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Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Doubts, Questions, and Challenges.


As soon as thought assumes existence, the consciousness assumes individuality.  The individual has as such never independent existence of itself apart from the whole, the  consciousness that is the Self only, becomes individualized and 'I am' seems to owe or to  have a form as 'many'.

Once the individual becomes functional, the life too becomes "my life" in contrast to, and in the apparent time, that too is an idea only. In the absence of the idea, - that is really the movement of thought, consciousness is the Whole Unique Undivided Existence the Only Reality. Thought / idea itself is the time so generated, and the movement with respect to this assumed time. Thought itself creates the illusion that imparts assumed reality to time. This whole movement, - the individual, the idea, thought too consumes energy and it gets caught in the form of thought, time and the individual. Attention to, - the awareness of this whole activity is the Understanding that is freedom from thought, the assumed idea of time and the apparent individual. The Awareness, - the Understanding releases great energy that was so far stuck in the grip of thought, idea, ideation and the assumed individuality and the acquired reality of this self. Conscious effortless attention, that is Spontaneity, helps consciousness see that there is truly no such individual at all, - that there is conciousness only that is life, and the life that is consciousness only, the Whole Reality. 

This Reality is verily the Brahman / ब्रह्मन्  and indeed the Self as well. This Awareness is the Realization / दर्शन and could never be subject to intellect, thought, idea or formula any. It knows Itself only, for there is nothing other different and apart from It. With the arrival and help of idea, It could again be addressed in terms of 'You' or 'We' also. However, This could never be, nor needs to be described but understood only. Awareness and the Understanding, is Revelation of the Whole Unfragmented Truth.

All is verily and variously, -Brahman / ब्रह्म.

The aphorism :

सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म 

Though describes thus. 

Still for the practical purpose, the individual exists in a formal mode, with a body, a name and a form that is called a sage, a ऋषि. He is the door, the bridge and the way that takes us beyond our ignorance of the Reality.

There is no path, a paved-one nor the carved one out of  this stone, -that is our individual and the collective rock-like ignorance.


Monday, January 30, 2023

Learning N L P Ahead.

Exactly, What Did I Learn?


I learnt that knowing a language facilitates communication, and communication in the exchange  of thoughts. That is truly helpful in connecting with people. But do we really need to connect? Of course, when there is a purpose. When the purpose is fulfilled why do we still cling to someone or something? Isn't that a psychological need only. You can think that love is like the lubricant that helps in keeping relationship smooth. Is that really love? We say "Thank You!" when the need is fulfilled and then run after fulfilling another need that we think is urgent. All the time we go on like this. Acquiring on and possessing things that are neither needed nor of any use to us and even more, we steal those things from those unlucky who are unable to have even the bare essentials needed for living their life.

Still our communication is focused around our selfish motives and interests only, and we are quite apathetic to the urgent needs / concerns of others. May be, because we, in the name of charity / religion, could do join some mission of charity and have a feeling of pride too. That is what we get in exchange. But the very idea about the acquiring and possessing the things that we hardly need is itself if not cruel, no doubt a foolish one. But no one is botherd.

Who cares? 

In this way I learnt what is renunciation, or giving up what is really harmful to me, and how I just fail to see this very simple,  bare and straightforward fact and reality.

This is one of the 5 key-rules or Yama "यम" as are enumerated in the scriptures. This is not to be practiced, but to be understood clearly.

The proper word is "अपरिग्रह" - not acquiring or possessing what one really doesn't need. 

The other 5 key-rules are :

अहिंसा सत्य अस्तेय ब्रह्मचर्य अपरिग्रह --

Loosely translated in English :

Non-violence, Truth, Non-stealing, Following and behaving in a way that is inspired and prompted from the feeling that all that Is, is verily the Brahman / ब्रह्मन् only.

And in this feeling, in this consciousness and awareness, it is already understood what is the essence, the Core-meaning of this :

"Brahman / ब्रह्मन्" .

"सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म"

The aphorism mentioned above points out : 

This whole Existence is verily the "Brahman" / ब्रह्मन् only.

If I realize that all and everything that Is in existence Is Brahman / ब्रह्मन् only, I can at once see that I too am this Brahman / ब्रह्मन् only. So how could / would I hurt, harm, kill myself? That may create an understanding in me about what exactly is :

अहिंसा / Non-violence.

सत्य / Truth is what comes from Sat / सत्, the Brahman / ब्रह्मन् that I am and the Whole is.

Even the English word "Truth" is a cognate / सजात, सज्ञात, अपभ्रंश of the Sanskrit / संस्कृत root word "ऋत्" .

I learnt :

अहिंसा सत्य अस्तेय ब्रह्मचर्य अपरिग्रह

in a nutshell.



Neuro Linguistic Programming.


Though it is still not clear, who is the owner of the various rights whether the Registered, Legal, patented or the copy-write, the neuro linguistic programming is very important in understanding the collective behavior of the mankind.

The network of the nerves in the body is of two types : The locomotive nerves and those which transmit / distribute the information from / to the brain, and manage, co-ordinate, and command the various activities in the body, or the sensory nerves.

This is akin to praNa (प्राण) in the Yoga and in Upanishad (उपनिषद्). The same could be seen how the three major nerves are named idA (इडा)  pingalA (पिङ्गला) and suShumnA (सुषुम्ना). The three major / cardinal nerves together maintain 'life' in any organism.

Again, there are two path-ways connecting the two lobes in the brain. The feelings, the  sentiments and the emotion, are conveyed to and from the brain to the body through one, and the discriminatory reasoning, logic and the intellect through the another.

The feeling, the sentiment, and the emotion are essentially a conscious phenomenon, but the other bodily activities of the nerves, like walking, hearing, voluntary or involuntary, are mostly the un-conscious. They enter the consciousness only when there functioning is somehow disturbed. Pain is often the one of the indicators. It is how 'consciousness' is the interface, a medium through which the (idea of) the 'self' knows, experiences, feels, grasps and understands various perceptions. In this way 'consciousness' functions in two different ways. The world and the physical body - an organism; works by means of the same energy, but the 'consciousness' as in, and as is assumed as the 'self' or the 'oneself' interact with one-another.

The humans have invented, developed and use many a languages that are formed and depend upon the two types of perceptions as mentioned above.

There is purely emotional kind of feelings on the one hand, and of logic and reasoning on the another. A language is a combination of both.

Some 50 years ago, I tried to learn the Urdu. After so many years I found a proper way to it. It is through an app.

I can now see how a language transforms, modifies, alters and constitutes perception and Conversely how the perception interacts with the 'consciousness'.

The language could be either kind of an old,  a primitive one like the prakrit, or the one very well designed, kind of 'engineered' one, -like the Sanskrit.

Panini Who only documented the structure of Sanskrit knew this phenomenon perfectly well. He associated 'Phonetics' in relating the language and the sense. He did not invent a language, he rather discovered the one that is timelessly ever so present as Veda.

Thereby He knew The importance of 'word' in terms of the sense. Word as sound, and the word as the voice. The sound could be as  the material-result of a physical activity, or a voice uttered by a sentient living being. The later becomes a mantra. A mantra is imbued with Intelligence and purpose. All and every spoken word is therefore kind of a mantra, but the purpose determines the result.

So a mantra too is kind of a Neuro Linguistic programming. And I am not saying about the Sanskrit or the Veda only.

The etymology of the words sound, voice and word itself too are very interesting :

Word : is 'wort' in German, is cognate of Sanskrit root-verb verb √'वर्त्' meaning to behave, function, work. 

Sound : in Sanskrit is -- 'स्वन्' 'स्वं' 'स्वर' and is 'sound' is cognate of this (स्वन्), that is again evident.

Voice : in Sanskrit is from the root-verb 'वच्' whuch takes the form 'वक्' as in 'vocal'.

Again after so many years when I thought of learning Urdu, I faced the same problem that I had experienced so long ago. I deeply felt that the way a script is written L to R as in the Indo-European languages, and R to L as in the Semitic languages like the Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Phoenician, has a great impact in designing, formulating, reforming and even altering our 'consciousness'. That was how I had to stop studying Urdu. Now I have overcome that problem and in the way, I learned something more, -quite new too.

The Sanskrit Grammar of Panini begins with the phonetics and speech and in fact it is the very foundation of Ashtadhyayi (अष्टाध्यायी) / Grammar. 


Friday, January 27, 2023

क्षुरस्य धारा ...

P O E T R Y 

उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत।। 

क्षुरस्य धारा निशिता दुरत्यया दुर्गं पथस्तत कवयो वदन्ति।।

(कठोपनिषद् १-३-१४)


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Ending The Agony.

Attention Of In-attention.


As Soon As The Potential Latent, 

Comes Forth And Manifests Itself,

Appearance Becomes This World, 

The Consciousness; - The Me, -Itself.

The Undivided Unfragmented Whole, 

Becomes The Victim Of Ignorance, So. 

Of The Life And The Self, That One Is,

Appears There As The World-Experience.

The Consciousness, The Undivided Whole, 

Wakes up To The Emerging Virtual Reality,

That In A World, Assumes Individuality.

The Life That Is Consciousness, Truly,

The Consciousness That Is Life, Truly, 

Enters The Virtual Frame Of The Mind,

And The Undivided Whole Becomes Strife.

Estranged To And Unconscious Of, 

The Truth Behind The Apparent Show,

One Is Confused And Bemused Though. 

The Me And The World That Looks Mine, 

Become An Unending Conflict, Prime.

Thus Begins The Struggle For Survival,

The Constant Urge For Renewal, Revival.

Moment To Moment One Is In Fear, 

In Doubt, Hope, Confused, Unclear.

Thus Follow The Delusion And Ignorance, 

Of The Self And The World-Appearance.

The In-attention To This Matter Of The Fact,

Holds One Captive, Of The Illusion Perfect.

This Vicious Circle Of Deluded Ignorance,

Is Forgotten In Sleep, And In Indifference.

The States Of The Mind Keep On Evolving,

The Waking, The Dream, Sleep, Revolving.

In-attention Persists On, Though Intact,

One Hardly Wakes Up, To This Very Fact!

Attention Of In-attention, The Awareness,

Becomes The Beckoning To The Earnest.

Awakening To The Fact Is Meditation,

Awakening Is The Door, To Realization.

This Is Neither Difficult, Nor So Very Easy,

One Who Has The Urge, Will Sure Find It.



Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Neither Skill

P O E T R Y  : 26-01-2023.


Neither The Skill, Nor The Action,

But Only The Destiny Wins Alone, 

Neither The Desire, Nor The Will, 

But Only The Insight Wins Alone.

Howsoever, One May Wish And Try,

May Never Know, Now And Why, 

From Where Comes Desire Or Wish, 

Captures The Mind, How And Why, 

Finally Only After Having His Lot,

One Could Think Over, What He Got! 

Almost Every-one In This World,

Driven By The Thought And Whim,

Following Desire, Like An Instrument,

Keeps On Working, Trying That Way,

Attains Whatever Gets In The End, 

Like, Dislike Or The Same, May Hate. 

Almost Every-one In This World, 

Believes In The Cause And Effect, 

And They Are Numerous Always!

Only A Few But Are In His Control,

To Him The Rest, Are Ever Unknown! 

How One Could, Would Then Expect,

Who Or What Governs The Life,

Perhaps May Be Only, In Retrospect.

The Illusion Of The Incoming Future, 

Caused By The Illusion Of Thought, 

The Picture That Is Cast In The Mind, 

Spells A Charm, And Gets One Caught.

One May Be Happy Or Not Even So, 

The Success or The Failure, Though, 

May Bring One Ultimately The Peace,

And The Calm, If One May So Know! 

And When One Looks At The Futility,

Of The Desire And Of The Fear As Well,

When One Looks At Their Vanity,

Of The Success And Of The Failure, 

Only Then Can Transcend The Both,

Abides In Peace, In Mind Very Clear!

That Is The Way How Things Happen,

The Only Way Of Attaining The Freedom!


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

On Its Own.

P O E T R Y / 23-01-2023


Everything Happens,

By Itself, On Its Own,

Naturally, Spontaneously,

Quite Unexpectedly!

Who Desires, Who Decides?

Could One Decide Beforehand,

What One Is Going To Desire! 

Even The Idea That 'I Am',

The Unknown, The Knower! 

The Lust, The Anger,

The Doubt, The Fear, 

The Will Or The Wish,

The Desire, The Agony,

The Conflict, The Envy, 

The Joy, The Misery, 

The Bliss, The ecstasy,

The Spirit, The Breath,

The Life And The Death.

All Comes And Goes Away, 

By Its Own, In Its Own Way!


Thursday, January 19, 2023

What if!


One Day, All Of A Sudden, 

You Awaken To The Reality, 

That What You Think,

What You Believe,

What You Prepostulate,

About Future, 

Is But Dream, Conjured Up, 

By Your Memory Of, 

The World and Yourself,

In Relation To That World,

And Your Attention Is Drawn, 

To The Very Fact, 

That This Notion Of The One, 

That Administers and Administrates,

This Dream Is Itself Too, 

But An Idea Indeed,

You Come Face To Face, 

What You Are Timelessly!!


Reference :

प्रवृत्तिभेदे प्रयोजकं चित्तमेकमनेकेषाम्।।५।।

सदा ज्ञाताश्चित्तवृत्तयस्तत्प्रभोः पुरुषस्यापरिणामित्वात्।।१७।।

(the knower, known, knowing?)

प्रवृत्तिभेदे प्रयोजकं चित्तमेकमनेकेषाम्।।५।।

(पातञ्जल योगसूत्रम्, कैवल्यपादः)


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 4/6

The Self Alone


अजोऽपि सन्नव्ययात्मा भूतानामीश्वरोऽपि सन्।।

प्रकृतिं स्वामधिष्ठाय सम्भवाम्यात्ममायया।।६।।

(अध्याय ४)


The One Without A Second!

 P O E T R Y


एकोऽहं अद्वितीयो,

बहुः स्यामि,


Trying To Be No One!


The Singular, The Solitory One,

The Self, In That Innocent, 

Impeccable Solitude, Solemnity,

Sovereignty, Integrity, Purity, 

The Whole And Without A Second, 

Was Trying To Be No One, 

So He / She / That Alone One Self, 

Became Many, Myriad, Infinite, 

In Those numerable Forms, Shapes and 

Manners And Ways, 

Found The Self, The One. 

As The Universe Manifest,

Within So Many Worlds,

Each And Every One,

Yet,  Still Being The Self. 

And The Play Goes On And On, 

Without A Beginning,

And Without An End, 

Timelessly, Trying To Be,

No One, Nor Many.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

My Blogging History.

About My Blogging. 


This is how I started blogging.

Way back in 1991, I felt strong, deep urge to  translate an English Text into Hindi. The first reason was that I could though understand the subject-matter well, I was not confident enough if I could grasp the full import of the text. And in order to convince myself, I tried translating the same into Hindi. At that time I never had any other idea about how I am going to do it. I had only the urge, so started doing the task. I took it as an exercise like we do as a student who is doing his home-work. I bought a rough note-book made available to poor students at subsidised price. Some 96 pages (including the cover-pages). I started translating the book from the first chapter. I wrote in pen and soon felt every sentence needed to be restructured many a times. So,  I had completed translating the 11 chapters, when I thought of writing the next chapters in pencil so that I can often erase and write again whenever required. The translation of the remaining next chapters of the book was done in this way. I re-wrote the same while editing it again.

Someone suggested if it could be published, would be a great help to seekers who don't know English. Though I too felt the same, I  was a bit hesitant because I wasn't sure how perfect or even correct was my translation. Then somehow my work was not only wel-comed, but  accredited and accepted also by those who then made all necessary efforts and arranged for the publishing.

So therefore, I kind of became a translator! 

During 1995-96 when I was still re-writing it, I felt if only I could have a computer I can do all the typesetting myself. But at that time I could hardly meet even my daily essential needs. For me, buying a computer or getting the typesetting done was unimaginable day-dreaming.

After some more years when my book was already published (and making waves too), I could arrange for an assembled desktop computer and then my dreams got wings. I learned the basics of it, and even though having internet was yet another dream, I somehow got it.

Then, in order to get 'computer-literate' I tried to write blogs. I had no idea that I can 'publish' my work in this way also.

That is the entire story and the history also about how I started blogging.

From my very childhood, though I always hated money loved wealth at the same time, and thought money is useful like a necessary evil only.

Then I came to see how blogging, internet, and all this, - I Think is kind of big-money! I never felt I should have more than what I really needed to fulfill my essential and bare needs for living my day to day life in a very ordinary and a simple way.

After having started blogging, I learned that all this progress, competition is not only a wastage of time, it also leads to unhappiness. Now I am very happy indeed and thank God for how my journey brought me to this end.


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Thought And Time.

 The Sense And The Essence.




Monday, January 9, 2023

Matter, Consciousness and Awareness.

P O E T R Y  : 10-01-2023

All That Matters,

Is but consciousness,

The Consciousness,

Manifest in myriad forms,

Worlds, things and beings,

Matters indeed.

But Who Knows!

One Who Knows is not consciousness,

But The Awareness only, 

Where the Knower is the known,

Where the Knower is the Knowing,

Where the Knowing is the Knower, 

Where the Knowing is the known. 

Where the Knowing Alone is All,

Where the Knowing is Aware of Itself,

Yet indistinct from Being and Bliss.

That is All That,

That is all That matters!

इति अलम्! 

Das Alles! 


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Man Is The Mystery .

P O E T R Y / 05-01-2023.


Man is the mystery,

For all and for himself as well,

Though he discovers many,

Undiscovered remains the self!

It never occurs to him,

To find out the mystery,

Of what or who is he, -himself,

And he goes on finding,

Those Innumerable others.

He may search out the whole world,

May never come to know Who he is!

So sure of what or who is he,

So unsure of oneself though,

It never occurs to him to know!

Quite unaware of what thought is,

He believes that he thinks!

Though thoughts come and go,

Keep repeating, to and fro,

Yet another hidden at the core,

Is the secret hidden,

The deepest more.

That hidden thought in the mind,

Is but truly itself the mind!

Utters not even the word "I",

Enables all other thoughts fly.

Riding upon this single "I".

All roam about in the mind.

Every single thought claims authority,

In the process is but lost the brevity.

Of the essence that is the core "I",

That is never really a thought,

But a sense deep and high!

That sense is the very real Self,

Truth Whole, Sole, Holy, Sacred.

If and When one gives attention,

It reveals itself without mention.

Then one realizes, Who one is,

And one realizes What he is.

Then one knows without doubt,

What is the Reality, what is Truth.



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :