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Sunday, April 21, 2024

How Does This Work?!

Neville Goddard 

May lead you into believing that by repeated imaginations and assertions of anything, say acquiring an object of desire or coming true of an event, may take place.

It's really, the other way around.

I can't say this is true and even if it's true this doesn't prove that the wish was fulfilled or the object of desire was acquired by your practice of this kind. 

However I am very sure if there is strong will, it can sure become successfull by thinking of constantly about an object of desire or wish.

This is how the will affects your subconscious and as the Whole Consciousness is but a single phenomenon, the will that took place in you was basically a reflection of the will of the Whole consciousness itself in the first place. So everything good or bad desire / wish is already latent though un-manifest there in our Collective Consciousness / Whole Consciousness that manifests / comes true at its right time.

In Principle; 

The same could be further explained with the help of how a yogi can "materialize" anything like a gem, a gold ring, or a flower, or even a coin from no-where. 

We all know whatever we wish or think of is in terms of "thought" that is dependent upon and an expression of "memory" only. Memory on the other hand is associated with "smell". One can see for oneself that how any certain smell, touch, color / form, taste and sound evokes a certain response in us. The 5 senses (तन्मात्रा) are basically the subtle aspects of the 5 gross experiences of the kind such as smell, touch, color/ form / texture, taste and sound respectively. The Manifest world is but the expression of the infinity of possibilities that are already there always un-manifest. When one deliberately and voluntarily brings in the attention onto this key-fact / key-factor, can have so-called spiritual / occult / mysterious powers of the kind that look like a miracle.

This all is realized and attained through yogic practice but the way of Intelligence is a quite different approach where one enquires into, and tries to understand the very nature and the character of Consciousness itself.  This is the way of sAmkhya .

One should never forget that The miraculous powers too are transitory, impermanent and like a dream they too vanish, they don't last for ever.

Just to point out, I felt like writing this post.

No matter whatever worldly wealth, success or enjoyment you gain in time is going away sooner or later in time. But even if once you have somehow known the very source from where Consciousness appears and where to disappears, you come across the underlying principle that never comes from anywhere, nor goes away to anywhere.

That is verily :

The Brahman, Truth or The Self .


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ujjain, m.p., India
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