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Friday, January 28, 2011


~~~~~~~~~Concerns -3.~~~~~~~~~

~~~~The Destiny~~~~

The destiny is the aggregate momentum of the totality of 
all the causes.All causes are the diverse expressions of a 
Unique and Singular Cause.The Prime Cause, The Prime
Principle,That is 'Awareness' / 'consciousness' , where the
Observer' is the 'Observed'. 
-It is The Supreme Intelligence that ordains the Destiny,
-And IS Destiny. So the "Ordainer' is the 'Ordained'. The
Supreme Intelligence is One but sees Himself* as 'many' 
through and at the level of 'multiplicity'. It causes in all
body-minds, the notion / assumption of the existence of 
an 'outside', a separate world 'some-where there' . 
This notion creates an artificial entity for each body-mind, 
and this entity then shares the stream of mind that is asso-
ciated with it in the most close proximity. In this way, The 
Supreme puts on the garb of a 'specific' individual.  Then,
'identification' comes into full swing. Due to the ignorance 
of the truth, mistaken, one starts believing that one himself 
performs the various actions, and is free to do or not to do 
them, according to his will.It is the notion of Free-will.
And at the same time, through 'identification', (which is a 
false assumption and its truth has not been investigated),
with the body-mind, he reaps the results of those actions.
In this way, one binds one-self also with the notion that he
enjoys the results of all his actions. He fails to realize that
body-mind are / is the effect of certain causes unknown to
him (as an individual), and therefore beyond his control.
The broad classification of the events that happen in the 
life of any individual are :
i) The things which he thinks 'Are done by him'.
ii)The things that 'happen' to him, and may or may not be
direct consequence of his doings.
For example, physical abilities, handicaps, having a male 
or a female body, wealth, society and culture, where one 
belongs to, and the mental conditions and states such as 
hopes, desires, emotions, feelings, fear, anger, sorrow, joy,
pain, sentiments, temperament, intellect, etc.... .... are the 
outcome of the outward conditions, the ways one has been 
brought-up through, and conditionings. 
Values, ideals, memory, all play a deciding and definitive 
role in the 'happenings' of these things, to an individual.
But the 'awareness' factor associated with these 'doings' or 
the 'happenings' is ever unchanged, and is not the result of 
these or any other cause.  
It is Uncaused.And Unaffected. The Undifferentiated Prime
Principle.Understanding this Supreme Uncaused Awareness,
which no one can snatch from you, is the awakening of and 
to the Supreme Intelligence. Let the body-mind, the body and
the mind function and behave strictly and exactly according 
to their inclinations, accordingly as per the plan laid down by
the Causeless, The One Cause of All the Causes, namely The
Destiny, and one need not bother about them.
Enlightenment of this fact, and abiding in the Supreme State,
in the Supreme Intelligence means, one is not at all affected 
by what-so-ever the body-mind do, or what-so-ever happens to 
them. In fact such a "BLESSED ONE" has no personal identity
to claim as his own.

[*Himself, - This explains the existence of 'God'.
The Supreme Intelligence is not an insentient thing or a 
sentient body.It is The light of Awareness (Consciousness)
that reflects in a being as 'consciousness' that animates and 
activates 'senses' including the mind.It also illuminates the 
insentient 'objects' which enables them to become sensed.]


Thursday, January 27, 2011


~~~~~~~~Concerns -2.~~~~~~~~


जागृतादि त्रयोन्मुक्तं जागृतादिमयंस्तथा ।
ओंकारैकसुसंवेद्यं यत्पदं तन्नाम्यहम्    ॥
(मांडूक्य उपनिषद्,मंगल-श्लोक)


Obeisances to Omkaara,
The Reality, The Self,
Which is the Cause and substratum of
the three states of the mind, 
and beyond them as well.
Enlightenment comes to some quite imperceptibly,
They have awakened,
They have changed,
But may need some-one who can point-out to them,
About their Greatest Accomplishment.
It is like when you become 'unconscious', go in a swoon. 
It is some-one else, who knows and tells you later, when you
overcome unconscious state.When you become unconscious, 
you don't even 'know' that you have become unconscious.
So 'unconsciousness' or the swoon comes over you quite 
imperceptibly. In the same way, when you go to sleep, you 
may know and almost often know that the 'drowsiness' is 
overpowering you. But after falling asleep, you hardly know 
that you are now asleep.In comparison to an ordinary man, 
the one who has practiced 'staying' in "I"-am, or "I"-amness', 
or has tried to stay in 'consciousness', remembering the 'self',
 in whatsoever way, according to his best understanding, some 
day by chance, or by sincerity and inner urge, strikes the right 
balance, focusses the 'attention' in a correct way on the 'self' /
 "I"-thought, or upon the 'consciousness' associated with the
"I"-thought, and soon finds out that while going into sleep, at 
first the 'thoughts' undergo change, and take the form of sounds
and figures.That means, one starts 'dreaming'. Thinking at the 
verbal level is minimum, and the dream-experience becomes 
prominent. Then this too slows-down, the dream-state fades 
away into 'darkness' .
An ordinary man will not know when this darkness spreads
over him.But one who has practiced staying in the 'self', in the
"I"-thought, "I"-am, "I"-am-ness, or simply remembering oneself
 in whatever way one can, even through 'Japa','consciousness 
only', without using 'thought', will 'know' the exact point, where
the mind exits the 'thinking mode', enters the 'dream-state', and 
transcends the 'dream state' also, and finally collapses into darkness.
Such a blessed one knows well that the 'subject' / 'consciousness' 
is ever free of the three mental states, namely ;
the waking, the dream, and the deep dreamless sleep.
And abides there, the 'Turiya' -the 'fourth'.
This 'Turiya' though called so, meaning 'the Fourth', but it is not a 
'State', never a 'phase' like the other three states of the mind.
It is ever there along-with their absence or presence,.....
So, one may transcend the three states of mind, and 'know' the 
Transcendental directly, though he may not be conversant in 
expressing his understanding. And such a one will never look at 
'others' as if they are un-enlightened .
Oh yes,
Enlightenment comes to some, quite imperceptibly,......

Sunday, January 23, 2011

This Day 23-01-2011.


When you are happy,
you make people happy.
 When you are afraid, 
You make them afraid. 

And when you are jealous, 
You make them quarrelsome.

When you are fearless, 
You make them friendly, 


Friday, January 21, 2011

~~Up-Hill Task~~

~~~~~Up-Hill Task~~~~~

Yesterday something went wrong.
I said to myself;
Leave it to Him.
But my mind kept wondering and worrying.
Then Bhagavan asked me;
"Who worries ?"
And in a flash, I could see that so for I had been saying ;
"Leave everything to Him",
But it was all just at the level of mind.
And so far I had not really left the mind that causes fear,
anxiety, anger, discomfort, along-with the joy and the pride of
achievement,..that comes under the grip of illusion and confusion.
In brief,;
I take it as 'me' / 'I'. 
Sometimes I say;
"I" am afraid, sad,....
And after a while I say;
"I' was afraid, sad,....
I also say in my ignorance / understanding of my (!?) mind;
"My mind is afraid, sad,.."
as if I (whatever that is) is really the owner of the thing 'the mind'.
So mind itself causes division between it's various states.
And the mind itself causes an imagined 'me' / 'I', who is the 'owner'.
And mind keeps it's play uninterruptedly.
So, when I really Leave the mind to Him, it means it is no more mine.
And the owner of the mind the apparent 'I' / 'me' caused by the mind is not
a real entity / thing. 
Surrender (Samarpana) means the mind is not mine, I can't control, change it.
And it belongs to Him. It is upon Him.
Quite a difficult task.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

O Ganesha !!

~~~~~~~~O Ganesha !!~~~~~~~~~
O Ganesha,
You give Darshan to us,
Through so many objects ,
In so many ways.
You tell us,
You are Omnipresent,
You Are Omniscient,
You Are Omnipotent.
You Are manifest Om
And The Seed Om.

You Are seen only by those,
Who listen to their inner voice,
That again is,
Your own,
And What you tell them,
You say from the Heart of them,
May all listen to your kind words,
May all share your Grace
Ever and Always.
O Ganesha !!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

~~ The Way of 'Attention' -1. ~~

~~ The way of 'Attention'-1 ~~

Dear Friend,.....!
It is true that every being, from the very birth itself, 
is prone to 'delusion', i.e. 'Moha' 
इच्छाद्वेषसमुत्थेन, द्वन्द्वमोहेन भारत ।
सर्वभूतानि संमोहं सर्गे यान्ति परंतप ।।
Thus says Shri Krishna to Arjuna , in Gita 7/27.
नादत्ते कस्यचित्पापं न चैव सुकृतं विभुः ।
अज्ञानेनावृतं ज्ञानं तेन मुह्यन्ति जन्तवः ॥
in Gita, shloka 5,ch.15.
That is the reason why even the so-called Pandits
and scholars usually fail to interpret the Shastras.
Yes, We can say there are 3 kinds of 'sleep', the first  
is the 'moha-nidra', which may be termed as 'waking sleep'.
And no one can escape it.
When one becomes aware of life itself, one's own mind, one can realize that they are 'result' of some 'karma', 'Karma' is the only Cause for their coming into existence. How a 'result' may be 'free' ? It is always according to causes, depends totally upon them. So all talk of 'free-thought', 'free-will'  is doubtful.
But this 'awareness' or simply the 'consciousness' asso- ciated with the body-mind remains ever unaffected by the actions of the body, mind, feelings, memory, good and bad, 'time' and 'space', and is the only clue to the 'Self'.
When this awareness deepens, the body-mind and their actions go into abeyance.Only the Self remains into the
sight. And even the sight itself dissolves ultimately into the Self.
Therefore it is perfectly right to see that the thread of 'awareness' can be held only during the waking-state of the mind.
It is non-verbal attention, silent observation in the beginning.
After some 'practice', the right balance is achieved and one can 'see' how during waking hours various things of the mind (Vrittis) appear and disappear, and their hold on the mind gradually loosens.
One can see that one is NOT those things.
After some time, one can even understand when the 'sleep' overpowers and how the mental things that were so far in the form of 'thoughts' and 'feelings',...(vritti), take the dream-form, figures and sounds.
Then the dreams too disappear, and one remains aware that a dark veil of ignorance has clouded over the 'attention'.
During the waking hours, There is awareness of the external world also, with a body within, which is accepted as 'I'.
During the dreaming hours, likewise a subtle body is there, that 'experiences' the dream-world.
During the dreamless sleep, only 'I know nothing'-vritti remains.
But the 'I' remains in all these 3 states.
When 'attention' grows, one remains aware about the coming and going of these 3 states, and somehow understands the inherent underlying 'REALITY', -the 'pure attention' /'awareness' free from the division of the subject-object.
Hope this will help you to understand what may be the 'un-interrupted meditation'.
I know it is in the context of your particular question, and the meaning in the shloka is far more vast, appli-cable according to varying intersts of different kind of aspirants in different ways . 
(I agree that the terms used here don't adhere strictly to the classical vedantik terminology, so please excuse me)

Friday, January 14, 2011

~~Ode to The Master~~

~~~~~Ode to The Master !~~~~~

(A poem Devoted to the Master by a 20 year 
old girl, My student)


You Are The Silence,
Containing the ocean of sounds,
You Are The Blank,
Having All the colors.
You Are the Dark,
Which originates Light,
What you Are, is beyond,
The circle of mind.
You Are Just Undefined.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

~~If you have really loved ~~

~~~If you have really loved~~~

If you have really loved, 
You will 'celebrate' the death of your loved one, 
For he/she has not died, 
But has only cast off the mortal coils,
That tether one to the limited existence,
-of the 'self', 
That are really the true sorrow. 
He / she has merged in the Love infinite,
Joy Eternal,
That is God, 
-The Self-Real, 
The only Reality, worth the name.
And you too.
Oh yes !! 
The unnatural and untimely death of any one so close,
Is a great sorrow,
But if you have really loved, 
You shall live with this sorrow,
As long as it stays in your heart. 
Then it shall mature, flower and itself 'die',
Fall-off like a leaf on the tree of 'Life' ,
Disappear in the Tremendous pure Love,
Because things of mind die their own death.
Life dies not. Love dies not.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

--Stealthily--(Between Friends)

------- (Between Friends)------

A chat on fb

She : ".... !"  What is the meaning of 'entrenched', and
'parachial drone'?
He  : Parochial (not 'parachial' !!) - ; related to, narrow,
'drone' ; -low sound as of a preacher,
'Entrenched' ; -'jakadaa huaa, fansaa huaa, narrow,
She :It is in my English lesson.
He :Yes, But check the spellings. Write-down the whole
sentence, so I may tell better..
She : :) Thank you,..... !
He :Parochial drone ( tumane 'parachial drone' type 
kiyaa thaa !) = 'Upadesha', 'Preaching'.
Entrenched ; -become essential part of, zarooree hissaa
ho jaanaa .
She :"I am no longer obliged to put up with the parochial
drone of morning-talk" and the second sentence is "the
little rectangular slab has entrenched itself permanently
into my daily life". Aur book men to yehee spelling likhaa
hai !
He :You have entrenched yourself permanently into my 
She : :) I like to be there !
He :You have entered there stealthily, and driven me 'out' !
Ab mai kahaan  !? Bas tu hee tu hai,....!!
She : Thank you,.....! What is the meaning of 'stealthily' ?
Thanks, .!
He  :'Chupake-Chupake', 'choree-choree',.....
She : U make me Unspoken, then silent, then blank,
He  : Now pay attention to your lesson, 
kal exam hai na !!?
She : Oh .....:) I am lost on words.
He  :So you too are 'lost',
ok, ......
She : I will do study now.:)
He  : Bye ! O Sweet !
She : Bye ! O Love !!


Monday, January 10, 2011

~~Words Unspoken.~~

~~~~~Words Unspoken~~~~~
A 'comment' on : 

When you gifted me,
That delicate Rose,
As the token of your immense love,
That is verily like it,
My eyes saw in rapt attention.
My smell-sense said,
What a heavenly fragrance !
My lips uttered,
Oh, the soft-touch,
-Delicate, sweet, serene.
The ears stood in silence,
Listening to the music of silence 
That was your love.
And the Eros within the rose itself,
"Do you know the price of love ?
When my own thorns sting my own bloom,
I shed tears in the dark, cold nights,
And in the mornings,
They see me and exclaim in wonder,
Oh ! What a lovely Flower !!
Bathed in beauty,
And in the pearly dew-drops.


~~Ignorance, Knowledge, and Wisdom~~

~~Ignorance, Knowledge, and Wisdom~~


Ignorance, Knowlegde, and Wisdom.
In ignorance, the right or the wrong matters not.
In Knowledge, it matters sure, 
But Knowledge may or may not know,
What is right or what is wrong,
Because knowledge is always confined to the context.
And Context is never the same.
Wisdom is never wrong, and always accurate, exact.
For it is never disconnected to the context.
To see the Ground where all contexts take shapes,
And to stay in that immutable source and ground of them,
Is the Wisdom.
The Intelligence.



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :