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Saturday, February 26, 2011

~~Any answers,.....?~~

~~~~~~Any Answers,.....?~~~~~~

© Vinay Vaidya 

If I die today,
I would like to die,
An absolute, ultimate and final death.
Complete total in all respects.
Where nothing of 'me' remains.
Not even the 'me' that would see;
'I am no more', 
'I am dead.'
For, it is obvious that if it survives,
The death was fake,
Not an absolute, ultimate,
Complete or total.
Not a wholesome,
In every respect.
I wonder,
How to ensure,
I would die such a wonderful death !!
If I can,
I would like sure,
To die such a fantastic death,...!!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Anubandha-Chatushtaya / अनुबन्ध-चतुष्टय


© Vinay Vaidya 

I candidly admit that I got the inspiration for writing my earlier
'post' / 'Note', 'Utility-Model' from 'Anubandha-Chatushtaya' 
(’अनुबन्ध-चतुष्टय’), the well-known classical model of Veda
and Vedanta for determining who should teach, who is to be
taught, what is the subject-matter, that is, what is to be taught.
And of course, the fourth factor is the 'purpose'of the teaching.
These are the four 'foundations', the four prominent and core
pillars upon which the Gigantic Edifice of any kind of education
So, in a nut-shell it is a key-principle for the transmission of any
'knowledge', and specifically the 'Supreme-Wisdom' (Brahma-
The 'Anubandha-chatushtaya' ( ’अनुबन्ध-चतुष्टय’ ) deals with ;
1. 'Adhikari' (’अधिकारी’)
2.'Vishaya' (’विषय’),
3.'Sambandha' (’संबंध’),
4.'Prayojana' (’प्रयोजन’).
Only a competent, qualified person only can receive, acquire, 
use and give such 'knowledge' / 'skill' / 'Wisdom'. There should 
be aptitude, interest, and the right attitude on the part of such a
qualified / eligible / deserving student / teacher.If out of these 4
key-points, anything is missing, the purpose can not be fulfilled.

The above is true for any discipline of  knowledge, skill, wisdom.
And Vedanta, Therefore never cares for giving out the knowledge 
to, any-one who is not a deserving student.
In history, so many intellectuals tried to understand the essentials
of Vedanta in their own way, and only those who really deserved,
and had intrinsic aptitude could reach there, but those who were
not of mature and pure mind, have distorted perceptions of the
Vedantika Truths, but in fact harmed themselves and the humanity 
at large to a great extent. It is true that no one needs to worry for
the protection of this Divine Knowledge. Because the Knowledge
Supreme is an Awareness / Consciousness (चैतन्य) that keeps 
those elements away from Itself.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

~~Just for Experiment~~

~~Just for Experiment!! ~~ 

The Utility Criteria - My 'Model'

© Vinay Vaidya 

 The Utilty Pyramid 

This criteria, my modesl is a pyramidal .
The four verices are -
1. Cost.
2. Price.
3. Value.
4. Worth.
Hypothesis : If the pyramid is balanced, the 'Utility' is optimal.
By Cost I mean the expences incurred in the production.
By Price, I mean the exchange value 'offerred' .
By Value, I mean The real competitive affordable exchange value.
By Worth I mean the satisfaction achieved from the product. 
I had studied Economics a bit, and didn't pass any examination.
Wanted to check, how the friends evaluate this . 


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


~~~~~ Concerns -6.~~~~~

© Vinay Vaidya 

Wandering hither and thither,
I had been,
Trying to find out a way,
Out of this maddening labyrinth
Of 'Philosophy', and 'philosophies',
When the Guru entered stealthily,
Guided me,
Despite all my overt,
And covert resistence,
And said,
Forget all,
That, whatever you have learned,
Leave aside all,
That, whatever you have acquired.
For it is not your's.
Leave the doubt and the faith,
That are the two branches of the tree of 'knowledge',
-The 'known'.
And awaken to 'The Wisdom'.
For, Wisdom is not information,
It is not another escape from the Truth,
And it is ever there,
As your heart,
As the Truth of Love,
As the Love of Truth,
As the Love and Truth.
But before you discover this,
You need to remove the distractions,
Of your wandering mind,
Accept that you know nothing.
Just look with your eyes,
Wide open in wonder,
The Life,
That is within and without.
Without the intervention of the knowledge,
Without the interpretation of your mind,
That is laden with concepts, and words,
The one that out of fear and greed,
Defines the Right and the Wrong,
And the Good and the Bad.
"What about scriptures ?"
-A doubt raised it's head.
Unless and untill,
Your insight is awakened,
"You are not qualified to interpret them."
He replied.
And other's views are secondary,
Even more confusing.
And I obeyed,
I followed,
And followed.
Because He WAS the insight,
And He WAS the Straightforward conviction,
Born out of my own understanding.
Coming out from my very being.
And it was the Begining of the End,
Of my search.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

~~The Way of 'Desire'.~~

~~The Way of Desire.~~
(© Vinay Vaidya)

"Desire is the bondage".
Scriptures say.
Desire is the way of bondage.
But 'the desire' is not as bad,
As one thinks.
And a desire is not as bad,
As the multiple desires.
And a multitude of desires is not as bad as,
The contradictory and conflicting desires.
And again,
The contradictory, conflicting desires,
Are not as bad,
As being ignorant of them.
And the worse is to ignore them knowingly.
And to ignore them is as bad as,
Being unaware of them.
Paying no attention to them.
And the worst is the inattention,
That is always there from the beginning.
And awakening to this fact,
Is the beginning of Awareness.
Attention of the in-attentiveness,
Is the only way.
The way of Intelligence.
The Only right action,
That is the cause and effect of its own.
Also @

Thursday, February 17, 2011

~~The Sky.~~

~~ The Sky ~~

The sky is ever so cloudless,
And Blissful.
But the roar and dark of the clouds,
Causes the illusion,
And a 'belief' is born,
That makes Him believe,:
'He' is lost, confused,
The clouds disperse on there own,
And along-with the belief,
And the 'Illusion'.
And 'He' knows, :
He is ever so cloudless,
And Blissful.


Sunday, February 13, 2011


~~ Nostalgia ~~

Living in the past,
Is a burden,
One wants to put down,
And a pleasure,
To cherish in the heart,
To keep oscillating,
Between the two,
Gives a sense of fulfillment,
And one holds onto,
In hope,
Forgetting the griefs and despairs,
Looks like a momentary freedom,
Feels like an eternity.



~~Happy Valentine Day !~~

~~Happy Valentine Day !~~

Love, Relationship and Relatedness.

You can love only yourself. And you can love 
yourself truly, only if you know yourself. 
knowing yourself doesn't mean you have 

image of yourself, and you like / dislike that 

image. Loving yourself means you really try 
to understand and learn about yourself, 
-What you Are or Are Not !
Then you come across an emptiness. 
This Emptiness swallows you, 
whatever you had been so for. 
Your 'self' remains no more. 
And you discover for the first time that this 
emptiness is pure joy and whatsoever comes 
into its touch gets dissolved/merged into It.
Then You are Love. You are in communion 
with everything. You can call it relatedness 
or may be relationship. It knows no end.


Friday, February 11, 2011


~~~ Concerns-5 ~~~

The Wanderer and the seeker.

They are two,
They are one.
One is the seeker,
But knows not.
The other is a wanderer,
But with a purpose.
The seeker forgets the purpose very often.
Yet forgets not.
The wanderer gets a glimps of it,
But keeps forgetting.
They see the Truth,
And the way to it,
When the mind is not opaque.
And is the way itself.
When it is transparent like a crystal.
Sharp like a blade.
And one can walk over it like a snail.
It dissects, and penetrates,
Like a ray of Light,
The dark of the ignorance.
But injures never the one,
Who walks on the way.
For the seeker Himself is the Ray.
And the seeker Himself is the Way.



Search begins when one feels,
Something is lacking.
When there is discontent.
And hope and fear,
Doubt or uncertainty
About the anticipated 'future',
Of the 'past' that may repeat.
And most often,
One is driven by the need of the moment.
In the direction, by habit or experience.
But for a human,
After fulfilling the bodily urges,
It is but natural to explore the unknown.
The Vast Existence, the stars and galaxies,
And Beyond.
And the death, the birth, and the life itself.
The joy of exploring the unknown,
Is itself the incentive and a reward,
Of his ventures, and adventures,
In the unknown.
But one matures and finds again,
Something is lacking.
And most often, stops the search.
For, there is left no more urge.
A few then turn within,
To look for the 'one',
Who had been busy so far,
But still remained unknown.
And what one finds out,
knows oneself alone.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

~~My Published Works~~

    ~~My Published Works~~

1. ’अहं ब्रह्मास्मि’, 
( I am That, : Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
Published by Chetana, Mumbai.
2. ’उपदेश-सारः’ and  ’सत्दर्शनम्‌’ 
( श्री रमण महर्षि)
Original English Translation,
 and commentary by :
 Sri A.R. Natarajan.
  Published by :
 Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning, 
3.’शिक्षा क्या है ?’ 
Talks with Students, -Varanasi 1954,
Published by Rajpal & Sons, 
Kashmere Gate, Delhi.
 4. ’ईश्वर क्या है ?’, 
Published by above (3.)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

॥ मुद्‌गल पुराणे श्रीगणेश स्तोत्रं ॥

~~॥ मुद्‌गल पुराणे श्रीगणेश स्तोत्रं ॥~~

॥  मुद्गलपुराणे श्रीगणेशस्तोत्रम् ॥

श्री गणेशाय नमः ।
स्कन्द उवाच :
नमस्ते योगरूपाय सम्प्रज्ञातशरीरिणे ।
असंप्रज्ञात मूर्ध्ने ते तयोर्योगमयाय च ॥1
वामाङ्ग भ्रान्तिरूपात् सिद्धिसर्वप्रदप्रभो ।
भ्रान्तिधारकरूपाव बुद्धिस्ते दक्षिणाङ्ग ते ॥2
मायासिद्धिस्तथादेवं मायिकोबुद्धिसंज्ञितः ।
तयोर्योगे गणेश ! त्वम् स्थितोऽसि नमोस्तुते ॥3
जगद्-रूपोगतारष्ट नकारो ब्रह्मवाचकः
तयोर्योगे हि गणपो नाम तुभ्यम् नमोनमः ॥4
चतुर्विधम् जगत्-सर्वम्  ब्रह्मतत्त्वप्रदात्मकं ।
हस्ताश्चत्वार एवम् ते चतुर्भुज नमोऽस्तुते ॥5
स्वसंवेद्यम् च यद्-ब्रहम तत्-तत् खेलकरो भवान् ।
तेन स्वानन्दवासी त्वम् स्वानन्दपतये नमः ॥6
त्वम् त्वम् चरसि भक्तानाम् तेषाम् वृद्धि समस्थितः ।
चौरवत् तेन ते भूत वै मूषको वाहनम् प्रभो ॥7
जगति ब्रह्मणि स्थित्वा भोगान् भुन्क्षि स्व-योगतः ।
जगद्भिर्ब्रह्मभिस्तेन तिष्ठितम् ज्ञाय तेन च ॥8
चौरवद्-भोगकर्त्ता त्वम् तेन ते वाहनम् परम् ।
मूषको मूषकारूढो हेरम्बाय नमो नमः ॥9
किम् स्तौमि त्वाम् गदाधीशः योगशान्तिधरम् परो ।
वेदादयोयुक्षान्तिम् अतो देवम् नमाम्यहम् ॥10
इति स्तोत्रम् समाकर्ण्य गणेशस्तमुवाचतः ।
वरं ब्रूणु महाभाग दास्यामि दुर्लभम् न ते ॥11
त्वयाकृतमिदम् स्तोत्रम् योगशान्तिप्रदम् भवेत् ।
मया भक्तिकरं स्कन्द सर्वसिद्धिप्रदम् तथा ॥12
यं यं इच्छसि तं तं वै दास्यमि स्तोत्रयन्त्रितः ।
पठते श्रुण्वते नित्यम् कार्त्तिकेय विशेषतः ॥13
इति श्रीमुद्गलपुराणान्तर्वर्ती गणेशस्तोत्रं समाप्तम्

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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :