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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Once More.

About "Time" / "Existence".


All things that exist, exist in Space.

Does the Space exist?

Where does the Space exist?

The Space exists in consciousness only.

Thus, though the Space is existential truth,

Consciousness is the Principle Primordial.

Existence of the Space is secondary, and the support, of all those things -phenomenal.

Time too exists as a Phenomenon only.

But Where then does Time exist?

The mind too exists as a Phenomenon only.

But where does the mind exist?

Don't the two exist / happen in consciousness only?

Isn't the Space too, -Existence Phenomenal?

Isn't the "Time" Phenomenal only?

Isn't the "Time", an idea only?

Where this idea takes place?

Isn't the idea too a Phenomenon only?

The idea of the Space isn't the Space, 

While the idea of Time is but an idea only. 

Does not the Space exist Timelessly,

-Always, here and now?

Well, What exists in Time is Phenomenal.

Phenomenon is an event, a change.

Phenomenon is but a modality. 

And what about the moment?

Is not moment too a modality only?

What is a modality?

Does it exist like matter or energy, in and depending upon the Space? 

And How long, stays a moment, in Time?

Could we determine / define precisely,

The duration of a moment?

Is the Time as a moment, and as duration,

Really a phenomenon?

Yes, and No. 

A moment could be a mark that determines,

Two consecutive, successive events,

One that is the past, and another, -the next. 

Is " Time", such a dividing mark, - 'duration', any? 

If yes, then how long is this 'duration'?

And what about  "Thought"? 

Could we say Thought is a measure of Time?

Beacuse, for as much long Thought takes place, so much long is its Time / 'duration'.

Apparently, Thought is 'duration',

Exactly so, Time is also 'duration'.

Could this 'duration' be chosen as a criteria for the measurement of "Time"?

This is exactly and precisely the difficulty, and the complication in deciding whether the "Time" really exists or exists not.

In conclusion :

If Time exist or not, is a subject-matter of  "Problematics".


(Can't say, if all this makes sense!)


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Binary Additions.

Poetry : 28-04-2022


Binary Addictions



Do two wrongs make a right?

Do two negatives when compounded, 

Always Make a positive!

It depends.

If they are added, 

Or they are multiplied. 


Addition and multiplication,

Are again,

But in concept only.

How you could compound,

Two incompatibles?

Far from being compatible,

Time and Existence, 

Are but two such,

Entirely so distinct notions,

Assumptions only.

How you would possibly compound, 

The two, except in your imagination!

But wait, 

Maybe, We could see, 

Existence and Time,

Are mutually exclusive,

As well as mutually independent also,

Then We could perhaps find out,

If Time really exists or doesn't exist.

But there is no doubt, 

Time is measurable,

Time is immeasurable as well.

And Existence also like Time, 

Is measurable and immeasurable.

Even if that is true,

They have distinct, different units,

Of Measurements 

And I can't say, if the units are themselves,

Mutually compatible or incompatible.

Rishi exhorts us :

अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽविद्यामुपासते।।

ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ विद्यायां रताः।।९।।


इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद् विचचक्षिरे।।१०।।

विद्यां चाविद्यां च यस्तद् वेदोभयं सह।। 

अविद्यया मृत्युं तीर्त्वा विद्ययामृतमश्नुते।।११।।

अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽसम्भूतिमुपासते।।

ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ सम्भूत्यां रताः।।१२।।

अन्यदेवाहुः सम्भवादन्यदाहुरसम्भवात्।। 

इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद् विचचक्षिरे।।१३।।



Summarily :

Those who indulge in pleasures, seek fulfill-ment of desires, enter from darkness unto darkness only.

Even more so than them, those who indulge in knowledge and skill,

The consequences of both are different, 

Thus we have heard from those Rishi / sages, Who explained this to us in detail.

But those who know both the ignorance, the skill,- the knowledge as well, transcend the ignorance, skill and the knowledge also, and thus attain (know) what is life beyond death -the immortal.

Again, those who, (in their ignorance) don't seek to attain the higher status (like that of Gods and of the divine kind), and are happy in this worldly level, do enter from darkness unto darkness. But even more so than them,  those, who seek to attain the higher status and enter into rather the deeper darkness.


Monday, April 25, 2022

A New Problem.

Past, Present and Future.


This is about how I should write about these 3 aspects of time, in terms of their respective content.

I can write this point in the following two ways :

1. Should I write --

Memory is the content of Past, Thought is the content of Present and Future is the content of imagination.


2. Should I write  --

Past is the content of memory, Present is the content of Thought, and the imagination is the content of Future.

Either way, I have no doubt about what-so-ever I want to say.

The same could be again written / explained in the following way --

There is only the Present. The existence and presence of this Present is an evident truth and reality, no one can ever deny, or even ignore.

The Present is so alive a truth that even if  we don't think about it, it doesn't cease to exist. That is, it is an eternal truth though not a tangible one, as a material object.

In comparison to Present, Past and memory are synonymous with one-another.

In the same way, in comparison to Present, Future and the imagination are synonymous with one-another.

Though Time exists ever as a presence alive, no one can ever transcend this Present.

In comparison again, no one can ever enter Future or Past in the true sense.

We enter the Past if and only if supported by memory.

We enter the Future if and only if supported by imagination.

So, the question is :

Could we ever understand, comprehend or  grasp in whatever possible way, -in its true sense, the thing that we call Present?



Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Algorithm.

Artificial Intelligence


"Press "Enter" or, the default option / action  follows after 10 seconds."

I was told.

To me, A. I. is but another kind or a name for the Algorithm. Well, I know little about these things.

To me, Artificial Intelligence is a well built and structured algorithm only. Whatever.

Creating / building an algorithm implies you believe in causation. Still you are unaware / ignorant of the simple information that you are also just one another factor in the chain of causation. Call it destiny or free will, you cannot escape the fact. 

The inherent idea of agency prompts one to question : 

"Exactly who is, that decides what is going to happen?"

Isn't the question based upon the ignorance itself? Ignorance / the assumption that there is some authority somewhere above the sky  or elsewere who decides whatever is going to happen.

In asking this question, it is presumed, you already know that there is such an entity in whatever kind or form.

Is it not again the idea itself that emerges out from the back of the mind?

Ignorance means the lack of information, or the lack of the useful information.

How to crack a password?

Isn't a password how-so-ever complicated or  simple, is a set, a combination of letters and signs, arranged in a specific way, according to a certain algorithm?

When a password is generated, the same is supported by a simple or a comparatively a difficult algorithm.

In retrospect, could we perhaps discover or  retrieve the requisite information that was used while creating the password?

"I will do, I will not..."

Isn't it a password in itself, that commands / enables / allows / prompts you to spring up at once into action?

Exactly, "Who" is there that commands and is referred to as "I"?

Yet everyone spontaneously, involuntarily, obeys without exception the command, this idea "I". This very idea that you yourself are "I". Are you an idea only? Or the underlying Reality where-in and where-from this idea emerges out and subsequently merges into it again?

(03:27 a.m. 25-04-2022)




Wednesday, April 20, 2022


The Idea of Agency.


So, There is the Theory of Relativity, then the Quantum, then The string, and then the Loop String Theory, which subsequently resulted into the Causation.

But still the idea of cause and effect governs the mind of the Physicist. In other words, the Physicist thinks and believes that the Time exists independently in terms of Causation -Principle.

Exactly the same idea has been presented in the Shiva Atharva SheerShaM, where it has been said :

अक्षरात्संजायते कालो कालाद् व्यापकः उच्यते। 

व्यापको हि भगवान् रुद्रो, -भोगायमानो।

यदा शेते रुद्रो संहरति प्रजाः।

But the problem with the Physicist / Scientist is that the other 4 aspects of Rudra (Shiva) viz. Ganapati, Devi, Narayana and Surya are then ignored.

While Rudra denotes the "I AM" Principle, Devi denotes the "consciousness-aspect", the Ganapati denotes the "Intelligence-aspect" of the Rudra-principle.

Again in yet another way, the Rudra (Shiva) denotes the Father Principle, the DevI is the Mother / Shakti Principle, while the Ganapati / Ganesha is the child Principle.

In terms of the visible Reality,  the same is denoted by means of Narayana and Surya respectively.

To conclude, Narayana signifies water, earth Fire, Space and air, While the Surya denotes The Sun, from where originates Life itself.


The Spiritual Evolution.


But at the individual level the idea of agency is ignorance only, because it creates the ego, or the individual ego, at the personal level.

The four basic pillars of the ignorance / the individual ego are enumerated as :

1. The idea of agency / sense of doership /  (कर्तृत्व)

2. The idea of enjoying / suffering / enduring / experiencing  (भोक्तृत्व).

3. The idea of knowing in terms of memory and information (ज्ञातृत्व), and the last one is --

4. The Idea of ownership / the sense of  possessing or having the possession (स्वामित्व).


At the same time, the ego just can't eliminate itself by what-so-ever means. The very effort is the persistence of the ego.

But by finding out the root-cause of the ego, it is annihilated in the sense that it is found no more. The ego itself, one who seeks it's own source is extinguished / irretrievably lost in this very process of Self-Enquiry.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Rudra Aspect.

Poetry : 20-04-2022.

When The Time Takes Place. 


A Rudra-Space (रुद्र-लोक) assumes Existence,

As soon as, Rudra wakes up, 

From His samAdhi Timeless,

He manifests Himself in 11 dimensions. 

The 11 is a number, Mathematical.

The 11 dimensions are at once projected,

Into the 11 Strings where-in is limited,

 The Manifest Time-Space. 

 When The Time Takes Place,

11 Times owe simultaneous existence, 

In a moment eternal, beyond the physical.

The 11 strings that the Physics speaks of. 

Though they all are diverse expressions of, 

The Singular Essentiality, -The Rudra,

They all generate a world,  -their own. 

The Duration of Time in all happens, 

As if the other 10 have no existence,

One Rudra alone, always exists,

In one and all of those 11 dimensions. 

Be a Rishi (ऋषि) - A scientist of yore, 

Or a Physicist, - A Rishi (ऋषि) of the day, 

All are and is but Rudra (रुद्र) only.

Thus elucidates the शिव-अथर्वशीर्ष ।

Rudra alone knows all the times,

That take place in the 11 dimensions,

Yet, no individual can ever know,

What might be taking place, 

In the 10 dimensions, other than one's own!

Though one can sure predict the facts, 

The purely physical of one's own world,

No one can but predict precisely, 

Exactly what is going to happen, 

In the Future, that is in one's imagination.

But all and everyone has a criteria,

To examine the essential nature of Time, 

That one comes across in the 3 states, 

Namely, the waking, dream and sleep,

Where Time becomes just volatile!

One can even enter in the states of mind, 

Like those, as are experienced by one, 

During waking, deep sleep, or in dream,

Where Time is molded and folded, 

In a way that reminds us often, always, 

Of the clocks painted by Salvador Dali,

Where Time seems to go through change, 

The warp and weft, twists, distortions.

But in Essence, Substance and Reality,

All is but the Dance of Nataraja, The Rudra.

You can't just ignore and push away,

With  contempt, hatred and disdain,

In your aggressive adamant, audacious,

Stubborn, obstinate and Stupid, 

Ignorance, Pride and Prejudice,

The Upanishads, Veda, the sacred texts,

Declaring them to be useless, -of no value.

But even if once, you go through them, 

With all due humility and trust,

That the Rishi discovered Timelessly,

You can at once relate them all, 

With the latest and most discoveries,

Can sure find out their relevance always, 

In all times that were, are and will ever be.

Don't call them 'Hindu' in contrast with, 

The Religions / faiths , -The Abrahmic,

Though they're no doubt the Lineage, 

The Heritage, and the timeless wisdom,

Of the Hindu History, Culture, Religion.

We Hindu honor and adore this wisdom,

We Hindu call it The Sanatana Dharma,

The Truth, Reality, Brahman, Ishwar, Atman.


The Conundrum.

Often Asked Questions. 


Does Time not Exist?

Is the Universe Infinite?

From Where the Life came (on Earth)?

And the similar questions that the scientists, the Physicists and the Mathematicians often ask but don't bemuse or excite me anymore.

I can only see and say that all questions and questioning presupposes some idea.

And one who is very intelligent can sure see that the idea takes place in the brain.

But one thing could be pointed out with no doubt.

Idea is based on information. 

Information too is again an idea or a set of many interdependent ideas.

Even if you are devoid of all idea, and have no idea whatsoever, still you exist and you also know well this fact that you exist. 

The moment an idea happens to you, you at once define and limit yourself in terms of the information given to you. Only then you try and tend to define and explain the physical objects in terms of ideas only. 

You can never define yourself like a physical object, still you exist and also know without any effort on your part, that you exist.

This very existence and the knowing it is the foundation and substratum of the Whole.

A part of This Whole is known to and by you, during the state of the mind that we call the waking state. Another part of The Whole is known to and by you, during the state of the mind that we call the dream-state. And still another part of the Whole is known to and by you is that, which we call the deep dream-less sleep, when again we well know that we exist and we know also that we exist. This is the experience of all and everyone and no one is an exception. No one can deny this simple truth.

Various and varied ideas come up during the waking-state only and then we try to find out a pattern in them.

We ostensibly forget to see that what we call "Time" is not a scalar, nor a vector and not  even a quantity. Yet in our imagination and enthusiasm we end to define and quantify this thing "Time", we even try to "measure" it and then wonder if "Time" exists on not! 

We then ask to ourselves if "Time" exists or doesn't exist? We have derived This elusive thing / idea, that we call "Time", that keeps the intellect busy. But First of all, we need to understand what we mean by "duration". Could the "duration" be defined without the idea of "Time"?

Does Physics exist?

Does Science exist? 

Does Mathematics exist? 

Could we ask such questions about them? 

Physics, Science or Mathematics is but a set of principles that help us to some extent and the question whether they exist or don't exist simply doesn't apply to them.

Still we can transcend intellect and attain the intelligence or the wisdom that is altogether,  quite a different approach to understand the "Time", Life, Universe etc.

The three states of mind, namely the waking, the dream, and the dream-less state of mind during deep sleep should be explored into.

Because Whatever we really 'are' is the only  underlying principle / truth that could never be denied nor refuted but understood well, if we have a vision beyond intellect.

This Reality could never be described nor could be communicated through words. But with due attention and keen interest we can sure discover this truth within our own very heart.

This is not a kind of poetic description / form of expression, it is rather a sincere approach to Reality. 

From intellect we go on into further and furthermore into this quagmire only.

Ishavasya Upanishad exhorts us about this in plain words :

अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽविद्यामुपासते।।

ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ विद्यायां रताः।। ९।।

अन्यदाहुरविद्ययान्यदाहुरविद्यया ।।

इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद्विचचक्षिरे ।।१०।।

विद्यां चाविद्यां च यस्तद् वेदोभयं सह।। 

अविद्यया मृत्युं तीर्त्वा विद्ययामृतमश्नुते।।११।।

अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽसम्भूतिमुपासते।।

ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ सम्भूत्यां रताः।।१२।।

अन्यदेवाहुः सम्भवादन्यदाहुरसम्भवात्।। 

इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद्विचचक्षिरे।।१३।।

सम्भूतिं च विनाशं च यस्तद्वेदोभयं सह।।

विनाशेन  मृत्युं तीर्त्वा सम्भूत्यामृतमश्नुते।।१४।।

The next stanza however points out to the very predicament that we all intellectuals are caught into :

हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम्।।

तत्त्वं पूषनपावृणु सत्यधर्माय दृष्टैव।।१५।।

Truly, our eyes are blinded by the glare of the this day "Science". Though we can turn our attention inwards and discover the very being and find out the Reality residing there Timelessly, we would hardly think of that.

In the next stanza the Rishi (the author of this hymn / text) addresses / calls upon the Sun Who is the manifestation of the Reality, Life, Truth and declares :

योऽसावसौ पुरुषः सोऽहमस्मि।।

The One Principle,

That / Who You Are, 

I Am That, Indeed, 

Verily the same.


Sunday, April 17, 2022

So is the Life!

Poetry : 17-04-2022


Life is so unpredictable,

You can't chalk out a plan,

Though you can find out a pattern,

Of events and happenings,

Can't figure out the incidences,

That come up before you,

Like the bolt from the blue,

Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, 

Just can't see or comprehend,

What's is going to happen,

And what's it all about.

Other things could be dealt with later on,

But the incidence leaves you taken aback!

In the spur of the brief moment, 

Everything gets out of order, 

Upside down, topsy-turvy, as if,

There is an earth-quake,

And you need time,

To set the things right!

And the time itself,

Becomes deceptive.

Somehow and till now,

Though you survived,

You can't say or see,

Far from managing,

What was going to happen!

Even if you don't survive, 

How you could tell others? 

And you have lost those as well, 

Who like you, couldn't survive!


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Q. A. I.

Quantum Artificial Intelligence.


When the Pakistan P. M. Imran Khan met the Army Chief Bajwa.

The two were discussing how to deal with the current situation in Pakistan.

Meanwhile the Chinese Premier Xi Jin Ping was on line. 

"Ask a few questions." - He said.

"Well!  Could Srilanka come out safe from the economic crisis?"


"Could Russia overcome the Ukraine Crisis?"


"How the next Covid wave will affect the world?"


"What are you doing presently, and what is your suggestion for Imran Khan and Me? What shall we do?"

"O. K. I'm examining the performance of my newly just now acquired Quantum Artificial Intelligence supported computer.

I asked all your questions to it.  

It did 31,76,191,876 calculations in the next fraction of the moment and suggested that Imran will sack Bajwa and in return Bajwa will pursue the Parliament to pass the vote of confidence against Imran Khan and show him the exit door from his office." 

So that was the drama which pleased all and everyone!


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Would You Please...,

 Poetry 05-04-2022


Water or Fire?


Would you please admire? 

I'm walking barefoot on Fire!

Yet I do feel that it's far more, 

Less dangerous than on water!

The Fire of hatred and anger,

Smouldering within my being,

Smothering my breath and heart, 

Yet I can't stop walking all the same,

Cause I can contain this all, 

Without bothering, worry or shame!

But I'm just unable to see, 

How can I perhaps walk on water, 

Without getting drowned in my tears! 

So that is the story that is the gist, 

A bit awkward, awesome but true! 


(P. S. :

I just think and hope,

someone could help editing this, 

making better in a way whatsoever!)


Monday, April 4, 2022

Could you ever point out?

Poetry : 03-04-2022


The picture and the Truth.


Could you ever point-out, 

Which picture of your past, 

Is your authentic past, 

That you really lived out! 

Could you ever point-out, 

Which picture of your future,

Is your authentic future,

That you are really going to live on! 

Isn't the past in your memory,

A fragment only of your memory,

Isn't the future in your imagination,

That might probably happen to you!

Isn't this whole thing really ridiculous,

That you take the past for granted, 

Isn't this whole thing really ridiculous,

That you treat the future as if true!

Isn't this your own wishful thinking!

That this happened in the past,

That this is happening presently now, 

That this might  happen in the future!

Though you really don't know the past, 

Though you really don't know the present, 

Though you don't know the future,

Yet you think that they are all real!

Isn't this a stupendous stupid idea only, 

That you forget in the very next moment,

Whatever has / had happened, in the past,

Whatever is happening at this moment,  

Whatever might happen, in the next one!

Yet, wrapped up in the fabric of Time, 

You ignore the very real this now! 

Which never comes, nor goes away, 

Which never was, nor will be, but is only!

This elusive time, that abides ever so, 

This delusive time, that dupes you on, 

Are so mixed-up in you perception,

That you miss the Real, Timeless now!

Could you ever come to realize, 

Could you ever point out to it! 

Could you ever live in and as,

This one, the Reality,  -that you are!



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :