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Saturday, March 7, 2015

About Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

part 2

Q: For the first time in Bombay?
A: A little staircase going up to an attic room. First came my head, and the first thing that I saw was Mrs. Satprem and Nisargadatta. There were maybe three or four people there. 'Here I am', I said. And he said: 'So, finally you came.' Yeah, that is what they all say, that I heard later, but for me it was the first time that I heard it. I did have the feeling when I went in that now it was really serious. Now there is no escape possible, Here something is really going to happen.

Naturally I had already met many of these people: Krishnamurti, Jean Klein, Wolter, Swami Ranganathananda, Douglas Harding, and also some less well known Indians. I was naturally too young for Ramana Maharshi and Krishna Menon. They died in the fifties. I was 7 or 8 years old then. That is not the age to be busy with these sorts of things.

It held also true for us at that time, 'wait' for a living master. And I had a very strong feeling that this was the man that I had been looking for. He asked if I were married, what I did, and why I had come to India.

Q: What precisely did you want from him?

A: Self-realization. I wanted to know how I was put together. I said: 'I have heard that your are the greatest ego killer who exists. And that is what I want.' He said: 'I am not a killer. I am a diamond cutter. You are also a diamond. But you are a raw diamond and you can only be cut by a pure diamond. And that is very precise work, because if that is not done properly then you fall apart into a hundred pieces, and then there is nothing left for you. Do you have any questions?'

I told him that Maurice Frydman was the decisive reason for my coming. Frydman was a friend of Krishnamurti and Frydman was planning to publish all of the earlier work of Krishnamurti at Chetana Publishers in Bombay. And that he had heard from Mr. Dikshit , the publisher, that there was someone in Bombay who he had to meet. Frydman went there with his usual skeptical ideas.

He came in there, and within two weeks things became clear to him that had never become clear with Krishnamurti. And I thought then: 'if it all became clear to Frydman within two weeks, how will it go with me?'

I told all this to Nisargadatta and he said: 'That says nothing about me, but everything about Frydman.' And he also said: 'People who don't understand Krishnamurti don't understand themselves.'

I thought that was beautiful, because all the gurus I knew always ran everyone down. It seemed as if he wanted to help me relax. He didn't launch any provocations. I was able to relax, because as you can understand it was of course a rather tense situation there.

He said; 'Do you have any questions?' I said; 'No.' 'When are you going to come?' 'Every day if you allow me.' 'That's good. Come just two times every day, mornings and afternoons, for the lectures, and we'll see how it goes.'

I said: 'Yes, and I am not leaving until it has become clear.'
He said; 'That's good.'

- About NisargadattaMaharaj

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ujjain, m.p., India
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