About "Time" / "Existence".
All things that exist, exist in Space.
Does the Space exist?
Where does the Space exist?
The Space exists in consciousness only.
Thus, though the Space is existential truth,
Consciousness is the Principle Primordial.
Existence of the Space is secondary, and the support, of all those things -phenomenal.
Time too exists as a Phenomenon only.
But Where then does Time exist?
The mind too exists as a Phenomenon only.
But where does the mind exist?
Don't the two exist / happen in consciousness only?
Isn't the Space too, -Existence Phenomenal?
Isn't the "Time" Phenomenal only?
Isn't the "Time", an idea only?
Where this idea takes place?
Isn't the idea too a Phenomenon only?
The idea of the Space isn't the Space,
While the idea of Time is but an idea only.
Does not the Space exist Timelessly,
-Always, here and now?
Well, What exists in Time is Phenomenal.
Phenomenon is an event, a change.
Phenomenon is but a modality.
And what about the moment?
Is not moment too a modality only?
What is a modality?
Does it exist like matter or energy, in and depending upon the Space?
And How long, stays a moment, in Time?
Could we determine / define precisely,
The duration of a moment?
Is the Time as a moment, and as duration,
Really a phenomenon?
Yes, and No.
A moment could be a mark that determines,
Two consecutive, successive events,
One that is the past, and another, -the next.
Is " Time", such a dividing mark, - 'duration', any?
If yes, then how long is this 'duration'?
And what about "Thought"?
Could we say Thought is a measure of Time?
Beacuse, for as much long Thought takes place, so much long is its Time / 'duration'.
Apparently, Thought is 'duration',
Exactly so, Time is also 'duration'.
Could this 'duration' be chosen as a criteria for the measurement of "Time"?
This is exactly and precisely the difficulty, and the complication in deciding whether the "Time" really exists or exists not.
In conclusion :
If Time exist or not, is a subject-matter of "Problematics".
(Can't say, if all this makes sense!)