know in Physics it is described in the following way --

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Three attributes in Physics - General Properties of matter - namely the light, inertia and energy  are but gross aspects of the same attributes in the mental - in the form of characteristics (गुण) and in the spiritual as Existence consciousness and Light / Bliss.




Sunday, May 5, 2024

A New Understanding.

bhUtAnAmsmi chetanA. 

भूतानामस्मि चेतना।। 


Since the year 2016, when I was going through the  ऋग्वेद / Rgveda, मण्डल -2, I could relate and connect myself with the ऋषि-चेतना / rShi-consciousness of  भारद्वाज ऋषि / bhAradwaja rShi, and then something happened when one day (a few weeks ago) I deeply felt that ऋषि-चेतना / rShi-consciousness is though unique and the same in all, one could relate oneself with any of those so many with different names.

Then I realized how I could relate myself and connect to also with :

बुधकौशिक ऋषि / budhakaushika rShi.

He was the one who was given and ordered by none other than भगवान शिव / Bhagavan Shiva to write down the  रामरक्षा स्तोत्रम् / rAmarakShA stotraM.

आदिष्टवान् यथा स्वप्ने रामरक्षामिमां हरः।।

तथा लिखितवान् प्रातः प्रबुद्धो बुधकौशिकः।।

As was ordered by the Ishwara Shiva to The enlightened budhakaushika, in the dream, budhakaushika wrote down the same in the next morning.

I too feel I write down many a great posts as I visit in a dream-state and then note down them in my blogs.

In a way,  I believe / think I'm related to rShi budhakaushika.


Two Unknowns!

Algorithm And Algebra.


जाबालि / jAbAli, 

Sent her son of about 6-7 years of age - 

सत्यकाम / satyakAma, her 6-7 year aged son to ऋषि गौतम / कौशिक / rShi Gautama / Kaushika, to learn the

ब्रह्मविद्या / brahmavidyA.

When he reached there, the ऋषि / rShi asked him his name. He said :

सत्यकाम / satyakAma.

He was also known as 

सत्यकाम जाबालि / satyakAma jAbAli, because his mother's name was जाबालि / jAbAli though no one knew who was his father.

So the ऋषि / rShi asked him his father's name. As सत्यकाम / Satyakama didn't know what was his father's name, the ऋषि / rShi sent him back to ask this to his mother. When he asked this to his mother जाबालि / JAbAli, she said to him O Son! Before your birth I used to serve in many a houses as a housemaid and had physical relationship with many of the men. So I can't say exactly who of them might be your father. 

सत्यकाम / Satyakama went back to the ऋषि / rShi and told him whatever his mother had told him. 

The ऋषि / rShi said to him :

You speak सत्य / Truth without fear or hesitation, this means you qualify as a ब्राह्मण / brAhmin because you possess this inherent tendency of speaking the truth without fear or hesitation.

Thereafter the ऋषि / rShi taught him  संस्कृत भाषा / Sanskrit language and Mathematics.

He taught him the numerals and the four basic mathematical operations, namely - the addition, subtraction, multiplication and the division of the quantities of the similar and the different kinds.

He taught him how to count the similar quantities -the simple arithmatic plus and minus of them.

Then he told him the basic flaw of the Arithmatics.

Binary mathematical operations like the addition, subtraction could be performed only upon the similar quantities.

For example 3 mangoes and 4 bananas could be added in two ways :

As the numerals / numbers, which are similar in a way giving the result -

3 + 4 = 7, which is again a numeral / number.

But the same operations could not be so  performed upon the objects of the kind of the different qualities.

In that case 3 + 4 = 2.

The disciple was perplexed.

Find out if it's true or false! 

The disciple contemplated for some time and said  :

O Revered Master! 

It's true. Because the mango and banana if viewed as numbers sum up to 7, but if counted in terms of the qualities they're two different kind of fruits. Add up to 2.

Then the  ऋषि / rShi - the Master took the next lesson - about the known and the unknown quantities. 

He gave him a simple exercise to find out the unknown quantity from the given information  (दत्त / data) -

He used again the same algorithm as in the earlier examples. 

So You know 3 + 4 = 7.

Now let us consider :

A + B = 7,

Where A and B are unknown, simple and natural integers and we have to find out what values A and B might have so as to satisfy the condition stated above.

The disciple thought for a few seconds and said :

O Master! We could find out several of them for example :

1 + 6 = 7, 2+ 5 =7, 3 + 4 = 7, 4 + 3 = 7,

5 + 2 = 7, and finally  : 6 + 1 = 7.

But again these though appear different, they are only repetitions.

They are 3 pairs only.

"O. K." - The master exclaimed.

Suppose now we take any one of them, say  :

1+ u = 7,

where u stands for unknown, what value of u might satisfy the above condition? Obviously this will be 6.

But how you could possibly express this in a mathematical way?


O Revered Master!

Replied the disciple.

Let us proceed as follows :

1 + u = 7

=>  1 + u - 7 = 0.

=> - 1 - u + 7 = 0.

=> - u + 7 - 1 = 0.

=> -u + 6 = 0.

=> - u = - 6

Or,  u = 6.

Well done my child! 

The teaching is :

An unknown quantity could be made known by simple logic. Does this mean all known is contained in knowledge?

Could we possibly bring the unknown in the field of knowledge?

However there is a way :

अक्षरात्सञ्जायते कालः कालाद्व्यापकः उच्यते।।

व्यापकः हि भगवान्  रुद्रो भोगायमानो ।।

यदा शेते रुद्रो संहरति प्रजाः।। 

This manifestation of रुद्र  / Rudra is the world appearing to us while we wake up in His awakened state.

In order to know what  रुद्र /Rudra is in  His sleep we need to know what we're during our own sleep state. That also includes the dream state where we are though not in the world of the sensory perceptions, still we feel and experience such a state within our own heart and mind.

रुद्र  is self and Self as well.

He is the soul, spirit and the Supreme.

But one could never know Him as other than oneself.

The two unknowns are the self and the Self as long as one hasn't realized and has not known the Self.

The self is again number "one" as the "oneself", but as soon one is realized, knows the "Self " and also knows that the चेतना / consciousness is the only common factor or element in the two.

भूतानामस्मि चेतना।। 

At a time You can become only the self or only the Self .

That is 

परमार्थ / The Reality Non-dual.

इति पूर्वभूमिका।। 


In an equation in two unknowns, both are interdependent variables so and as long as one is not eliminated.

For example, as in the equation :

X + Y = C

Where and are the two unknowns, Apparently the two variables. 

Analogically, Is The Christ (not the Jesus) and Y is YHVH.

Of  The Abrahmic Religions.

Again, here these two, namely the Catholic - The Church of the Vatican and The Church of England only.

Unfortunately, None of these above two have solved the equation.

(सत्यकाम) जाबाल ऋषि / (satyakAma) JAbAL rShi alias /  Elias The Angel Gabriel would tell their  

प्रविद्  / The Prophets 

The Spiritual Truth  in the future  forecoming.

"इल आस्" एको चक्रवर्ती महापराक्रमी सम्राट एकस्मिन् काले इति भगवान् श्रीरामचन्द्र भ्रातरं लक्ष्मणं कथितवान् 

यथा सर्ग 87, उत्तरकाण्डे - श्री वाल्मीकि रामायणे निगदितम्।।

ओमः नाम यस्य स एको कश्चित् ग्रीको रचितवान् एको ग्रन्थो - Iliad ।।

ओमः in the Greek became Homar, a cognate of ओमः।।

।।इति फलश्रुतिः।।



Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Democracy.

What is Democracy?

The word Democracy has its origin in Dominance, Domination, Dominant, the Dominated and Demography.

Even more, we could trace out how the Sanskrit verb-root  दम दम्यते दमयति दमित  gives rise to this.

इन्द्रियों का दमन करना और मन का शमन किया जाना ही योग साधना के मुख्य दो सोपान हैं। मन वृत्ति है और इन्द्रियाँ विषय और विषयी के बीच का माध्यम। विषय बदलते रहते हैं जबकि विषयी स्थिर प्रतीत होता है। यह शायद विचित्र किन्तु सत्य भी है कि विषयी ही तादात्म्य के रूप में एक और अनेक की तरह भी देखा जा सकता है। विषयों से रहित चित्त ही स्वभाव है। 

In the physical body, five fundamental elements namely the earth, water, fire, air and ether dominate the body and in turn are also dominated by the body too. 

In this way there is interaction between the two which is pure democracy when there is no conflict nor any clash of the interests.

The relation between the senses and the physical body is again another level of the same democracy where neither the senses nor the physical body dominate upon one another. For example - when there is hunger and tiredness, whichever of the two is stronger, would dominate. If you are less tired and more hungry, would go for eating food. On the other hand, if you are more tired but not as much hungry, you may go to sleep first and then have food later on when, you have rested for a while and the hunger overtakes you. 

The democracy is again there at the level of body and mind when the body and the mind may have different, and even the  opposite needs at the same moment.

You need to go for work but the mind is not ready and there is clash between the two. Out of whatever compulsions there are, you have to decide and obey any one of the two.

In the case when the two are in natural democracy (say harmony), and neither dominates the other, there is peace and happiness. 

Again there is Thought / memory and the intellect (the faculty of decision-making). And the interaction between the two may cause clash of the dominance. Then this harmony is disturbed and so one comes across the conflict.

Still there is a deeper substratum or the simple spontaneous consciousness and one is just attentive enough, knows what is going on in the body, senses, and in the thoughts, feelings, how and what are the responses of memory to all this activity that is taking place at so many levels in the same moment.

One could however also have an idea of  "I" and "my/mine" associated with all this mental-physical activity and again one could be aware of the states of the mind whether it's waking, dreaming or just emptiness, silence only in this deep dreamless peaceful state.

It's the very state of the mind when the attention is focused upon any of these three states and there is also awareness of being (however without the sense of - I and / or me) which is called the "fourth state" or the turIya / तुरीयावस्था. 

Again, this state "turIya" is a "state" if and whenever there is the sense of I / me associated with it. 

This is (called ) the "identification" of the mind with the self.

Identity is ever so unchanging while the identification keeps constantly shifting from one to another object of perception. In every experience, arises a thought "I experience" and this is at once accepted as "I'm experiencing". Identification in this way is what though at one hand 'I', while in the next moment the same "I" appears to have assumed another form.

In the same way the "knower" may take the form of "knowledge" yet it's purely the "knowing" only. "knowing" us never the "identification".

With or without this identification, there may be a spontaneous democracy, where the body, mind and the spirit all happily rejoice in perfect bliss. This is the nature / Prakriti. 

The mind is manifest Prakriti, just as the body is the manifest mind. Likewise, the self / Self is the manifest mind, the mind is the un-manifest self / Self as well. 

At the outer level - in the society too we need this democracy at so many levels.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Action and Choicelessness.

Action and Choiceless Awareness.

परोक्ष अनुभूति और अपरोक्ष अनुभूति

The Perception of Reality :

The Direct / the Indirect Perception. 


Action is activity that is the World.

World is the consciousness of activity.

Everything happens because of itself or is done because one is prompted doing the same. The causes known to us, or we think or have to think of something that attracts our attention and accordingly, we try to do it. The actions or the deeds "done" by the body too could take place only because of the conditions favorable to the Happeing of the activity, though the common Idea behind it is like :

"I do, I will do or will don't do, I can or can't, I should or shouldn't, should have done or shouldn't, I'm going to do or I'm not going to do, I want or I don't want to do and so many other, different forms of this very idea",

Where "I" refers to itself, though it can't clearly, conveniently, properly point out What or Who it is itself indeed.

(An interception Could we perhaps say The famous Mathematician Kurt Godel might have taken a hint from this?)

"What" implies something; an "object",

"Who" implies the "consciousness" or the "subject" where-in the object is known.

The "consciousness" is therefore the one "Who" knows or is "the knower", while the object is " the known".

Maybe, we could say "consciousness" is the interface.

The individual with reference to oneself on one hand is the "knower", but on the other is also "the known".

And there-from arises the conflict which causes the common Idea that I'm on one hand the "known", I'm at the same time the "knower" also.

This division between "the knower" and "the known" that applies to all and every individual causes the secondary Idea  that there is again there a "World" - the objective totality of the insentient objects and the "subjective consciousness" or the "individual consciousness" - Who is ever so the Sentient Reality, the only support the underlying principle and evidence of itself and the World.

In between the sentience - the subjective, and the insentient - the objective, arises and appears something though dubious, fictitious, superfluous, a pseudo-entity, a shadow existence only which is neither world, nor the subjective consciousness.

It's this Idea, the fundamental illusion of and about the Reality of Oneself and the objective world -the conflict between "the knower", and "the known".

With reference to this very fundamental notion, one tends and tries to point out, define and accept oneself -

In terms of "the knower" on the one hand and "the known" on the other.

 One in this way, inadvertently begins to believe, -though mistakenly - "I think, I do, or can do, experience, feel, know or I don't know." 

Still there is hope when One says and declares

"I can't understand, I'm confused or I'm not sure of etc." 

Throughout this whole happening, one is inevitably, certainly also sure of what I'm.

I'm the pure consciousness, - the sentience, and I can't never become nor be the experience, experiencing or the activity that one goes through and mistakenly accepts as oneself.

The idea of the Freedom of Choice is the ignorance that one gets involved into at once, is overwhelmed by this idea that takes one to believing in "I do, I can or can't, will or will not, have to do or not, should or shouldn't try to do"

"Awareness, understanding of this truth frees the consciousness from the idea of "The Freedom of Choice" and one for the first and the last time as well comes across the Realization that all Choice is ignorance and is therefore bondage only. Understanding in this way the world and all and the every activity in this perceived outer world or in the inner individual mental world is seen as a happening only and the idea of oneself as an independent one Who can initiate any activity is simply lost.

One can't even claim to be a witness, for this implies "I'm the witness" - and in this way again the idea or the ignorance survives and keeps on growing, always  prospering without end.

Without arriving at this "Awareness" / "Understanding", ignorance persists on and therefore one can never become really Free the idea of an assumed world outside "there", and one inside oneself.

In a situation like this, one has willingly or unwillingly, deliberately or out of choice, cling to the idea of compulsion and to make effort of some kind or the other on one's own accepted approach, and that is really never the Freedom.

The first approach is the Essence of the sAmkhya, the Choiceless Awareness or the Choiceless-ness, while the next is of the Yoga / karma / activity.

These two are the only meaningful ways  an earnest serious seeker has to opt to.

The two are though mutually exclusive in practice, in the effect do help, result in discovering the same Ultimate Truth.



Sunday, April 21, 2024

How Does This Work?!

Neville Goddard 

May lead you into believing that by repeated imaginations and assertions of anything, say acquiring an object of desire or coming true of an event, may take place.

It's really, the other way around.

I can't say this is true and even if it's true this doesn't prove that the wish was fulfilled or the object of desire was acquired by your practice of this kind. 

However I am very sure if there is strong will, it can sure become successfull by thinking of constantly about an object of desire or wish.

This is how the will affects your subconscious and as the Whole Consciousness is but a single phenomenon, the will that took place in you was basically a reflection of the will of the Whole consciousness itself in the first place. So everything good or bad desire / wish is already latent though un-manifest there in our Collective Consciousness / Whole Consciousness that manifests / comes true at its right time.

In Principle; 

The same could be further explained with the help of how a yogi can "materialize" anything like a gem, a gold ring, or a flower, or even a coin from no-where. 

We all know whatever we wish or think of is in terms of "thought" that is dependent upon and an expression of "memory" only. Memory on the other hand is associated with "smell". One can see for oneself that how any certain smell, touch, color / form, taste and sound evokes a certain response in us. The 5 senses (तन्मात्रा) are basically the subtle aspects of the 5 gross experiences of the kind such as smell, touch, color/ form / texture, taste and sound respectively. The Manifest world is but the expression of the infinity of possibilities that are already there always un-manifest. When one deliberately and voluntarily brings in the attention onto this key-fact / key-factor, can have so-called spiritual / occult / mysterious powers of the kind that look like a miracle.

This all is realized and attained through yogic practice but the way of Intelligence is a quite different approach where one enquires into, and tries to understand the very nature and the character of Consciousness itself.  This is the way of sAmkhya .

One should never forget that The miraculous powers too are transitory, impermanent and like a dream they too vanish, they don't last for ever.

Just to point out, I felt like writing this post.

No matter whatever worldly wealth, success or enjoyment you gain in time is going away sooner or later in time. But even if once you have somehow known the very source from where Consciousness appears and where to disappears, you come across the underlying principle that never comes from anywhere, nor goes away to anywhere.

That is verily :

The Brahman, Truth or The Self .



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :