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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Only Option.


Poetry : 30-06-2021.


The Politician.


Most of them, 

Keep on beating, 

About the bush, 

Because they know well,

There is neither a bird

In the hand

Nor two there,

In the bush.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Essence.

Where the knowledge is not any more. 


Poetry : 29-06-2021 

All the words have lost their meaning,

All the books have lost their sense,

All the feelings are empty and silent,

All the knowledge has come to the end.

All the recognition of the world and me,

And the memory of the past whole,

Thought and thinking have stood still, 

Are lost irretrievably, available no more,

All the imagination, hope and fear,

Of the future, forgotten like a dream,

The light of wisdom dawned upon,

When one reached at the heart, the core!


Friday, June 25, 2021

The Sudoku-Tantra.

Sudoku : The Sacred Tantra. 
For the beginners, a Sudoku is a 9x9 matrix of integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 arranged in a such a way that every integer in each column, row, and the 2 diagonals is not repeated.
Thus, there are in all 81 squares and every integer is there but once only in every column, row and the 2 diagonals.
Solving a given Sudoku is no doubt, a difficult or comparatively an easier intellectual exercise, but one can sure form a Sudoku as well.
So far, I didn't try to find out, how many Sudoku really exist but guess, it might be a limited finite number only.
But I do see a Sudoku is a beautiful example and model that let's us understand how we can take each number as an assumption only.
Tantra-vision looks at the matrix of letters that deals with the spoken letters / phonemes of all sounds that human voice can utter.
The same matrix finds place as :
अक्षर-समाम्नाय in Sanskrit Grammar.
Here every letter (वर्ण) is form and essence of a  देवता and they are such, of 33 kinds (कोटि).
Following this Sudoku, is an instrument of the गणेश-तन्त्र, while the अक्षर-समाम्नाय or the matrix of the letters belongs to :
The शिव-तन्त्र, as well as the देवी-तन्त्र also.
Again about what exactly is the significance and the role of a देवता in Tantra?
An integer is a whole positive number, and as such facilitates the counting of the number of the items under consideration.
Although an integer is an assumed idea and as such an assumption only, it signifies a deeper sense / aspect of the latent and not manifest, that could not be grasped through the senses (physical organs of knowledge).
When we kind of 'cage' such a देवता in a box and in terms of an integer, we need to place each in such a way, that it holds a unique place in its allotted column, row or diagonal.
This is the आधिदैविक /  Divine sphere of numbers and letters.
This indicates, we duly honor and respect each and every देवता .
When a Sudoku is solved, this happens.
A spoken letter or a number is basically a live expression of the corresponding देवता .
A Sudoku is therefore the bridge that connects the individual consciousness to the आधिदैविक /  the Divine Sphere, consciousness or the Divinity.
At the physical, mundane, secular level though we can consider each letter and number as a concept only. Maybe, It has a form and meaning also, but still it is a verbal thought, a word or a set of certain words, that keeps on arising and disappearing in brain. And as such it is but data or the bits of information, but no value ultimate.
Then we come to the realization that the "I" too holds a unique place at the level of the individual and the Divine also.
In man it is the ego, while as the core Reality, 
it is the Ultimate, Supreme, Absolute and the  Unique identity of the Existence.


Monday, June 21, 2021

Fear is the disease.

Life is a festival, put the fear aside, ...

Poetry : 22-06-2021


Life and death, renew, rejuvenate,

Forget the fear, greed, and the pride! 

Disease is the sign of the sick mind,

Has come to us, to remind to us, guide! 

The fear that is here, is but the only disease, 

The Death, that is here, is but the only cure, 

Eat, drink, merry and rejoice, be happy, 

Life is happiness, nature, know for sure!

Eat, relish, the nature's bounty and gifts,

Drink the nectar, the juice of the fruits, 

And not the wine, that makes you stupid, 

Play with the flora, sing with, the chirp of birds.

Merry in this way make friends with nature,

Be happy in enjoying what's your share! 

The three major roles of life, however,

For some is, to eat, to drink and to merry,

For all those men and all the women, 

Who want to always be really happy.

To live such a life is the only true life, 

All other goals their, are but secondary,

The roles these three are but very natural,

And all the other things are consequential.

So says the charter, unwritten of life,

Man is but a husband, woman but a wife.

Whenever the two are thus merry-making,

The progeny happens, gets the offspring.

This is what and how, then there is the family,

It's all the love of life, and the life of love really.

Then comes up the envy, jealousy, and hate, 

The possessiveness, the war, whatever is fate.

Then the weak, left to the mercy of the strong,

Become their slave, in the right or in the wrong.

Then springs up a collective, that is society,

Where the might is right, is the rule only.

Life is then gone, but all the else remains, 

And is called ethics, morals that are framed. 

Then arises the hype, the fear and the shame, 

The nature is the whole, spirit, body is the name.

The nature is verily the soul, generous, kind.

The nature is life, wisdom, love and heart,

The nature is always same, in all of its forms.

Still there is degeneration, and all things decay,

Keeping the nature alive, afresh and let so stay.

So ever in rhythm and tune are all the things,

But still there is death, for all the living beings.

Man though knows not the mystery of death,

Gets thus so caught into confusion always.

Thinks in terms of 'I am the body and mind',

Forgets ever the Spirit, that is the life behind.

But the one who knows, the body as form,

And the mind that is only a changing norm.

Knows that there is the nature as life and spirit,

And the  death is the end, with a new beginning.

Is not freightened of the forthcoming end,

Discards this phenomenal world behind.

Enters the wisdom of the bliss unending,

Where time is no more, only the spirit survives.






Knowledge Non-mediate

प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म 

(Awareness is verily the Brahman) 


In the last post it was mentioned how there is the knowledge mediate (अपरा विद्या) where the trinity of the knowledge, the knower and the  known is distinct and as such is never the Wisdom that is where the Intelligence is.

This Intelligence (Brahman) is the very Light or the Awareness without this division of the knowledge, the knower and the known.

The same is also termed as 

the Knowledge Im-mediate or 

the Knowledge Non-mediate,

As there also, the distinction of the three viz. :

The Knowledge, 

The Knower, and 

The Known,

Ceases to exist.


Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Ending of Fear.

Fear and Awareness.


Is death inauspicious? 

Is it the death, or the fear of death, that could be said inauspicious.

Is fear inauspicious? 

Fear again could be rational or irrational. 

Fear is a warning of the imminent possible danger. 

So fear is truly a blessing in that it makes one aware of the incoming possible danger.

One could be either foolhardy and face the situation blindly without understanding the implications and the significance of fear, or could cautiously deal with the fear.

But again, exactly 'who' is the 'one' that is in fear? 

Does the body know the fear?

Is it not the mind that comes across the feeling that is called "fear".

Is the mind the consciousness, or is known in the consciousness?

Again, is the mind personal (or individual) or the collective, or is neither the individual nor the collective, but only a collection of thoughts,  feelings, emotions, habits bundled together in memory.

Is the memory not information only? 

How one could possibly say 'my memory'?

Is not the adjective 'my' too a part of this memory that is of the brain? 

If 'my' is memory only, exactly 'who' or 'what' is one that memory is tethered to like a thread?

Does the individual or the person that appears to be this thread, really exist?

How this phenomenon that is the individual or the person comes into appearance, and keeps disappearing repeatedly moment to moment?

If and when this fact is realized, there is no more the question of fear or the danger for the one, 'who' has come across this realization.

Is the 'one' then the mind or the consciousness of the mind?


Is this consciousness / awareness then could be an individual, personal, collective existence / affair, or free from them all, and the pure sense of being only? 


Thursday, June 10, 2021


Just A few days ago came across a brilliant conjecture:

"Is consciousness a quantum phenomenon?"

In Indian Philosophy, there is ancient atheist thought narrated best in Gita Chapter 16 :

असत्यमप्रतिष्ठं ते जगदाहुरनीश्वरम्।

अपरस्परसंभूतं किमन्यत्कामहैतुकम्।। ८

This thought insists that the world has come into existence without being created by (a / the) God. It is the outcome of the (fulfillment of) joy of sexual intercourse only. There is no such any  God (principle) that governs the existence, and the world is its own creation.

This again suggests (as some exponents of

 "नागार्जुन रसायन"  school say and maintain that)

"consciousness" is only the effect / result of chemical elements and their mutual reactions, manifesting / un-manifesting repeatedly and as such there is no entity behind the appearance and disappearance of the world  that governs, maintains and / or regulates this world.

The conjecture / suggestion :

"Is the consciousness a quantum phenomenon?" 

is partially true if by the word consciousness we mean the mind, but this conjecture could be further corrected, if we distinguish between the consciousness and the thought.

We could then perhaps conclude that thought is no doubt a quantum phenomenon.

This could be again understood that there is a thought 'Live' that is constantly in movement in the brain, while there is another 'dead' that is the recorded and is the stored in terms of memory. 

Nevertheless, the 'Live' one is supported by the consciousness where-in this 'Live' thought takes place. As such the same consciousness is then called "Awareness".

In Sanskrit, There are specific words to denote this dual role of consciousness. 

The consciousness that is associated with thought and operates in a mechanical way like an instrument and without attention, is 'mind' / मन, while the one that is aware of the thought is consciousness (चेतना). 

Again, the Awareness, -light that illuminates this चेतना is the called चित् / चैतन्य.

So for the sake of clarity however, we could see the paralles like Awareness for  चित् / चैतन्य, and चेतना for consciousness.

चेतना is therefore the personal aspect, while the चित् / चैतन्य is the impersonal aspect of the same Awareness, the attention, that is also referred to as अवधानं.


Lack of proper translation of these fundamental Sanskrit terms causes unnecessary confusion and complications.



Do, What You Will, ...



Do What You Will,

Life Has a Storehouse of Ample Rewards,

For Whatever You do,

Or, Whatever You do Not!


Wednesday, June 9, 2021


And the Science :

They say :

"Sub-atomic particles seen to change into anti-atomic and back to atomic."

A new research tells! 

Who saw or knew this?

Is the entity that saw / knew,

atomic or anti-atomic!

Or,  is it a conjecture proved true by reasoning

and experiments?

And exactly who saw / knew this entity that didn't change from one to another form?

Isn't its own evidence?

Just wondering!



Monday, June 7, 2021

दूसरी लहर!

एक विचार :

अतीत के भारत में दूध-घी की नदियाँ बहती थीं। 

आज के भारत में ज्ञान की नदियाँ बहती हैं। 

लोग ज्ञान में डूब रहे हैं !


Friday, June 4, 2021

Event 201.

This is it! 


This is how a plan was well-designed and was completed also successfully! 

Looks like the sequel is yet to come! 

But, No prize however for guessing, possibly,

"201" was but the code for 2020-1.


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Sharing what I'm!

Poetry :



Neither the pleasures, 

Nor the pains,

Neither the losses,

Nor the gains,

With everybody,

But I share,

Only the Love,

That remains! 




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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :