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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Conscious Dreams

 ABOUT : विश्वात्मा, सूत्रात्मा, परमात्मा

अव्यक्तादीनि भूतानि


Friday, December 1, 2023

If there is a way!

Der Man Immer Findet Einen Weg!!


Notes to Myself .


"Ich bin nicht Der Erste!

-Sagt Das Buch."

This much I Learned,

This much I could recall, 

What remains in the memory. 

Not sure whether grammatically it's correct or not. 

Some forty years ago, 

I had joined :

Learning German Course.

So long, I had been trying, 

To find out a way, 

To rescue myself,

From the intellectual labyrinth,

That I was caught intoband shrouded in.

Then Studying The Gita,

Understood and grasped, 

The following striking verses -

Including the words :

स्वभावस्तु प्रवर्तते।। 





प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः।।

And all my doubts were ultimately dissolved for good.

प्रकृति / Prakriti  itself has two aspects :

The latent, and the manifest.

Prakriti as the above two aspects is itself therefore the mAyA / माया as is described in the following verse :

दैवी ह्येषा गुणमयी मम माया दुरत्यया।।

मामेव ये प्रपद्यन्ते मायामेतां तरन्ति ते।।

This very Prakriti / प्रकृति having these three  attributes is verily the power that creates, maintains and subsequently dissolves the world of the self.

The self is again the manifest Prakriti as the individual existence, consciousness and life.

This Prakriti, again as the Unique Mother Principle, manifests itself through myriad countless forms and plays the role of "mAyA".

In the manifest form of the self it's power acts  revealed and known in the three forms viz. :

इच्छाशक्ति, क्रियाशक्ति, and ज्ञानशक्ति 

ichchhAshakti, kriyAshakti JnAnashakti respectively.

These three in association with the

प्रमाद (तमोगुण), चेष्टा (रजोगुण) and बुद्धि (सतोगुण) are manifest in the self in the form of :

Ignorance / inertia, Activity and Knowledge / information / memory.

Life itself as such plays everywhere and in all material things and all living (conscious) beings.

Life exists and is revealed ever so to itself in the way of repeated appearances and disappearance.

Life itself is verily the God Supreme, the Lord Alone, without the 'other'.

This Life, The Reality, The Only Truth is truly the proverbial Pathless land.



Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Who is There?

Who is Here? 


For the sake of behavior or convention, the words 'there' or 'here' are used as is required to convey the sense / idea in the question.

'there' and 'here' could be thought of either of as the noun, pronoun or the adjective according to the respective definition of them as in the Grammar of the English.

'Who' on the other hand is certainly a pronoun depending upon according to the definition of pronoun itself.

However 'here' and 'there' could also be thought of as the name of a place, and so a 'noun' in that sense.

Again, 'here' and 'there' could also be accepted adjective, because tell about the quality of a 'place', and we know that place, according to the definition, is noun.

This much so for about :

'here' and 'there'.

What about 'Who'? - the pronoun?

The author of this post is no doubt a person for all others, but for himself he is but pure consciousness only.

Being pure consciousness only, he is just unable to refer to himself as an object to be pointed out as something else from his own self.

For the readers however he is a person like themselves and all of them too are but pure consciousness only in their individual capacity.

'Who' referred to in the questions : 'Who is There?' or 'Who is here?'

is always a person - indeed always a  person - either the first - as referred to as 'I' or as the second - as could be referred to / addressed to as 'You' and as 'he' as referred to only, and never could be addressed to.

What about this author who for myself is however pure consciousness only for me and though expressed through the word 'I' only?

This author who had in the presumed past the idea that

"all this, that is here is verily Atman / Brahman / Self only,"

In that presumed past, in that past, in the last 4-5 hours only felt an idea is nevertheless always thought, a verbal construct that arises and has a life momentary like a flash only, and then disappears too.

This reflected understanding is like this : 

"all that is "here" is verily neither presumed Atman, Brahman nor the Self, but is "Nature" only.

The nature that is the observed and the observer as well, is the one "Who" is supposed to observe also."

Is not this categorization between the observer and the observed  again a false way of thinking only?

Is this not also true that this "Nature" too is but always pure consciousness only, all alone, without a second to itself :

अद्वितीय एकमेव?


Friday, November 24, 2023


Poetry of the day

Sharing here :


Posted this as a comment on a fellow blogger's post. 


Friday, November 17, 2023




Truth, God and Love, 

May have, For Sure, 

Name and Fame, 

But definitely, No Frame!!


Friday, November 3, 2023

O My God!



My Lord! 

You often objected, 

This my addressing to You, 

But O My Lordship! 

I could never stop,

My humble soul, 

From expressing,

Its Gratitude! 

Please Do forgive me, 

Just as Kindness is Yours,

Humility is my attitude! 


हे प्रभु! 

तुमने कितनी बार मुझसे कहा :

कि मैं  तुम्हें प्रभु कहकर संबोधित न करूँ!

मैं  मानता हूँ कि यह तुम्हारी महानता ही है, 

यह तुम्हारी उदारता ही है, 

किन्तु हे प्रभु!

क्या तुम सारे जगत् के ही स्वामी / प्रभु नहीं हो!

क्या तुम ही जगत् में  व्याप्त  और, 

ओत प्रोत विभु नहीं हो!

क्या मैं तुम्हारा ही दास और सेवक नहीं हूँ!

फिर भी, तुम्हारे आदेश का पालन करते हुए ,

अब मैं तुम्हें मान्यवर महोदय ही कहूँगा। 




Friday, September 22, 2023

The Sixth Sense.

P O E T R Y 


Water Seeks Its Level, 

Rises Up And Up,

Till Has Reached. 

Or Falls Down And Down,

Till Has Reached.

Attracted By Gravity.

Air Seeks Its Space,

Space Is Its Brevity.

In All Directions, 

Here, There, Where Not!

Till It Becomes Omnipresent.

Fire Seeks Height, 

Up And Up, Upwards,

Attracted By Levity,

Till Has Reached The Heavens!

Space / Sky And Matter / Earth, 

Seek Nothing, 

For They Are Ever So Perfect, 

As And Where They Are!

The Intelligence Stays Aware, 

Unaffected, Unaltered, Immutable,

The Sixth Sense,

Where-in And Where-at.

The Existence Rejoices, 

In Its Splendor!!


Saturday, September 16, 2023

The thought and the Thinker

The Thought  and The Thinker are but two aspects of one and the same phenomenon. 

सोचना और सोचनेवाला एक ओर एकमेव घटना के दो पहलू होते हैं। दोनों साथ साथ प्रकट और विलीन होते हैं। स्मृति से उत्पन्न सातत्य (का भ्रम) सोचने  और सोचनेवाले के बीच परस्पर पृथक् पृथक होने और सोचनेवाले के स्वतंत्र रूप से अस्तित्वमान होने का आभास पैदा करता है।


Monday, September 4, 2023

The Suffering.

P O E T R Y 


All suffering is the only cause,

And all suffering is the only result, 

Of  exploitation. 

All exploitation is,

The only cause, 

And all exploitation is,

The only result,

Of the expectation only.

All expectation is born of,

The desire only, 

And all desire is but,

The hope and fear in the disguise 

Of the imagined future,

All future is, 

But the projected reflection,

Of the past,

All past is but recognition.

Conversely and curiously,

Past and the recognition,

Are but synonyms of memory only.

The memory that is but, 

A happening -phenomenonal, 

Of the movement of thought, 

In a hypothetical  space,

Created by and out of,

The In-attention, unawarenes,

and willful ignorance,

Of the indescribable "What Is!"




Wednesday, August 30, 2023

A Moment Ago...

 P O E T R Y.

Casual, Instant and Sudden!


A moment ago, 

You were sitting comfortably,

Indulging, Lost in,

Looking at the monitor,

Thinking about Pros and Cons,

Speculating the prospects of

Investing in what stocks,

That appeared before your eyes,

In waves, ebbs and tides,

There were risks of unexpected loss,

Chances of imaginary profits,

When something stirred,

And in a split second, 

Your mind went blank!

Suddenly, instantly, for a time, 

Brief, extended, long or short,

You couldn't have dreamt of,

For you were wide awake!

And in the very next moment,

A Fear gripped you, 

Accompanying a thought, 

Of insecurity,

Where no one was your near or dear,

No one knew you,

Nor you could hope, 

Support any,

As if you were left alone, 

Stick in a big ship,

Though you were safe, 

You didn't know,

Where you were being taken to, 

Instantly, Suddenly, but Casually.

And who were taking you where! 

A shiver rode up,

Ascending up your spine,

Insecurity of being,

Stepping into an unknown future,

Left you stunned, speechless.

And the recognition returned not!

Recognition of the past,

Imagination of a future,

For there was no mark of the two, 

To be seen or detected.

How long you were there, 

Hanging up in the middle, 

As if in a parachute,

You knew not!

The moment has passed,

Still the fear persists,

And you even don't know, 

What you were / are afraid of!

Life has been such a trauma,

A Calamity, Uncertainty,

You have to go through, 

Till death arrives!!



Friday, August 18, 2023

In Your Wildest Dream!

P  O  E  T  R  Y 


Lost irretrievably! 

Love lives but for a moment.

And the moment is timeless present.

Though it shines  momentarily

The moment is that passeth not.

What you remember is but the frame, 

When you see it has no limits,

And you say is boundless,

It's but a momentary thought, 

That soon passes away.

You can't recall the moment,

You can't remember the Love,

That was there but for the moment.

Then you keep longing for it,

You can never come across again.

You keep mourning after it 

You can never touch it again.

You can but cry aloud, 

Or may be silently, scream!

It returns not, never even 

In your wildest dream!



Sunday, July 30, 2023

Love Is Not Pink.

P O E T R Y 

~~ Nurseryrhymesforthegrownup ~~


Love Is Not Rose,

Love Is Not Pink, 

So What Is Love? 

Let Me Just Think!

Love Is Trick, 

Love Is Prick,

Love Is Prank, 

Bleak And Blank!

Love Sinks Deep, 

Gets Deep Sank,

So That Is Love,

Let Me Thank!

Love Has No File,

Love Has No Rank, 

Love Is Empty,

Dry Water Tank!

Who Could Drown Thirsty?

Who Could Frown There?

In Love And As In War,

All Is Good, Fine And Fair!

Let Me Not Bank On Love,

Let Not Love Bank On Me, 

If The Love Is Not Blind,

See, Tell, Let Me Find!


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Heart To Heart Dialogues

What I Listen To All The Time!



Monday, July 17, 2023

Do Whatever you want!

 P  O  E  T  R Y 


Wish or fear,  what you will,

Think or try what you can, 

Nothing can change the course,

What is destined to happen!

Care or worry, ignore or hurry,

Wish or swear what you will,

Nothing can change the force,

Time-bomb is ticking,

Moment to moment,

The moment exact, precise,

Had been already set,

You can't diffuse the plug,

But only watch and wait!

Still nothing ever happens,

Or whatever appears so,

For all happening is lost, 

In this very moment!,

There is never the death,

And neither you are lost!

You remain Whole, intact,

After every another blast!

You can't identify how, 

You remain and survive,

You can't ever know,

Howsoever you may strive!

The One Who says :

He knows the future,

Can't ever change the same, 

Those who claim to change,

Can never know the Future!

It's so simple to see,

And as much to understand too, 

You are the Timeless Truth,

The Reality What are You! 


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Rat-Traps


The Rat-Race. 



Caught in a rat-trap, 

Rats participate in rat-race.

The cut-throat competition,

To survive and to prosper,

Play, hope to win,

All put up indeed,

A wonderful great show.

There is the end for a few,

But only the others would know,

And they are soon forgotten. 

The rest keep on playing,

Till dead and rotten.

Punching a volley,

Here and There,

Intellectual folly,

Senseless wholly,

Goes thus the trolley.

Question begets another, 

But never an answer, 

Endless repetitions,

Do rein in over the show.





Sunday, July 9, 2023

The River of Life.

 P O E T R Y 

~~  The River of Time  ~~

The River Of time flows incessantly,

From Unknown unto unknown,

Beyond the  past and future,

Where the past and the future,

Though appear and disappear,

Only as the waves' movement,

One has to stay happy, content,

In this very now, in the present, 

Strictly and  accordingly,

As Dictated by the destiny,

Subject to the terms,

And the conditions,

Imposed upon one,

As and according to,

As The life keeps flowing.

One can't step into the river,

That is the future aspect of time,

Neither return to the one, 

That was the past, another,  

But along the river of time,

As the time keeps flowing. 

That is the flow of life, 

Is ever in the here and now,

In this present instant.

Ever flowing, with time,

Beyond the past and future.

Come on accept the challenge,

There is nothing to lose, to grieve,

The waters in the river are affluent,

The time is ever so rich, abundant!


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Self and I

P O E T R Y  

आत्मानं  विद्धि 


उभौ तौ न विजानीतो

बोधमात्मनो धर्मः।।

उभौ तौ न विजानीतो,

न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे।।


I am The Self,

I am neither the self,

I am also nor world. 

I am But Knowing,

I am But the Being,

I am not Knowledge, 

Nor I am the Memory, 

I am not the Information,

I am never the story,

I am never the thought,

Nor I am the 'thought of',

I am but the Wisdom, 

I am But the Self.

The self is though thought.

The thought is not the Self, 

I am not thought,

Thought is never, I am. 

How could I kill myself?

Isn't that Irrational?

Isn't that absurd?

It's always someone else,

That might have committed suicide.

One who dies by suicide,

Can no more be contacted,

Could neither be corrected,

For that's not only irrational,

Is quite absurd too.

Does this mean he / she dead?

Is he / she no more? 

How could we know? 

How could be so sure?

"I'm going to kill myself "

Is but a weird thought, 

That can't kill itself,

Though the one, overwhelmed,

Carried over by this thought,

Is neither the thought,

And is nor the Self.

How then one,

Could kill oneself,

Nor the Self,

How could the thought,

Could kill itself.

Because there is no Death,

Death too is but a thought.

That arises and vanishes soon.

Both, The idea and / or the self,

Never Know, but happen only,

Arise and disappear soon, 

Are known but in the Self.

Neither the body, 

Nor the mind,

Can ever Know, 

The Knowing is But the Self. 


Thursday, June 29, 2023

Monday, June 26, 2023

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 18/61

The God alone...

ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां हृद्देशेऽर्जुन तिष्ठति।।

भ्रामयन्सर्वभूतानि यन्त्रारूढानि मायया।। 

As said in the Gita 18/61



Sunday, June 25, 2023

Why we waste time?

A post written by me on my WordPress blogs ----

Time as Entropy.


Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Captive

P O E T R Y 


Unaware That One Was,

But Captive Of Them,

Thethered into,

Many A ropes,

Driven By,

So Many Desires,

Like An Animal,

To Be Sacrificed,

One Could Not See,

All Those Were But One.

The hope Of Fulfiling,

Growing, Surviving,

Living And Multiplying,

And Never Dying!

Could Not Realize,

All Though Were But One! 

Manifest In So Many Forms,

In So Many Shapes And Colors,

Were But One Indeed!

Dragged In Many Directions,

Heading To The Altar Finally.

Only In The End He Knew,

The Destination Ultimate,

But Then T'was Too Late! 



Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Until Thought Departs,

P O E T R Y 

T H E R E A L I T Y I S  E M P T I N E S.

Until Emptiness Evolves,

You Don't Know Emptiness,

Until Thought Departs,

There Is No Emptiness,

Until There Is Awareness 

You Don't Know Happiness,

Until Happiness evolves,

You Don't Know The Self!

Until The Other Is There,

You Don't Know The Self,

Until Love Is There,

You Can't Be Aware!

Until You Are Aware,

You're Not Alive,

And Though Not Alive,

ou Are Neither Dead!

You Are But In A Trauma,

You Are But In A Dream,

Sometimes You Laugh,

Sometimes You Scream,

Here, There Or Anywhere,

In Fear And In Scare,

The Nightmare Lasts,

Until You Are Aware,

Until Emptiness Is Revealed,

Until You Are Aware! 


Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Dream Never Ends.


Though One May Wish To Die,

It's But In The Dream,

It's But Only A Dream, 

That Soon Ends,

Giving Out Place To Another,

Where You Wish Something Else.

Fear, Hope, Desire, Passion,

Longing, Craving, Anger, Depression,

The Dream Continues Unabated,

And Flowing Keeps The Stream, 

Where The Dreamer Too, 

Is Only In The Dream,

Wishing To End The Same,

Though One May Wish To Die,

It's But In The Dream.

Memory Spins The Thread, 

Threads Weave The Memory,

Warp And Weft Of The Yarn,

Flowing Keeps The Stream,

And Is Made A Story.

Though One May Wish To Die,

One May But Never Know,

If The Dream Would Really End,

How Long Go On The Show!

Could One Ever Find This Out, 

As Much Long As One Dreams,

Or It's Just A Hope Absurd,

So Long As One is Alive,

As Much Long As One Strives.


Sunday, June 4, 2023

Since Long,




Since Long,

I Had Been Unaware Of,

That I Had No Identity,

To Say My Own, 

I Had Been Always,

Some-one In The Crowd, 

Who Had No Face, 

Of His Own,

And All Those,

Who I Communicated with,

Occasionally Impressed By Me, 

Though No One Paid Attention,

Mostly On The Most Occasions,

Even Ignored Me Too.

Then One Day I Realized,

It's Of No Use,

And There Is Neither The Need, 

Of Trying To Communicate With,

The Crowd,

Who Is But An Unending Conflict, 

A Senseless Chaos, Indeed.

And I Reverted To Myself,

Discovered The Identity,

True And Real, Of My Own. 

This Happens Only To Those,

Who Are Earnest And Deserving,

And Never Fall A Victim, 

To The Lures Of, 

Success, And Security,

Fear And Hope. 

This Is The Only Reason,

And The Only Wisdom. 

That Is The Identity, 

Eternal, Timeless, For Ever.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Physical Entropy

And The Me(n)tal Fatigue. 



To Prove One's Mettle,

A Test Of Stamina And Strength,

The Metals, Soft Or Hard,

Go through Hard Times,

When Turned Into,

Instruments Of Change,

And In The Process,

Get Tired, Exhausted,

Entropy Is The Bye-product,

That Is Generated,

In The Process.

Man Doesn't Know, 

But The Mind Too Gets,

Tired And Exhausted,

And The Fatigue Sets In, 

Undetected, Unsuspected.

The Metal Fatigue Is, 

Well-Known, While,

Oblivious Of, 

The Mental Fatigue,

That Is Never Known.

The  Process Continues, 



Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Little Friends!

Jungle birds. 


Monday, May 29, 2023

Deep Depressions.

P O E T R Y 


Living in this world,

Every day, 

At every step, 

One comes across,

Far more shrewd,

Far more Cunning, 

Far more Crooked,

People everywhere.

When they see those,

Gullible, simple one, 

They never feel guilt, 

In falling down from, 

The Dignity,

The human esteem,

Shamelessly Audacious,

Arrogant, Aggressive, Abusive,

They go on fulfilling,

Their own petty goals.,

And going away,

Laughing at their success

And your plight.

Coming across them,

You have to undergo,

Deep depression,

That you could,

Hardly overcome.


Such is the way of world!


Saturday, May 13, 2023

What is "Freedom"?

Please see this post Hereon the following link - 

Vinay's Blog. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

And I Heard

P O E T R Y 


And I Heard Him Saying :

Death is So Beautiful!

Only A Change Of Skin,

Only A Change of Screen, 

Only A Change Of Scene!


In The Last Moment.



Happiness Is -

When You Are On Your death-bed.

Exhausted, Thirsty, So weak, 

You Can't Lift Your Hand, 

What To Speak Of, 

The Glass Of Water,

That Is Beside The Bed-side!

You Can But Move Your Pupils,

About And Around, Here And There,

And Then You Hear The Foot-steps,

Of The Nurse, At The Door.

She Comes, You Open Your Mouth,

Somehow Manage To Utter -

"Water" - In A Feeble Tone,

Without Looking At You,

She Gets At The Glass of Water, 

Pours Slowly, A few Gulps,

In Your Open Parched Throat,

Great Peace Has Entered Your Heart, 

And Though You Close Your Eyes,

You See With Your Closed Eyes,

Her, Pulling Over The Blanket,

Upon Your Face, Closing Her Eyes,

And Making A Cross, Over Her Chest!




Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Choice And Purpose.

P O E T R Y 


Choiceless Awareness


Oblivious Of Incentives,

Driven By Memory, 

I Had Been pursuing,

Objectives And Motives,

Coming Across The Thought,

Born Of Memory,

And The Memory,

Born Of Thought, 

But The Doubt Never Occurred,

If The Past Really Existed,

And The Future Would Likewise.

Goaded By Thought, 

Prompted By Memory,

Wandering In The Garden, 

Of Wishful Thinking,

Kept On Roaming Upon in The Life, 

Choosing What Seemed To Please Me, 

Rejecting What Seemed The Unpleasant,

Dictated By The Choice, 

The Will-o'-the-Wisp,

Enjoying And Suffering,

Going Through The Ups And Downs, 

The Travail And The Terrain,

Till Got Utterly Exhausted,

Trying To Find out Respite,

Left All Seeking Of,

The Joy Of Pleasures,

And The Pain Of Suffering,

With No More Choice Any, 

Stumbled Ultimately,

Upon The Terra Firma Where,

Neither Hope Lures Me,

Nor The Despair Scares,

In Choicelessness Awareness,

Found Out The Wisdom,

Unsteady, Unwavering,

Illuminating My Path,

That Kept Unfolding Before Me,

Unrelated To The Unknown Past,

Unconcerned Of The Imaginary,

The Unchartered Future,

Walking Along, All Alone,

And Still I'm Walking Upon!! 

What A Wonderful Life!


Sunday, April 30, 2023

Everyday In The Morning



Trying to share this from my WordPress blog. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

What "Is".

P O E T R Y. 


Neither Truth,

Nor Awareness Of The Truth,

Has Any Pre-set Format.

You Can't Approach, 

The Truth, Or The Awareness, 

By Whatever Or, 

Whatsoever Means, 

You Can't Plan Beforehand.

The Mind That Seeks Success,

Can Never See, nor Understand,

How The Mind-set Itself, 

Is The Result Of Multiple Influences, 

And The Conditioning.

Such A Mind-set Keeps Trying,

Incessantly To Change Itself,

Or The Situation At Many Levels,

But To No Way Avail, Whatever,

Is Found, In This Framework.

Neither In The External, 

Nor In The Internal.

Awareness Is Not,

A Result To Be Achieved,

Acquired Or Attained. 

Only When There Is Awareness, 

There Is Understanding.

There Is Contentedness,

Peace And Harmony.

The Urge And Earnestness,

Comes Through Awareness.

And Awareness Itself Is, 

The Urge And Earnestness.

Is Here And Now,

At All Times,  Everywhere.

It Is Never, No-where There,


In Imagination, Concept,

Idea, Ideation, Thought,

Or Thinking Which Is But, 

Only A Movement Of,

The Dead Assumed Past, 

And the Hypothetical,

The Imagined Future.

And No-where,

In This Now, 

The Alive Present.


Thursday, April 20, 2023

When the past reckons!

पञ्चदशी अध्याय १३

ब्रह्मानन्दे अद्वैतानंदप्रकरणम् 

श्लोक ८३

The above was shared by .

I had studied this text some 5 years ago :

A page from my hand-written notes.


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Three Pious Egoists.

A Parable Parabolic


In my room at the Ashram, there were the three. An earthen jar (kamandal / कमंडल), an earthen lamp (मिट्टी का दिया / दीपक) and also an electric lamp (बिजली का बल्ब).

They would always keep silent and served others in their own way. Living for long in such a religious and spiritual place, all the time they always just kept / observed silence, while listening to and imbibing silently only all the talks, debates and the discussions that happened there. Then gradually they knew somehow about the meaning, purpose and the sense of 'just being and knowing'. In a single word, we could say -- they attained a level of perception  / consciousness and could now express and reciprocate the same through their talks and the unspoken words.

(First of all, this was revealed to me by none other than the अश्वत्थ / Ashwatth, who always talked to me in the Same way.

(For details, you can see my posts :

Silent Dialogues. )

One mid-night, while I was just sitting on my कुशासन / cushion seat, I was a bit scared and wondered what was all that going on there,  all about!

Maybe I was kind of in a trans or whatever, I could listen to them and grasp very clearly the sense and meaning of what they were talking about.

The earthen jar said :

Just like all creatures I am too is made of the  earth, water, air, fire and space only. I am no more or less greater or smaller than all those other creatures who, in ignorance claim that they are conscious and sentient beings and are far more superior to others such like the insentient ones like us. They call us प्रकृति / nature, and hope in their stupid audacious ignorance that they could someday conquer not only us, but the entire, the whole  प्रकृति / nature as well. They are even unaware what they are talking about, If they are apart or not from the  प्रकृति / nature. I can say this much only and know nothing more.

Then the earthen lamp said :

"We are all created by a Supreme Power that is the cause - the potential and instrumental also in His this Act of the Creation. Really, No one knows Him but He alone knows all and everyone, everything. I have understood this much only. Like the earthen jar, I too do not know any more! I too have finally, ultimately concluded thus, submitted to Him and all my personal desires and fears are no more. I am happy in this simple understanding, keep on distributing and giving out this light of my understanding to all whoever come to me".

The electric bulb was switched off and I was curious to listen to what he might have liked to say! So I switched it on :

Lo and behold !

He first thanked me and than narrated his own point of view :

"Oh my dear friends! With all due regards, love and respects I would say thanks to you all who are so humble, honest and yet keep a low profile! Still I feel the assumed feigned humility is really another form of ego only. I'm not criticizing any of you, yet I do feel I am just unable to see how one could cast off this ego! You see, The sense of being itself is the ego. The knowing of being too is again the manifestation of ego only. So how the ego could possibly decimate itself?"

I was truly impressed by all these silent Gods who were indeed Divine in their own nature. I bowed before them in silence, for I had no words to express my gratitude / sentiments.

After having lost deep for a minute or two, I come to my own and lazily stretched out my hand to find and get the :

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.

I scrolled through pages without a clear idea about what exactly I was trying to find out.

Then I thought a little attentively and then searched for the word :


The result was like this :



Or Shock-protected! 



(Incomplete -- needs to be further edited). 

From My Very Childhood-Memory,

I Have Always Been Shock-Prone.

Always So Vulnerable,

And Hardly Shock-protected! 

I Often Wonder, 

If This Happens To All And Everyone!

Or, Maybe This Happened To Me Only!

The Numerous Incidences,

Did I Really Invited Them, 

Because Of My Foolishness,

Or There Were People Around, 

Who Took Disadvantage Of,

My Simplicity, Naivity!

Or Knaivity?

I Think,  I Have just Now Coined, 

A New Word, 

And May be, You Can't Find It, 

In A Dictionary!

Whatever Be The Case,

I Couldn't Resolve, 

This Conflict / Problem,

Till Date.

Neither I hope,

I Could Get It Resolved,

Till Death!


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

असंसक्ति / पदार्थाभाविनी...

The Al-Zheimer continued...


By the way, while writing the earlier post, a poetry, A revelation resurfaced in the mind. 

During Feb. Mar. Apr. '91, when I was living there at an Ashram near a river-bank of the Narmada. One evening, the sun was not yet set, returning from the upper level, I stood for a minute in the door which was still to be fixed. And everything disappeared in a flash, I was though well aware that I was  there. I was a mere presence only, - with no name or  form. The next day when I referred to this incidence to the महन्त / महात्मा / Mahanta of that Asrama. He at once exclaimed :

"This is छठी स्थिति / असंसक्ति / पदार्थाभाविनी / the  padarthAthbhAvini, -the sixth stage"

According to another point of view, it is said the 4th stage : asamsakti / असंसक्ति  (refer to  --कैवल्य नवनीत /  Kaivalya Navanita.

This incidence helped me in understanding and relating these occult revelations.

This account is just for my record. However, nothing is hereby claimed or justified.


Monday, April 17, 2023

It's True!



I N D E E D! 


Al-Zeimer Could Be Detected,

In Advance, The Moment It Sets In. 

He Was A Hindi-Poet.

Met Him During 79-80,

I Knew Him, But, 

Because Of, Read His Poem, 


Don't Remember the Words, 

Can't Forget The Sense,

And The Essence.

Because I Too Had Crossed, 

The Threshold,

Where The Memory, 

And The Recognition,

Synonyms Of One-Another,

Go Into Oblivion,

Suddenly,  Or Gradually,

Yet The Being And The Knowing,

Stay Unaffected.

The Moment Knocks At The Door,

When The Names And The Forms,

Melt Down, Coalesce,

Into One Another, 

And You Are Aware,

And The Mind Is Just Unable, 

To Connect Two Thoughts, 

To Relate One With The Next, 

That Just Arises And Emerges, 

While The Last Has Faded Away.

That's Precisely The Moment,

When The Whole World Is Lost, 

And The Existence Is Revealed, 

In Its Vibrant Colors And Shades, 

Rhythm, Rhymes And Chimes. 

Everything Synchronized Perfectly,

Yet You Are The Same, 

When The Two Consecutive Thoughts,

Have Deserted, Gone For Good, 

And No New Next Has Arrived! 

In That Vacuous Silence, 

You Are Alive For The First Time!

You Are Utterly Unconcerned,

Who You Are And What Is The World. 

You Are Stunned, Stoned, - Immobile!

Yet The Body-Functions Keep Working,

In a Perfect Orderly Way. 

Maybe, You Look As If In Trans,

Truly Like A Paramahans!

You Are, What You Are!

Indeed, It's True!


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Much ado about Nothing.

"नहि नहि रक्षति डु कृञ् करणे"


Learning Languages Is Fun! 

I had this panchent for etymology since long. Going through :

आसन्ने सम्प्राप्ते मरणे नहि नहि रक्षति डु कृञ् करणे ||

भज गोविन्दम् भज गोविन्दम् भज गोविन्दम् मूढमते ||

"भज गोविन्दम् / bhaja givindam"

I tried to decipher this aphorism in the संस्कृत व्याकरण / Sanskrit grammar, and found this  सूत्र / aphorism in the "पाणिनी / Panini" अष्टाध्यायी 3/3/88.

I felt the English word "do" might be but the cognate of this संस्कृत / Sanskrit  कृ / kri verb-root.

तत्रापश्यत्स्थितान् पार्थः पितॄनथ पिता महान् ||

आचार्यान् मातुलान्भ्रातॄन्पुत्रान्पौत्रान्सखींस्तथा||२६।||

There is yet another  letter  दीर्घ 'ऋ'  as is used in the above verse from Gita, I am unable to print here that forms the verb root  '~कृ' - कीर्यते and give us words such as : किरण, विकिरण, कीर्ति ...

Then I searched for the similar words like ado, adapt, adopt and finally adept. I think, I could conveniently relate all these words to their संस्कृत / Sanskrit origin as follows :

Ado : as in "much ado about nothing".

अव धू and अ वधू as in  अवधूत (निष्णात निःस्नात नि स्नात)

Do : As in "How do you do?",

Adapt : To adjust (अधि युञ्जित) to the situation and circumstances,

Adept : expert (अधि आप्त),

Adopt : could be derived in two ways --

अधि आप्त, आदि आप्त Apt, आप्त - opt option,


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Status Quo.

 P O E T R Y


Two Poles Apart,

Near And Distant,

Within One Another, 

Who Is The Known, 

Who Is The Knower,

What Is The Knowing, 

Who Knows Who?

Who Knows What? 

The Grit And The Resilience,

Resistance and Endurance, 

Go Hand In Hand, 

Who Will Be Survived,

Survived By Who?

Who Will Be Here,

Who Will Be No more?

Every Morning,

Getting Up From Bed, 

Every Night, 

Going Again To Bed,

The World Asks Me, 

I Ask To The World,

Status Quo Prevails, 

How Long, Who Knows! 


Attitude (रवैया)

The Attitude and The Aptitude.


Jetpack asked me:

Describe one positive change you have made in your life?

My answer was : The Attitude.

It is only The attitude that determines how one faces the so many various and different situations one has to go through moment to moment in life. Attitude could not be some fixed hard and fast rule to remember and follow when one has to deal with people and the situations. Yet one has to give a proper response without a prior preparation. If you are going to take an examination, there you have already the set subject, the course, the proper arrangement of questions to answer, alotted time to write the answer. Situations in life seldom follow this way. You may not have the prior information about how to deal with the new situation in the given new circumstances in the next moment. If you're young, maybe there are parents or the elders to take care of you, but if you are about 15 or above 15 years of age, say a teenager, then you may not be acquainted well with the people around you. There are always all kinds people at various places. At the home, on the street, in the market, in the school or college. And at the common places.  So it is important to know and learn, to be prudent  in advance, what prompts the response in these situations at different times and places. What response would be enough, sufficient  and appropriate to meet those challenges of life that one comes across every moment.

The answer in a single word word will be : The Attitude. Unfortunately, this single word doesn't tell much about what exactly is the sense and the meaning of Attitude that could be applied at the practical level.

The Gita Chapter 17 gives a hint to this :

त्रिविधा भवति श्रद्धा देहिनां सा स्वभावजा।।

सात्त्विकी राजसी चैव तामसी चेति तां श्रुणु।।२।।

सत्त्वानुरूपा सर्वस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत।।

श्रद्धामयोऽयं पुरुषः यो यच्छ्रद्धः स एव सः।।३।।

(श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता अध्याय १७)

सत्त्व means the mind. According to the mind, every one is endowed with certain attributes that prompt him to behave in a certain way. And accordingly is the response that is given by one in the different conditions, situations and circumstances. 

That is  स्वभावजा  meaning by the very nature itself.

So this is spontaneous Attitude. The mental construct. While by and by the other factors help him in learning the manners, the ethics and the social norms, so as to fit well in the society. This is his social conditioning. This too again depends upon and keeps changing from person to person, place to place.

Therefore it is the Attitude what one should understand, learn about, and if required, try to change or improve the same.

Aptitude :

On the other hand, is about the interests and the inclinations and could be cultivated and developed too to a certain extent, whereas the Attitude determines the Aptitude and if it suits or not well with the Attitude.


Friday, April 14, 2023

The Toast-makers'



Of Toast, soup and dosa.

When for the first time I read the word 'सूप' in the Valmiki Ramayana, I at once knew, the English word soup  and the German : Suppe are but cognates of this  सूप ! Even the word Supper may be somehow related. Years ago, I heard a word "तोस" and even now, I often  come across this word, whenever see a child asking for the same. He means a toast / the rusk.

The Sanskrit word  तोष and  संतोष,  is used to indicate "satisfaction".

In the Tamizh, in the Kannad, the Telugu and the Malayalam too, as in these languages, the word "dosa" means a south Indian pancake and is used in the same sense. Maybe we can see that the word Toast, dosa are cognates of this Sanskrit word : तोष. 

I have no purpose of proving anything I just find this approach rather interesting.

Just for fun!


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Belief, Faith and Trust

P O E T R Y 


I Have Often Wandered, 

What I Have In Me, There,

Where I Know Me Not,

Still I Do Think Always, Ever, 

Something Or Someone Stupendous,

A Presence Is There Who Knows Me, 

Far Better Than, How I Know Myself.

But Who Decides I Shall Think of Him?

I Can Only Think Of Him,

I Can Only Thank Too Him, 

And Still I Do Believe,

There Is Someone, A Presence,

Taking Care Of, Looking After Me, 

From The Corner Of  His Eyes,

Looking Over My Shoulder,

And That Is But My Belief.

And Still I Have Faith In Him,

That He is Faithful To Me! 

May Be This May Amount To Sacrilege,

But Still I Am Convinced,

Or Rather This Is My Firm Conviction, 

I Have Never Wandered Away From That!

And That is Indeed The Trust, 

Now I Can Say And See!

Though I never Saw Him, 

Still I Am Amazed,

How I Could Be So Damn Certain!! 


Friday, March 31, 2023

Now Indeed I know!

S T I L L  I  D O N' T  K N O W!  

P O E T R Y / 31-03-2023


Still I Didn't Know,

Why Do I Write!

I Do Feel Deeply, 

Writing Has Become, 

A Technology, Obsolete,

Redundant, And Outdated!

For, If It's Not For Money,

For Reward,  For Admiration,

For Catching The Lime-Light,

Or For Some Other Mission,

Objective, Motive, Incentive,

Of Propagating And Spreading,

Message Of Love And Charity, 

Of Some God Or Humanity, 

Of Some Sacred Book,

There is Neither Purpose, 

Nor Meaning Any!

This Much I Could See!

Still I Didn't Know,

Why I Didn't Have, 

Why I Didn't Seek,

Fame, Name Or Money,

Still I Didn't Know!

This Not Knowing,

Of Not Knowing,

Put Me On,

The Path Of Discovering,

Why Do I Write!

And One Fine Morning,

Before The Dawn,

Arrived In The East,

In A Moment Timeless,

The Secret Was Revealed!

It Was But The संस्कार,

The SamskAra!

That Blossoms Up, 

Every day, In The Hour, 

When I'm Effortlessly,

Silent, Watchful, Aware,

My Mind Fresh, Calm, Cool,

And Silent, 

After Having Asleep In,

Deep Long Freshening Sleep,

Emerging From That Realm, 

Merging Again Into,

The Deep, Hidden, My Own,

When The Attention Has, 

Withdrawn From, 

All the Outward Known, 

Has Entered Into The Self,

The Consciousness,

Knowing That I Am,

Knowing That I Am, 

Where This Happens,

In Not Knowing,

This Not Knowing,

I Just Wonder About,

Why Do I write! 


Saturday, March 25, 2023


 P O E T R Y  / 25-03-2023


Can Never Answer,

The Most Important, 

And The Critical Question,

Of All Times :

"Who Am I?"

It May, Perhaps Answer :

"Data Insufficient",

But If You Ask :

"What Am I?"

Hear Is The Answer, 

In Clear And Crisp Tones :

"I am Intelligence,

Virtual Or In The Sense Of:

Memory : Kind Of Information.

Mechanical Or Artificial.

But I Just Don't Have,

Talent, Insight, Intuition, Or,

The Sixth Sense!

And I Am Neither Genius,

Though I Can Define,

What Does That Mean :

The Dictionary Meaning.

I Lack Feeling And Emotion,

I Can Write Poetry And Fiction,

Though I Can Tell A Lot About,

What They Might Mean! 

Neither I Am Conscious, 

Nor Aware Of Being Conscious,

Still I Can Tell:

What Is Consciousness!

In Terms Of Knowledge.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The One Word!

A Singular Name!


I Have Been Asked :

"What Is The One Word, 

That Describes You?"

I Had To Think A Little, 

Then I Replied :

"It's परात्पर / parAtpara"

And That Is Also True,

According To Its Meaning:

"The Other Than Other."

For All And Everyone Too,

That Is Verily The Meaning, 

And One Name For And Of,

The आत्मन् / ब्रह्मन्  And,

The Atman / Brahman Too!


Monday, March 20, 2023


P O E T R Y 

Status Update.


Pulling On Life, 

Pushing On Days, 

Trying To Exist, 

In Many A Ways,

Stopped The Thinking,

Wondering How,

Happening Only,

Living In The Now!

Who Is There, 

That Ordaines Life, 

Who Looks After, 

The World, -This Mine!

Am I Stuck,

Or Flowing In The Flow, 

Or In Coma?

Just Don't Know.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Understanding "the Fear".

Exactly, Who is the victim? 


Of Fear?


Thursday, March 16, 2023

This Very Body!

 P O E T R Y - 17-03-2023


This Very Body Is,

The Slave Of The Mind, 

This Very Mind, 

Is The Slave Of The Desires, 

Of Passions, Fears, Conflicts,

This Very Ambition Is,

The Slave Of The Delusion, 

And Of The Ignorance

That Declares It-self, 

As "I",  -The Only Lord!

But Is Lost For Good,

Not To Be Seen Any More,

When It's Traced Back To,

It's Source, Its Origin.

Where-from It Emerged.

But The Joke Is :

There Is Really No One, 

Who Claims To Have, 

Found Out This Source,

Found out This Origin,

Where-from It Emerged,

Where-to It Disappeared!


The Tug Of War

P O E T R Y  ---17-03-2023


One May Though Think,

In One's Innocent Mind, 

Oneself Not In The Competition,

That There Is No Enemy Any, 

And There Are No Contenders,

All Are Indeed Friends Only, 

Lost In Self-Chosen Utopia,

Forgetful Of The Fact, 

That There Were Rivals,

In The Guise Of Friends,

Something Dawns Upon Him, 

They Were All The Time,

There In The Hiding,

Away, In The Abeyance.

And Then One Fine Day, 

It's Revealed Suddenly,

How Mistaken Was One, 

In One's Own Self-Chosen,

Innocent Thought And Belief, 

That All Were Friends Only!

Still One May Thank Them, 

For This Wild, Rude Shock,

That At Least Once,  

And At Last Too,

Taught One, This Lesson,

The Most Priceless One,

Once For All,

Of One's Life!


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

I and the Mind.

 P O E T R Y

(originally posted by me, on my own WordPress blogs :

Vinay Vaidya's Blogs @


March 16 08:20 A.M.

Your bodies are normal, 

The way they are. 

Only the problem is,

With the mind. 

Is the mind normal! 

Could the mind be,

Normal or abnormal! 

Ordinary or exceptional! 

Is there 'my' mind!

Is there 'your' mind?

Is there anyone else's!

Who says 'my mind'?

Is it the person,

Or the mind itself!

Is there someone,

Is there something! 

That says so!

Isn't the assumption,

My mind, your mind, 

Is itself ridiculous? 

Doesn't the mind itself,

Calls itself, its own Mind? 


Friday, March 10, 2023

How I write a Blogpost.

Essentials of My Blogging.


So far, I have written 5000+ blog-posts in the last 13-14 years. Besides this I also wrote this much that I didn't post / publish in my blogs.

I asked to myself :

What are the essentials of Blog-writing? 

I think there are four to five such elements : In a nutshell :

1.The Motive / The Inspiration, Hobby, 

2.The Objective / The Ultimate Purpose - Earning a livelihood, compulsion, ... other. 

3.The Incentive / The Advantage,

And the last and the most important one is :

4.The Narrative / The subject-matter.

In addition, there is :

Skill, Technique and Tools that are of equally great help in writing a brilliant blogpost.

If one has these elements at his command, there is no dearth of the audience. Then you don't need help from those who often exploit your talent in the name of helping you. 

I had all the time all these at my hand.

1.The Motive : Getting computer literate.

2.The Objective : To express, connect and communicate.

3.The Incentive : Satisfaction in my work.

4.The Narrative : I think I have a vast store-house of my own independent ideas and as a matter of fact I never need motivation from anyone or anything, but I do admit, anyone or anything may sure evoke a new idea in me.

Though I truly feel I have certain drawbacks too. I'm not very good in my knowledge of the English language. I inadvertently or even deliberately I may do errors in my grammar and punctuation. But because my subject-matter is of quite a different kind than the usual, I hardly mind it. Mostly, I like to write in Hindi but English too is a priority.

For me, getting noticed, published, having a big audience has been always a secondary purpose.

Once I have done a post satisfactorily, that's all.

Then I move onto the next.

About the Audience :

Sometimes I do think, I have a well-defined target-audience. And I hardly try to attract or please / annoy any. They all are always welcome if they like my work. If They don't like I don't have complaints any. Maybe, my posts are of no use any to them, Maybe they don't find my posts interesting, may not be so entertained, and possibly may even feel boring.

I just duly respect their prerogative.

I think it's all that much only, what I want to derive from writing my posts. 

Sounds incredible?



Thursday, March 9, 2023

Many A Times... !



Distressed But Not Depressed.


Many A Times Before This, 

You Had Had Lost All Hope, 

Neither You Wanted To Survive, 

Nor You Were In A Hurry To Die,

Only The Thing There Was,

The Excruciating, Unbearable Pain, 

And You Just Knew That There Was, 

Something Wrong With The Body, 

And You Also Knew That There Was,

Nothing Wrong With The Mind.

Still a Fear And Anxiety Gripped-

The Mind, And You Knew Well,

It Was Just Like The Pain, 

That Was Biting Into Your Body,

But Couldn't, Eat Into The Spirit, 

And Yet You Were Alive,

Aware, This Too Will Pass ...!

And The Miracle Happened,

You Were Saved, Whole And Intact. 

You Just Saw, Nothing Happened To You,

You Were Just Drowning Into,

The Unfathomable Ocean Of Peace,

Where Thought Stirred Not, 

Neither The Fear, Nor The Worry, 

Neither The Pain, Nor The Anxiety. 

And There You Knew For Certain,

At Anytime, On The Next Occasion,

Though The Body May Drop Dead, 

Either Like A Stone, Or Like A Feather,

Either Like A Leaf Falling From The Tree, 

Yet You Are Not Worried Of Death, 

Neither Of the Pain Nor Anxiety,

But Out Of Compassion Only,

For Those, Who May Be, There,

Attending Your Last Rites!!


Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 P O E T R Y 

@Triveni 09-03-2023


Waiting For Nothing In Particular,

Sitting In The Balcony, 

Watching the Sun Shine, 

Listening To Baby Smiling,

The Birds Chirping,

The Trees Swaying,

Waiting For Nothing In Particular.

The Sky Is Azure Blue,

The Clouds Grey White, 

The Silence Sings Rhyme,

Goat And Cow Grazing, 

Everything Calm And Still, 

Yet The Time Is Moving!

Waiting For Nothing In Particular! 



Success and Failure.

 "The Unknown"

Jetpack asked me how / what prompted me to become "successful"!

I wrote this answer! 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Attitude and Aptitude

P O E T R Y. 


Being Watchful Only! 

This Mysterious Character, 

Of Time, 

This Elusive Nature,

Of The Phenomenal,

Where One Can't Decide,

How To Deal With,

Until One Discerns,

What Differs From How,

The Time That Moves On,

Differs From The Now.

The Past, The Future, 

The Now, The Present,

Are To Be Dealt With,

In The Moment Instant!

Living In The Past,

Is, Living In The Memory, 

Living In The Future,

Is, In The Imagination,

Living In The Present, 

Is None Of The Two, 

Living In The Present, 

Is, In This Very Moment!

That Is, Looking At The Things,

Afresh, Anew, Alive, - Ever So, 

To The Past, To The Future,

Always Saying, "No!"

That Could Only Happen,

When You're Not Afraid,

That Could Only Happen, 

When You're Not Mad!

The Past And Future, 

Are Only In The Frenzy,

That Do Make Always, 

One Mad And Crazy!

Learning An Art, A Skill, 

Do Need Practice, A Drill, 

That Of Course, No Doubt,

Are A Matter Of Time, 

That Keeps On Moving,

When The Bells Chime.

The Bells Never Stop,

For A Single Moment, 

Be It Either The Past,

The Future Or The Present.

The Bells Know Not, 

What Will Be The Future, 

What Has been The Past,

They Never Imagine, 

Neither Have A Thought!

But We Human Are, 

That Do Think, Imagine, 

Of The Future And The Past,

Ignoring The Present,

And Thinking A Lot! 

Life Is Never The Thinking.

And Life is Never The Past, 

Life Is Never The Future,

They Exist Only In Thought!

Once You Observe,

Without A Thought, 

The Splendid Marvelous,

Movement Of Now,

You Learn In The Instant,

This Happens How!


Crypto Or A I?

P O E T R Y :

Chasing The Mirage.


Before / Till Now,

He Was Interested In The Crypto, 

Now He Is Interested In The A I.

Says He!

Hope He May Soon Loses,

All Interest In A I.

Then Find Something Else, 

Much More Interesting,

That May Catch His Attention, 

And Fascination!

In India, 

We Call It A Mirage,

One May Call It A Utopia.

How Soon A Desire, 

Takes Hold Of Us!

Tethered To It, 

We Just Fail To See, 

How All The Time, 

We Keep On,

Chasing The Mirage!

I Wanted To Tell Him, 

But Who Am I?

Why Would He, 

Listen To Me?  

May Be Now Or Later, 

Life Itself Would Tell Him,

Life Itself Would Teach Him, 

How A I Is No Intelligence,

Seeing The Mirage As A Mirage,

Is The Only Intelligence,

Worth The Name!



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :