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Monday, April 25, 2022

A New Problem.

Past, Present and Future.


This is about how I should write about these 3 aspects of time, in terms of their respective content.

I can write this point in the following two ways :

1. Should I write --

Memory is the content of Past, Thought is the content of Present and Future is the content of imagination.


2. Should I write  --

Past is the content of memory, Present is the content of Thought, and the imagination is the content of Future.

Either way, I have no doubt about what-so-ever I want to say.

The same could be again written / explained in the following way --

There is only the Present. The existence and presence of this Present is an evident truth and reality, no one can ever deny, or even ignore.

The Present is so alive a truth that even if  we don't think about it, it doesn't cease to exist. That is, it is an eternal truth though not a tangible one, as a material object.

In comparison to Present, Past and memory are synonymous with one-another.

In the same way, in comparison to Present, Future and the imagination are synonymous with one-another.

Though Time exists ever as a presence alive, no one can ever transcend this Present.

In comparison again, no one can ever enter Future or Past in the true sense.

We enter the Past if and only if supported by memory.

We enter the Future if and only if supported by imagination.

So, the question is :

Could we ever understand, comprehend or  grasp in whatever possible way, -in its true sense, the thing that we call Present?



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :