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Saturday, April 30, 2011

What to say of ego ??

~~What to say of ego ??~~

© Vinay Vaidya 

When the mind was perfectly still,
And the thought absolutely silent,
When 'you' were not asleep,
Neither awake to the senses,
Nor the senses,
-to the 'world'
'external', of the five senses, 

Namely hearing, vision, smell, touch or taste. 
Your 'sixth' sense was alive, alert.
Or the 'world',
 -'internal' of feelings, emotions, 
Because such a world was absent,
It was a perfect calm, 
When the memory had not yet opened-up,
It's wings and took the flight,
Nor started to hum,
It's routine song,
Those echoes of the old and stale,

- ever-repeated notes,
And you were you,
That you knew then,
But could never,

Through the senses, 
Nor through the mind and the 'world', 
-'internal' or 'external,
that always boast of knowing.


Friday, April 29, 2011

"Poet creates the Time or Time creates the poet ?"

"Poet creates the Time or Time creates the poet ?" 

© Vinay Vaidya 

Since the times immemorial,
Poesy has been the song celestial'
Every word, every stanza, 
couplets or quatrains,
A Richa, or a Chhanda,
Haiku, Venba or shloka,
Conveyed the truths sublime,
Through the poet's verse.
That Transcends the time.
'What Creats what ?'
One wonders amazed,
'The poet creates the Time,
Or the Time creats the poet ?'
'The poetry is a reflection of him,
Or he, of the Universe Entire ?'

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ode to Arunachala, My Beloved,....!!
Of course,
It is very difficult to climb up,
But some Cliffs are so enchanting,
That you can't stop from getting pulled towards them.
In addition, they give you energy, enthusiasm, zeal.
And drag you upwards forcefully with a great charm,
That you can't resist.
Just because they are there in your heart.


~~The Face-less Reality~~

~~The Face-less Reality~~

© Vinay Vaidya 

We worry about God, if He / She is formless or with a form.
If He / She 'created' the world / existence,....
But do we care to question about the nature of 'consciousness',
which is so obvious, and ever so self-evident undeniable Fact 
/ Reality ? 
Which is there to worry or question about 'this' and 'that'.
Is it formless? Or has a form ?....Where-from it 'emanates'?
'How?', and 'Why?
' Is it a 'person' ? Is it the result of 'chemical activity'?
Or, the chemical activity is caused by, and observed in it ?
Is it transient or eternal ? Is it objective or subjective?
Is it fractional, Or Indivisible 'Whole', It's own content ? 
Is it faceless ? Or, just because the brain 'registers' it as 
an abstract entity, which is distinct from all the other things
'registered' by it in the form of memory, which is just a 'code'
for the things experienced / 'known' in verbal or image-form
only by the brain and always keep changing ?
And the brain names it as 'I' ? -As a separate and distinct 
entity comparatively 'stable', but can't seek it's permanent 
form and support to identify it each time when the brain 
undergoes another experience ? So it is an intermittent entity 
coined by the brain every moment and disposed of every 
moment ? And, possibly nothing more than a 'thought' only 
that takes support of the body, the state of the mind, or the 
experience, or the memory of them and holds onto them to 
get a momentary existence from moment to moment, yet 
having no essence ?
And is it 'One' or 'Many', or beyond this category ?
Does it exist in Time and Space, and the relative experience,
Or They exist, appear and disappear in it ?
Is it the manifest only or the potential also ? 


Friday, April 22, 2011

~~ The Earth-Day . ~~

~~~~~The Earth-Day ~~~~~

~~~~~~~ वसुधा-सूक्तम्  ~~~~~~~
© Vinay Vaidya 

भूमे ! त्वं भूमा यो भूमा वै तत् सुखम् ।
भूयिष्ठा, अचला, प्रचला, जननी, जन्मभूमि ॥
त्वं ज्येष्ठा, मेदिनी, संमोदिनी, प्रमोदिनी ।
त्वं लीला, च कृति, संस्कृति च संप्रवृत्ति ॥
त्वत्तःऽवतीर्णौ श्रीरामकृष्णौ, श्री रमारमणो ।
त्वं प्रकटिता भूमिजा, जनकसुता, शिवसुता ॥
समुद्रवसने देवि पर्वतस्तनमण्डले ।
विष्णुपत्नि ! नमस्तुभ्यं पादस्पर्श-क्षमस्व मे !! 


Oh ! Mother Earth !!
You are 'Perfect' (Purnam).
That which is 'Perfect' is verily Happiness.
You are Magnificent, Immovable, Moving,
Origin, Motherland.
You are Superior, Potential, Loving, 
You are the Play, 
The Creativity, Culture, Evolution.
Shri Vishnu incarnated through you, 
-As  Shree Rama and Shri Krishna.
You Yourself came to us,
-In the form of Sri Sita 
(Consort of Shri Rama), 
-As the daughter of King Janaka,
You are here,
-In the form of the River Narmada,
The daughter of Lord Shiva !
Oh Lakshmi ! Oh Goddes Supreme !
Mountains are your bosom,
The Oceans are the robes you are clad in.
Oh Divine Mother Lakshmi ! 
I prostrate at your Lotus-feet.
O Mother please forgive me, 
For touching you with my feet,...!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

~~ This Girl,.......!! ~~

~~ This Girl,.......!! ~~

© Vinay Vaidya .

This Girl,....!
This girl you know,
Has been my torment,
Yet I love her so,
Loving her every moment.
She has been in my heart,
She has been in my dreams,
And  far, far, very far away
But going to ever there stay.
This girl has gone mad !
Crazy she has me made,
I want to say her good bye,
But I can't see her cry.
This girl,.....!




© Vinay Vaidya .

Love is Wisdom,
Wisdom is Love.
Love is God,
God is Love.
"Love is God and God is Love",
Is the True Wisdom.
-Yours' Truly.


Monday, April 18, 2011

The 'Observer' is the 'Observed'.

~~The 'Observer' is the 'Observed'.~~

© Vinay Vaidya 


चक्खुव्वै दिट्ठी ।
दिट्ठिव्वै चक्खु ॥
चक्षुः वै दृष्टिः ।
दृष्टिः वै चक्षुः ॥
प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म ॥

The eye itself is the vision.
The vision itself is the eye.
The 'Observer' is the 'Observed'.
'Awareness' is the only Reality.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

~~Shadow(s) of Thought.~~

~~Shadow(s) of Thought.~~

Thoughts very deep,
Thoughts very shallow,
Hide well the Light,
That casts their shadow.
As shadows they come, 
Move and go, run in the sky,
Shadows of Thoughts keep on fly.
Fast, swift, lazy or slow,
They put before us a splendid show.
And still remain just an empty shadow.
Have neither essence nor existence,
Yet have a form enormous, 
A funny shape, mere appearance.
Thoughts, mild or strong,
Thoughts right or wrong,
Thoughts sick or sound,
Always keep on staying around.
When you follow or chase them,
Try to find-out their source,
They keep on eluding you,
Evading with all their force.
But when their source is found,
Clearly seen their background.
They disappear leaving behind,
A brilliant Light, not just a sheen.
Where there is neither the observer,
And where there is nor the seen.
And one comes face-to-face,
With the Ever-present Truth,
When the Thought is so ultimately lost,
Along-with the seeker, and the sought.
Then emerges the core, The Reality,
The Light, The Love, and The Heart,
And Transcendence, beyond the Thought.
One reaches here once in a while, -seldom.
Loss of Thought is the arrival of Wisdom.


Friday, April 8, 2011

~~'Nirwaana’/ 'निर्वाण'~~

~~'Nirwaana’/ 'निर्वाण'~~
© Vinay Vaidya 

He had been carving out a Buddha,
From a big stone,
When I asked him,
How long it will take ?
And what remuneration,
- shall he be given ?
He smiled and replied,
Oh ! 
It may take the whole Lifetime,
Or more,
But the joy of turning a stone,
- into Buddha,
Is itself an honorarium,
Of it's own kind,
One may hardly repay.
And I know well
What Buddha said;
'Decay is inherent in all composite things'
And this stone is no exception.
But perhaps the stone will remind the people,
Of this truth,
And also the truth,
That if it was once a stone,
And could become Buddha,
And shall be absorbed in Nirwaana,
Why not they ?
One day ?


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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :