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Saturday, December 18, 2021




is spreading fast.

In The U.K. everyday there are around 600-700 new infections that need hospitalization.

There is a

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies,

Nick-named Sage,

That helps the Government in the war against the Corona.

Let us hope Sage may bless us victory in this war against this world-wide pandemic!


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Love Unconditional.

 Poetry : 17-12-2021


Have you ever been loved, 

-By someone, 


Has someone loved you, 


Have you ever loved someone,


Has someone been loved by you, 


How could you expect, 

To know this!

How could you ask this, 

To someone?

How could you tell this, 

To someone?

When you love, 

Someone Unconditionally,

You don't see, the other,

You don't know, the other, 

You even don't see yourself,

You even don't know yourself!

That is the only condition,

When you love,

And are loved,



Sunday, December 12, 2021













EMULATE -- अवमूलयति,

SIMULATE -- सममूलयति / संमूलयति,

FEEL -- प्रलीय,


-- धीम्, 

-- धी, धियौ, धियः,

-- धीम् धियौ धीः 

-- धीम् कः? 


-- तं परः 



-- अमू (अमुकः), असौ अमू अमूः,

(Demonstrative pronouns)

अमूं / अमून् / अमूमन (उर्दू) 

-- धीम् (धीम्-कः)


-- विद्, विदो,  विदः / विदाः / बुधाः

-- बुध,

-- WED,


-- दिवः / दिवस / दिव्य / देवः / देवता, 

-- WEDDING / विवाह,

-- गिरा, अंगिरा, ग्रीक, गृर् > गीर्यते, गुरुत्व

-- ग्रावा (stone), ग्राविति,


-- अंगिरा / अङ्गिरा,



-- अङ्गिरस्,

-- शैक्षम् 

-- अङ्गिरा शैक्षम् 


This is the way how The Greek and English could be explored and found to have roots in The Sanskrit.


Conclusion :

That is how I can relate the languages, and I can think / feel / realize / understand, that there is a pattern, one could always explore, discover and understand too. 

If that is true, how could we say which language might have derived from which another?

Is not the idea misleading, that one (or more) language was there in the beginning (!), and then many other different then developed in time?


-- ईक्षप्लव,


-- द्विष्कवत्

(having divided / decided split into two).



-- ऋ-लीयते...

Then how / why the languages seem to have a resemblance of the kind?

Shri Devi Atharva SheerShaM categorically answers this question.

The sound and the phoneme, the word and the meaning are closely inter-related.

Sound and Light emerge from consciousness. And consciousness is the very principle that emerges from the imperishable principle, -- shiva.

That is,  though Sound (स्वन / स्वर) and Light (लघुतः) orignate from the same and unique principle that is shiva. The manifestation and the consciousness of the manifestation is the beginning of the world and the one who assumes the form of the individual self. The pure, primordial and prime intelligence principle that is consciousness is though associated with all and every thing, beings (creatures) is also unique and indescribable.

Then there is the prime intellect in each and every single individual, be it a sentient living being or an insentient thing / object.

Intellect in the individual is the reflection of the same Intelligence, that manifests in each and everything / everyone.

That is the only ground and the very source of all that is seen as world and "I".

That is how all sounds that constitute the voice emanate from the same Principle.

That is how / why the languages resemble in the first place.

If there is urge, earnestness, one could sure explore, discover and find out this "I", this consciousness, and this Intellect within one's own heart indeed.

This is precisely the subject-matter if the text : Shri Devi Atharva SheerShaM.

भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः।।

क्षीयन्ते चास्यकर्माणि तस्मिन्दृष्टे परिवार ।।८।।

(मुण्डकोपनिषद् --२-- २-- ८)


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Walking in the Dark

Ignorance, Doubt, Sceptic,

अज्ञश्च अश्रद्दधानश्च संशयात्मा


Light on the path.


Through the dense woods,

Walking in the Dark,

I was ignorant of my self,

I was doubtful of my self,

I was sceptic of my self.

Though I knew : I am, 

Yet didn't exactly :

Who or What I am / was / is. 

The sprawling dense dark woods,

Were a challenge and an urgency, 

An emergency, evoking in me the urge, 

To explore, discover and find out:

Who or What exactly, 

Is / Was / Am, 

The thing named 'I'.

That was the spirit behind the journey,

I took up and went through, seeking out, 

In my endeavor, in enthusiasm.

I clinged to the mere, bare thread of "I",

Remembered and recalled the same. 

I never let it slip away from my clinch,

Through the dark dense far-flung woods,

I never cared for the dread of the sounds, 

That kept haunting me from behind, 

Neither was allured by those calls,

That tried to catch my attention ahead,

Undaunted, unwavering, bit adamant too, 

Stubborn, obstinate, and haughty,

I kept on walking like the blindfold.

The remembrance, the call from the within,

Was the thread that I never let loose,

I never let it slip away from my grip.

Through the dark dense woods, 

Finally and ultimately, 

I discovered the very source of the light, 

Where-from came out this ray of I am. 

I discovered I was / is / am, 

The ray, the source and the light, 

That illuminated me, the world, 

And the deep, dense, dark woods, 

Yet is utterly calm, cool, detached as well, 

From everything else, 

Yet is also all and everything.



The Quit Religion Code


From the very beginning of the civilization, there have been many different traditions of beliefs / faiths, owned and practiced by the many people of the various different places on the earth.

The beliefs, faiths, no doubt are the prerogative of the individual, but are essentially made of the stuff that is thought. The 'Thought', as noun, and also as a verb. Thought is the very fabric of any belief and faith. In the absence of the thought, no belief or faith could ever exist, nor practiced.

This practice of a tradition is what religion is all about. No thought, no belief. Neither faith, nor the practice of the Same.

Consequently over the time, prompted by these different beliefs and faiths, different and many a traditions, and the practice of them, evolved out many religions upon the earth.

A belief or a faith is essentially a 'Thought' or an 'idea' only, in terms of a set of words. Yet  these words originate from a language that facilitates the communication of this or that thought or the idea.

This is because the words do have a meaning and a purpose in the day to day conversation, and its also true that the most useful words are often, of help. Thus we have a set of synonyms and we tend to believe, this is knowledge. Then we have many languages and we try to translate a word of one language into a word of the other.

This gives the illusion that we know.

At the mundane level a society could use many a spoken words and according to convention, it became the language of the kind.

But as soon as man learnt to associate a word with an object, he also began to give names to his feelings.

The feelings were of course of the kind of those like apprehension, desire, fear, hope, joy, sorrow,  jealousy, even attachment, love, passion, and the rest. A sense of the hypothetical "time", in terms of the present, the past and the future. 

Just as we don't have a common world, we also don't have a common past, present, or future.

Then how could we talk about a collective one, which is forced upon us by any religion?

Yet fascinated and bemused by the thought that there exists such a common world and its past, present and future, we keep on striving to attain goals in this hypothetical world, in this assumed future, which differ from person to person.

Then each and every person has a memory that is the storehouse of the incidents pleasant / not so pleasant. This is because every experience helps us in learning how to face the challenges posed by the life, from moment to moment, and how to survive and thrive. No doubt, Knowledge is of utmost importance.

So, only because of our memory, an idea of the past takes place in the mind, and a future too is projected there.

So long as we live in the now and don't translate the past and future in the sense of "time", we do well, and live the life moment to moment in the now / present. This now / present is a moment, which has neither a past nor a future. Yet it's so alive. Subsequently, there is a memory in terms of the assumed past and a hypothetical future.

The memory soon caused a sense and pattern of the "psychological time" which was known to the man in the evolution of the civilization.

So there is an individual time and an individual world for everyone. Still, he somehow started to believe in the existence of a world, common to all, and could not see, there is really no such a world common to all. This world again needs to be ascertained repeatedly moment to moment.

A few powerful then started to force their own thought upon the weak.

This is the very foundation of a tradition, which soon took the form of a religion. No religion is exception to this. 

For living and surviving in a society, one can find a tradition helpful to some extent. But the same becomes a conflict and a burden also, when one comes across yet another, that differs with that, -what one is used to.

A man born in a tradition may find it difficult to comply with and to follow the rigorous and strict discipline imposed upon him by his tradition.

Consequently, there was clash between different traditions, and religion dictated the traditions to use the power and it's till date the same.

All the religions of the past had / have the same story. That is how there were and are rebels who denied the authority of the organised religion.

This could be called the Q. R. Code, where an individual quits the tradition, beliefs, and faith of the tradition, in which he was born and brought up.  And still, may or may not embrace another tradition / religion, because he can see, know, realize for himself that all, and every organised religion is the very cause of conflict only.


Friday, December 10, 2021

Faith / Fear

Doubt / Desire


Faith is the Fear, 

Doubt is the Desire. 

Fear follows the Faith as a shadow, 

Doubt follows the Desire as a shadow,

The one who knows the Fear,

The one who knows the Desire,

Can never be overcome by,

The Doubt or the Desire.

The one who knows the Doubt,

The one who knows the Fear,

Can never be overcome by,

Neither the Faith, nor the Fear,

Can never be overcome by, 

Neither the Doubt, nor the Desire.


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

How prompt is the NET!



The post I wrote in this very blog a half an hour ago was a POETRY. 

No doubt, it is not about suicide or inviting one's premature death.

"Die to the world and the world too dies."

By the way, I referred to 'Dependency'. 

'Dependency" in any form is the bondage.

The psychological dependency, and not the physical is even far worse! 

The organism,  the body of course needs air,  water, food and shelter to survive.

But the world, obsessed with psychological needs, worries, desires and creates the illusion of imaginary fears and compulsions.

That is what one could always understand.

Points out the ancient wisdom.

This is not the death of the body. 

It's rather the Death of the idea, that I'm the body.

The world and the one who experiences the world, both exist as an idea only in the mind. The mind is not an individual, and neither the individual the mind? 

What is then "mind"?

Mind is consciousness and consciousness is life. 

The Consciousness is life only, and the life is consciousness only.

The life and consciousness are inseparable.

The phenomenal idea of 'me' and the "world" arise in the brain addicted to "thought".

"thought" is a wave and at the same time, it is also a concept.

Apart from thought, there is no "thinker" or "one who thinks".

It is the whole and sole foundation of the  ignorance of : "what is".

This ignorance comes into being with the thought and gets associated with the next thought that immediately arises in the brain after the earlier one. 

So a fictitious identity is born that assumes oneself as the "thinker".

The continuity of memory strengthens this false notion of oneself being someone.

That is sure a real joke! 

So who wants to die?

Isn't the question itself erroneous?

Because the individual never existed.

How the chimera that never existed, nor was born could die or kill oneself? 

Neither born nor could "die".

It's the idea that keeps getting born and dies too, -subsequently!

But the idea is a temporary phase / wave of the kind.

The "what is" is timeless Reality.

The Consciousness and the life!


Thanks the NET or Who-so-ever, that took pain and care of the post and at once I was given a response.

Before writing this post, I had checked if at least there was one "page-view" of this. Yes, only 1.

Having confirmed this, I was convinced how I'm being watched and monitored also here constantly.



I just want ....

To die. 

Poetry : 07-12-2021



Not that, 

That, I want to kill myself,

It's rather that,

The world wants to kill me,

And doesn't,

Let me live on! 

And I'm just unable,

To save myself.

So I would rather like,

To die happily,

And not, 

To live on,


In doubt and conflict, 

In agony and anguish,

Any more!

That's how, 

 I just want,

To die!

That is it!

But, Please wait!

Dyeing isn't,

The Death of the body,

It's rather,

The Death of the dependency, 

And as long as I'm,

Dependent upon the world,

I ain't really, truly alive.

Though I may look like living,

I keep on vegetating only.

Repeating the patterns,

Everyday and every moment. 

I'm but a puppet, 

Performing the actions, 

Prompted by the world around me.

I don't want to be a puppet, 

Instead, I'd rather like to live,

Like a puppy!

Vulnerable and resigned to, 

The whims of the world,

Around me!

I just want to die.

But don't want to kill myself, 

It's rather the world around me,

That is trying to kill me!

And really, 

I just don't want to die! 


Friday, December 3, 2021

The Creator.

Poetry :

When the Creator makes a selfie.


Even when,

The image has been carved out and delivered,

The Creator keeps the chisel busy.

Keeps hitting on through the hammer,

Applies a few strokes of the color, 

Of the brush, here and there, 

A few additions and alterations,

And as and when His job is done,

He hands over the same, 

To all those other people,

The care-takers, 

That promptly take up the same, 

To the funeral ground.

And the image resumes, 

Its onward journey,

In the Unknown,

Where the Creator welcomes it,

Still the operation is repeated, 

No one knows how many times.

Finally the Creator embraces the same,

Puts a kiss on the image,

As a mark that signifies,

His job is done,

That there is no more, 

A point of return.

And the prayers of the people are answered :

R. I. P. 


Thursday, October 28, 2021

While you were away,

Poetry : 28-10-2021


The Continuum.


While you were away, 

I looked for you, 

Searched out you,

Here and there, everywhere.

But couldn't find you, 

Anywhere except, 

In my dreams and memory,

In my imagination,

Far and within, 

Strewn upon me, 

Like the dry winter leafs,

Giving neither warmth, nor solace,

But then I realized, 

How far I had been,

Drifted away from myself,

Wandered and lost away, 

In my anxiety, agony,

Created by myself.

Just don't know,

How and if, 

Could I possibly,

Find you again,

In this time-frame,

Which seems not, going to end. 


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Religion, Faith and Trust.

A Dharma,

Many Religions,

And a Faith.


It's right time to ask a question about what is the relation between the Dharma, Religion and Faith.

Could the three point out the same thing? 

Are the 3 different from one-another?

Or, similar in a few aspects but yet different in some other aspects?

So long as we don't distinguish, compare and  contrast between the many aspects of each of them, we could never resolve the differences and the clashes consequent to them. 

It really needs a great urge, earnestness, insight and a serious resolve to find out and realize how the three are intricately related, intertwined and have become such a complicated issue that is turning the whole humanity crazy at so many levels.

'Dharma' the word, couldn't be satisfactorily and justifiably translated into English in such a word that may reflect the whole and core spirit of the Sanskrit word, 'Dharma'. 

'Dharma' is not a concept only, but is a principle. It has a deep, meaning and significance when it is applied to, with reference to  the behaviour.

Therefore this 'Dharma' could be classified again into 3 kinds of the existence, namely :

The Matter / Material,

The Mind / Mental, and 

The Spirit / Spiritual. 

'Religion', in comparison, is about the behaviour, the ritual, the custom, the tradition, the culture of a social group, -a cult of people. 

Of 'people', - we again find many meanings :

This may denote the 'color', the 'caste', the 'race', or even the 'blood'. Presently, we have another way of looking at it in terms of 'D. N. A.'

'Faith', very different from:

The 'Dharma', and

The 'Religion',

is essentially a concept fortified by tradition or custom, and is forced upon the people.

Then this is called belief.

Expressed in a language, it comprises of words only, and has no substance any. 

Neither in the objective sense nor in the subjective sense. 

In contrast, there is a word 'Conviction', that is kind of inviolable inborn assertion and never an assumption such as a concept or a faith.

The word 'Faith' however could be traced from the similar word 'fidelity' which implies kind of natural commitment. This could again be seen in the word 'fide' / 'vide'. Going a bit further, we could arrive at the Sanskrit word-root 'विद्' / vid, which is a very strong verb-root in Sanskrit, and a slight of grammar gives various meanings to it. This verb-root could mean :

To gain (from Sanskrit 'ग्रहण'),

To know (see, vision, witness),

To find (विन्दति, विन्दते) and, 

To have (Sanskrit : ह अव)

A very similar connotation is the Sanskrit word :


Which is a compound word, made of :

The verb-roots 'विश्' (to enter) and 'वस्' (to dwell into). Implying what is there that has entered into, and is residing in the heart, or our the very being itself.

Finally,  the Sanskrit root-verb :

'तुष्' gives us the words 

स-तुष-प्रायः, स-तुष, संतोष, संतुष्टि, 

Which may have the English cognates such as :

'satisfy', 'trust', and 'truth'




Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Vast Magnetic Tunnel.

The SciTechDaily. 


The latest scientific discoveries often justify and reaffirm my interpretation of the truths that I often relate to the ancient Vedika texts.

The Atharva SheerShaM is one such text that is rendition of beautiful mantras from the  Rigveda and other 3 Veda as well. 

As the Veda is described as the truth eternal, and not written by a human, but at the same time is revealed to sages again and again in different times. 

There isn't and couldn't be a chronology to Veda and we can't think or say which one is the farmer and which one is the later.

As Gita also points out, there are only 3 Veda, namely Rigveda, SAmaveda and Yajurveda. 

It often creates a doubt, if the Atharva Veda is a text compiled by choosing the relevant mantras from these 3 main Veda, later on.

Going through the 5 AtharvaSheerSha, one can find out how AtharvaSheerSha relates the other 3 Veda and has a purpose to help man in quite a different manner.

I'm reminded frequently of this fact while performing a routine "pATha" every-day.

"Is our Solar system surrounded by a vast magnetic belt / ring?"

That is what now the latest science is trying to find out.

"And if yes, what is possibly the purpose?"

I can see and relate to also the same truth in Shiva-Atharva SheerShaM, para 6 :

योऽग्नौ रुद्रो योऽप्स्वन्तर्य ओषधीर्वीरुध आविवेश ।

य इमा विश्वा भुवनानि चक्लृपे तस्मै रुद्राय नमोऽस्त्वग्नये ।

यो रुद्रोऽग्नौ यो रुद्रोऽप्स्वन्तर्यो रुद्र ओषधीर्वीरुध आविवेश । 

यो रुद्र इमा विश्वा भुवनानि चक्लृपे तस्मै रुद्राय वै नमो नमः । 

यो रुद्रोऽप्सु यो रुद्र ओषधीषु यो रुद्रो वनस्पतिषु  ।

येन रुद्रेण जगदूर्ध्वं धारितं पृथिवी द्विधा त्रिधा धर्ता धारिता नागा ये अन्तरिक्षे तस्मै रुद्राय वै नमो नमः।।

To understand better let us refer to para 2 of the same text where devatA extoll Rudra and say :

यो वै रुद्रः स भगवान् यश्च सोमस्तस्मै वै नमो नमः।।।८।।

Here we need to understand how in the Gita, chapter 15, Lord Sri-Krishna has pointed out in the stanza 13 and 14, in the first person :

गामाविश्य च भूतानि धारयाम्यहमोजसा ।

पुष्णामि चौषधीः सर्वाः सोमो भूत्वा रसात्मकः ।।१३।।

अहं वैश्वानरो भूत्वा प्राणिनां देहमाश्रितः ।

प्राणापानसमायुक्तः पचाम्यन्न चतुर्विधम् ।।१४।।

Once we should also cross-check how He, or the Lord Sri-Krishna has described Himself in the chapter 10 :

वेदानां सामवेदोऽस्मि देवानामस्मि वासवः ।

इन्द्रियणां मनश्चास्मि भूतानामस्मि चेतना ।।२२।।

And, in the chapter 13 :

इच्छा द्वेषः सुखं दुःखं सङ्घातश्चेतना धृतिः।

एतत्क्षेत्रं समासेन सविकामुदाहृतम् ।।६।।

This indicates that Rudra as Lord Supreme is a चैतन्य or a Conscious Principle.

Of course, the latest discoveries in Science may look a bit difficult to grasp, but as soon as we find out the same narrated, pointed- out and referred to in our Vedika texts, in a far more better way, we are winder-struck at the wisdom of the sages and the Rishis of the ancient times. 


Thursday, October 7, 2021

While you're alive.

Poetry 08-10-2021.


Question Existential.


While you're alive,

And have difficulties, 

And obstacles and hurdles, 

In living the life,

Do ask, :

What's the problem?

But when death arrives, 

When death reaches at you,

When death comes uninvited,

Don't ask :

What's the problem?

Ask instead :

Exactly "Who" has the problem!

But you could do so,

In the moment,

If you'd asked this question,

Unto yourself,

Many a times, 

While you were alive! 


Friday, October 1, 2021

The Sage.

The Reality and The man.


(continued from the last post)

Thus a few of those remembered that essential Reality of man, where-from arrived this sense of individuality as a 'person', limited to this body and its form, feelings, experiences, conditioning, memory, etc.

Sages however saw, how even after descending from that essential nature / truth of the Self, that is in fact an indivisible whole, one is never other than that.

"Seyen und Sagen" sagt Der Sage.

When he told others about this Reality, some could understand, follow and discover the same in their own being, while most just ignored him or didn't even give a glance or attention over his words.

Some thought :

The Sage might be speaking about some God, Who is the Creator, Who sustains and preserves His Creation and finally annihilates / withdraws the same unto Himself.

So this God too seems a late-comer to 'I'.

Then the notion :

"God is All"

came into existence.

The man misunderstood this word 'All' to be His very name itself! Others a few clinched the hint and could see what the name pointed out to!

Man in this way has been running from the pillar to the post desparetely anxious and restless.


The Self-Referential

The Phonetic, The Figurative, and the Descriptive.


The human language developed so far through millennia might have been the result of man's attempts at describing his feelings, verbally and through gestures in the beginning.

Naturally, first through gestures, men might have tried to convey their most simple feelings like fear and affection but then hatred, threatening, anger, envy and jealousy also. 

Then they might have discovered how to show through imitative words many a objects sentient or insentient. This way the human could express so many of their ideas.

We can't say when man successfully knew that in order to identify a certain object or a person, name could be assiciated to the form of that person or object,  -sentient or insentient.

However once he found out that a certain phoneme could be associated with a certain object and then an aggregate of these various phonemes could be compounded in a sequence so as to enable him distinguishing those objects he must had great joy and exhilaration.

Many might have done this at many places and at different times and they might have invented the first spoken language of their tribe.

They might have tried assigning names to things and people as well. Then they might have felt that there should be different words to denote one-another in mutual conversation. 

However, they might have felt bewildered and embarrassed when they had to point out oneself by the same name that others used for calling one.

We can see that in comparison to 'He' and 'You', the self-referential pronoun 'I' must have been a late-comer for them.

Finally they might have arrived at and agreed at that the expression / pronoun 'I' could be used by each and everyone of them conveniently, while pointing out oneself, and irrespective of their name. 

That must have been how the illusion of taking oneself a person might have entered the mind / consciousness of man.

It is not that before acquiring this indicator, one didn't exist and was not aware of the existence of oneself, but only after naming oneself as 'I', one had a sense of oneself and took himself as this very person, he calls by 'I'.

Looks a bit awkward, but that is how this 'I' then transformed into 'We', and the consciousness of the individual into the collective.

From the collective then grew up the cults and the culture.

In the process man utterly forgot what is this  'self' or the 'essential self', if any, that he Is. 


Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Seeking.

Poetry : 26-09-2021


A cry in the wilderness,

A search in a vacuum,

Beginningless and Endless,

With no any resume.

Goes on and on,

A spree utter consume, 

The seeker is desperatedly,

Obsessed with a presume.

Could one ever find out,

The essence of the shadow,

The one, who is his own,

Would he ever know,

Could it be ever known?

Could it be ever shown! 





Saturday, September 25, 2021

I just wonder...

 Poetry : 26-09-2021


Exactly Who, 


What is entangled! 

The Quantum,


The Quantum Physicist,

In the Dipole Moment, 


In the Bipolar Disorder!



Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Ancients

Poetry : 23-09-2021



।। नमः पूर्वेभ्यः पितृभ्यः सर्वेभ्यः।।


Come the fortnight, 

Comes forthright,

The vibe full of Blessings, 

Of Remembrances,

Of those Forefathers,

Who are ever so watching,

Their children,

Us, their own shadows,

Cast upon the earth, 

The residents of the Sun-Realm, 

The subjects of the AryamA,

Cast a glance over us, 

The mortal-humans,

Who neither know, 

Nor do understand,

The Overlords of the Heavens,

The Big Fathers of the yore, 

Are watching,

Lamenting, how their races and clans,

Have drifted away from the path of Dharma.

In this very fortnight,

We could set the record straight and right,

If even once we remember them,

Pay respects and homage,

(स्वधा पितृभ्यः, तर्पणं पितृभ्यः)

No doubt, our land will come to peace,

And they too could attain,

And rest in peace eternal.


Monday, September 20, 2021

Did You Ever Note!

Poetry : 21-09-2021


Did you never note!

That nothing new ever happens!

The idea of anything new is, old. 

Quite old, yet keeps reverberating,

In the Cosmic mind, and reflects,

Even so, in all the innumerable minds.

The individual mind is but farce!

The idea is catapulted into the instant, 

And looks though as if, fresh and new, 

Is ever so stale, old, redundant one. 

Outdated, obsolete, and catches this moment, 

Which is ever so spontaneous and fresh,

That never happens like a happening!

The idea keeps on living its life own,

A quasi-temporal existence, caught in,

Stretched out in between past and future.

One is memory, the other is in reflection.

That causes the illusion of a happening!

Hold onto this very present moment, now,

Devoid of past, future, memory and thought!



Friday, September 17, 2021

Going Through.

Poetry :

Succinct and Distinct.


Going through a work voluminous,

A hard work arduous and tenacious,

The writer is trying to prune the tree, 

If the purpose is served, just can't see!

Why don't cut, but in one stroke, only the roots,

That keep on growing many a newer shoots!

He is trying to make short a line before him,  

But how it is to be done, couldn't have seen!

May be, one day he would know this also better, 

When he draws another fine, bigger and longer!

The longer would stay for all the times ahead,

The shorter would be forgotten, dead as well!

I could sure hint at and give him a clue,

May be, he takes it and gets this cue!

First of all, let us see very clearly that,

How, from Dharma, religions drifted away,

Not only drifted away, but followed the way, 

That leads to Adharma and are going astray!

The simple and direct way is pointed out, 

In the aphorism : ahimsA paramo Dharma!

(अहिंसा परमो धर्मः ।।) 

Followed by another : mA vidwiShAvahai !

(मा विद्विषावहै ।।) 

Both the two are complementary to one-another,

Show the light on the way of the Dharma!

The first says : 

Never have enmity to anyone else,

The next says : 

Have not jealousy / hatred with anyone either! 

That is the true spirit of Dharma,

That is the only way to Dharma!

Spirituality, is the essence of Dharma, 

Religion the custom, tradition, and love!

Religion may step into the shoes of Spirituality,

Or may be the same, relegated to formality.

Dharma rises from the core of the Heart,

Religion may become rule, strict and hard!

A faith chosen when because of love,

Stands justified in the times to come.

A faith that is forced upon by tradition, fear, 

Will never blossom into harmony and love !

There is doubt, and there is the the hatred,

Uncertainty, confusion, ignorance, unsaid. 

Religion is often followed, blindly by one,

Dharma is discovered in the heart alone.

Do's and Don'ts dictate, constitute the Religion,

Dharma arises from the right discrimination.

Right and wrong is the foundation though,

The consequence justifies what's truly good.

Comparision between the Religion and Dharma,

Is a task indeed, vain, futile, formidable one!

Dharma is always a rise and rise in the Spiritual,

Religion but often a fall and fall in the ritual.

Once it is seen, you forget the rest,

Conscience tells you, what course is the best.



Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Miracle.

 Poetry : 09-09-2021




When all your life-lines, 

Have been exhausted,

And still you are alive,

Vegetating, Cogitating

Agitating or Hesitating,

Isn't it Miracle?

Don't you think,

How that happens!

Who ordains your Life-Lines, 

Who maintains your Being! 

Who sustains your Life, 

Who retains the Spirit!

Isn't it Miracle!

But then you know, 

It's not important,

To know Him, 

Who helps you, 

Keep on Living,


And still you can't know,

What exactly is Life.

How you can utter a word, 

How you can say about, 

All that is but Life,

Not of the individual, 

But of the Whole, 

That knows Itself?


When The Curve Is Flat.

Poetry : 08-09-2021


अद्वैत दर्शन 


A tussle has been there, 

Between the two rivals

Like the one between those, 

Who say the egg was the first, 

And those, 

Who say,  No! the hen was the first.

Still it has not been resolved / ended.

Now they ask :

"Could Quantum Principle explain, 

The phenomenon, that is consciousness?"

This is how the entanglement takes place.

There are the opponents, 

Who ask :

Where and "Who" know the entanglement,

If not the consciousness?

Isn't consciousness the self-evident Reality?

Clearly, there is a catch. 

When there is entanglement,

Between two or more quantum particles, 

The Uncertainty (Principle) prevails.

The same Uncertainty (Principle) prevails,

When there are two conscious entities -

Entangled with and within one-another.

Looks like consciousness Is, 

Verily the entanglement indeed.

The egg is the hen.

The hen is the egg. 

It's only past and future,

Nay, the time-module,

That in terms of the thought,

Cause the idea of distinction,

Between the two.

In the eternal, timeless now, 

Where measurable time ceases to exist,

At once is seen, 

The Uniqueness,


That Alone Is.

Aware of the Reality, 

Though indistinct as well.


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Fabulous / प्रसंगवश

Is the new blog, I began a month ago. 

Don't miss! 

Though it was aimed at writing some Marathi post, found it impractical because of some unexpected reasons. So writing something else. Yesterday wrote a post :

The Fabric of The Cosmos / ब्रह्मसूत्र / Semantics.

This post is in Hindi / Sanskrit.

Just for info.


कल ही अपने ब्लॉग "प्रसंगवश" में हिन्दी में एक पोस्ट :

ब्रह्मसूत्र / तुलसीदास / श्रीरामचरितमानस 

The Fabric of the Cosmos.

से संबंधित लिखा।




Saturday, August 28, 2021

When this happens!

 Poetry : 29-08-2021


Being Connected, 

Being alive! 


When you know, 

Someone or something, 

Is keeping a tab on you,

Round the clock, 

You are at once convinced, 

They are there!

May be the Gods Physical! 

And not only convinced, 

You also know for certain,

That You are ALIVE!

In their and your own,

Real Time, though physical!

Yet it's really enchanting,

Very fascinating too.

Neither fanciful nor untrue. 

For a while you know,

You are connected!

And you are protected, 

Safe and secure,

For you know, 

Privacy and individuality, 

If not a myth.

Is a dream only.

Two aspects of the same,

The individual and the individuality.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Quantum & Conscious

"Can Consciousness be explained by Quantum Physics? ..."


Thus begins with a news article.

First of all let us see if Physics is very clear about what it means by "Consciousness", or for that matter, by "consciousness".

The root of both the words is the word :


The above word "Conscious" though refers to a state of the mind of any of the living creatures.

Grammer-wise, "consciousness" is an abstract noun, and the one, who has "consciousness", is a man or animal, who is conscious of such an object or some-thing else that is perceived in the "consciousness".

There are a myriad objects that are there out of the attention of such a "Conscious" being, but the one who has this "consciousness" is by its own evidence, a unique principle, and not at all any object whatsoever. 

The "Conscious" entity is thus the foundation and criteria upon which the whole variety could be or is explained. Quantum (matter / energy) is but one prominent amongst all those the rest and many objects.

How could the objects could possibly explain the criteria? Isn't the question is upside-down or  ill-formed?

This will never happen because the fundamental premise itself is an erroneous notion.

But they (Physicists and Mathematicians) are prone to such jumbling up of the words.

It is interesting to note how without examining the validity of the question, modern scientists have discovered a new approach to keep them busy in the intellectual labyrinth.

All this is happening, because though they see how Vedanta candidly answers all their valid and essential questions about the Reality, - which is the sole and unique principle, their conditioned mind can't ever accept the same in their wildest dreams.

It is fear on one hand, on the other it is empty pride alone, because then they will have to accept defeat before what they think is an end to their own individual and also collective way of 'scientific" thinking.

Consciousness is the only Prime Principle,  all else is secondary, rooted in, stays, abides and finally returns to the same. Physical Time and Space is but objective reality perceived in this fundamental  Consciousness Principle. 

Associating this Consciousness with organism makes the organism "conscious", and the same "consciousness" is at once split into the object and the subject.

If this be the truth, do we need God?

Vedanta and Samkhya-Darshana neither deny nor assert God. They find the question of God irrelevant, superficial and superfluous as well. 

Isn't God an assumption only? 

Still Vedanta and Samkhya-Darshana accept the (existence of) such a God as an adjunct only. 

The trinity of this God, the soul and their world is but one single whole reality, because no one of the three can exist in the absence of the other two.

This explains unmistakably and beyond doubt, that these three apparent realities are totally, utterly, completely interdependent upon one another.


That is what they mean by Brahman (ब्रह्म).

The same Brahman is indescribable because in the description, there is division inherent.

The object / one that is described, 

The subject that describes this object and,

The description / the narrative

They say Brahman is devoid of all distinctions.

Again, this Very Brahman is Consciousness.

This Consciousness is verily Intelligence.

This very Consciousness is Atman.

Who is the there other than this, that could be its evidence? 

Isn't one, one's own only and unique evidence?

This truth of Self (Atman), Brahman (ब्रह्मन्) or Consciousness is the Self-Radiant Reality.


Friday, August 20, 2021

I'm but lost!

Poetry : 20-08-2021


I'm but lost, 

A short while ago, 

Though I felt, 

I was but only,

A bundle of thoughts, 



Groomed and zoomed! 

A second ago,

When I was ego, 

Something happened,

Like a sudden, 

Unexpected blast, 

And was so devastated,

Come about, finally fast!

And just knew,

Couldn't but know,

Where I was,

Who I was,

Where I was.

Regained the truth, 

I was ever the same,

I'm ever the same, 

I was never this name,

I was never this man. 

That is no more now, 

That is what happened, how!

Gone is the man,

Gone is the ego,

A while ago, 

Still I'm sole, 

Still I'm whole!

A contradiction in terms,

When I note this myth,

A Reality indeed,

When I see this truth.

Like the wind,

I'm gone,

Like the air, 

But I'm.

I'm the air,

I'm the breath,

Coming in, 

Going away,

All the same.


Monday, August 16, 2021

The Birds!

Poetry : 16-08-2021


Could The Hinduism would be extinct,

In the coming next 100 years?

Or could it survive perhaps?

A scholar of 'Hinduism' fears!


Birds of different feathers,

Fly freely in the sky vast, 

But then in the evening,

Come to the nest, at last.

Birds of different shades, 

Birds of different colors, 

Birds of different hues, 

Reach, Arrive there so fast. 

One hardly knows,

Where do they come from,

One hardly knows, 

Where do they go away. 

Yet there are birds,

Of the abstract form and kind,

Who roam in the man's mind.

Of different shades, colors, norm, 

Invisible, formless, with not a form.

Man gives them names, or a name, 

Then they make the man their game. 

Though the man becomes the slave, 

Never knows how he was but naive.

They take the man for their virtual ride, 

And never feel ashamed, neither hide.

An ism, a doctrine, a theory, a tenet,

Thus lives on its life, under the blanket.

Man never knows not, could never see,

How long these birds would stay and flee. 

In his ignorance, but man sure suffers, 

In his own folly every man though differs.

One doubts how long survives an ism,

The other believes his own is the only real.

All struggle to save their ism from extinction,

Thus goes on and on, the life eternal.

Thus keeps running, the movement of time, 

And man deluded, goes astray, in his pride.


Sunday, August 15, 2021




There is something wrong while the word 'consciousness' is defined. 

This doesn't need a great talent or wisdom to see that consciousness is the only and the unique evidence of whatsoever is known. But at the same time, the consciousness is its own evidence also.

Though Psychology defines consciousness in terms of the individual's mind and its many tendencies, the very simple meaning of the word suggests that consciousness is when one is conscious of something.

Veda and Vedanta assert with firm and full conviction that all and everything exist only  because of Consciousness which is the only Self-Evident Principle, while all else needs the support of Consciousness to prove their existence. 

This Consciousness is unique in that, it is not the same as the dualistic consciousness of the individual, which is always in the form of the consciousness of the subject and the consciousness of the object.

The life of an individual or an organism for that matter, is no doubt, a manifestation of the same unique Consciousness in him that soon assumes the duality of the kind.  This duality is an assumed notion only. 

In conclusion, whatever was, is and will be, originates from, survives within and returns unto the same unique Consciousness Principle.

Gita tells us :

अव्यक्तादीनि भूतानि व्यक्तमध्यानि भारत। 

अव्यक्तनिधनान्येव तत्र का परिदेवना।।२८।।

(chapter 2, stanza 28)

This Consciousness is ever so immutable, pure, while the individual consciousness is often ridden with many impurities.

If the physicists would like to see how they define, and what they take by this word 'consciousness', they could also realize that by no logic, experience or proof, this could be denied, refuted or ignored in any way.

The same Consciousness is the 

'ईश्वर' Principle for those who think He is the Unique and Supreme authority Who alone creates, controls, and dissolved His Creation repeatedly, and the individual is only a tiny  expression of His myriad creations.

We can't equate this term 'ईश्वर' with God or other such equivalent, because the word 'ईश्वर' could be rightfully derived from the Sanskrit roots, which simply means :

"The Supreme Consciousness, The One, Who Governs the Whole Existence / Universe in Every and All respects".

"ईशिता सर्वभूतानां सर्वभूतमयंश्च यत्।

ईशावास्येन संबोध्यं ईश्वरं तन्नमाम्यहम्"

(preamble to  ईशावास्योपनिषद्) 


The Edge.

Courtesy : the title borrowed from :

BBC Science Focus magazine.


The Edge.


Where is the edge of,

The observable universe?

And what is there, beyond?

The Edge of the observable universe is,

In the observer,

And the other end too is within.

But the observer is beyond time and space,

While the observation is akin to time and space.

Could possibly there would be the time and space, in the absence of the observer?


Saturday, August 7, 2021


To the last post :



So there is consciousness that implies something one is conscious about. 

The thing one is conscious about is 

"The Object", 

While the one who is conscious of something is 

"The Subject".

This implies the consciousness involves the object and the subject. 

But at the same time the object is the known and the subject is the knower.

Again, the known keeps changing while the knower remains fixed, unchanging. 

Though this appears so, there is still another level of awareness where the knower is aware of the subjective. This is also common knowledge and understanding of all and everyone that this subject,  the I or the me is subject to change under all and every changing condition. 

This means the subject constantly undergoes mutation. This paradox hints at yet another awareness of I and this is the end and the Ultimate Reality. This is the core which is strictly immutable but this requires a deeper insight to stay and abide in it. 

This is the true meditation.

This involves no practice or effort of any kind. Because all practice and effort is made by I, and this awareness is utterly devoid of this sense of I, you, he, this, that and other such pronouns.

Therefore pointing out to it is just absolutely absurd and impossible also.

Still scriptures try to help the seeker.

An earnest, deserving, sincere seeker can sure take the hint or even directly come upon this Reality, that dwells in all and every living being, yet manifests itself when one is mature, ripe.


Friday, August 6, 2021

The Locksmith

The Clocksmith.


Isn't time illusion? 

I was reading about how a locksmith invented a clock, the first prototype. 

He knew instinctively  through own insight that 'time' has a conceptual existence and you can measure the same independently, define the 'unit time' according to your convenience.

Thereafter the Physicists learnt defining 'time', and how to make it relevant and fit into a frame as much exact as accurate mathematically as well.

This doesn't mean that 'time' is an entity or a quantity like other material quantities. 

So ultimately they defined a criteria like atomic time. This is of course the most practical one. 

Yet they had to set this clock according to the time that defines the year, -say astronomically. The rocket-science turned into, and developed into the science of missile or of the spacecraft. 

Quite so a locksmith turned into a clocksmith.

But who or what exactly might have invented the lock-down?

Like time, Isn't a lock-down, also an illusion?

This question occurred to me, when I felt there must be a facility that defines and measures the (movement of) time in a computer when it is not connected to A.C. Then a friend told me there is a small button-cell that maintains that time in the computer while the A.C. is off.

This is how they devised a criteria in terms of Giga-hertz, and accordingly in a computer, a 'second' is 'defined' / 'curated'.

Really time might be elusive, as it keeps on  deluding all the time, the very intelligent people also.

Could we now assert that the 'consciousness' (of time) exists independent of this 'time'?

Isn't the consciousness self-explicit? 

Could there possibly be a state when the same,  -the consciousness didn't exist nor exists, shall not exist?

Could we negate, refute, deny consciousness by any logic, experience or insight what-so-ever? 

Who knows?

Is not the  'knowing' itself synonymous of consciousness? 


Monday, July 26, 2021

Relationship Unresolved.

Any relationship unresolved is the beginning of a persistent and unending conflict.

The abstract notions such as the thought, the time, the space, the consciousness, the mind, the life, the sorrow,  the misery, the love,  the hatred, and the self, are the many things we hardly understand what is our relationship with them, or how we are concerned with them.

And we can never know how to resolve our relationship with them.

Birth and death, society, religion, ethics, morality are of secondary importance only.

Ideals and objectives, past and the future, are obviously of the least importance.


Friday, July 23, 2021


 @Tokyo, Nippon  


नृपो नुरोहितो यत्र, 

नृपानं इति यत्स्थले।

प्रारभते प्रथते तत्र, 

सर्वेषां स्फूर्तिप्रदं भवेत्।। 


नृपो / नृपः - The King,

नृपान् , निप्पान : Nippon Japan

स्फूर्ति : sport, spirit, Spartan, Spartacus,


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Consciousness Revisited.

Poetry : 22-07-2021


What's all this fuss,

About Consciousness!

I'm the Consciousness, 

I'm the manifestation:

The Consciousness-Principle!

I'm the hidden, 

I'm  the manifest, 

I'm  the time without a beginning, 

I'm the ending of the time manifest!

Still I revel in and through, 

All my infinite, myriad,

Forms and expressions.

Could there be a time,

When I'm not? 

Could there be a consciousness,

When there is no time? 

Isn't time but the consciousness?

Isn't consciousness but time only?

Consciousness is the observed,

Consciousness is the observer. 

Yet beyond the two. 

Observation is the Reality. 

The object is the observed,

The subject is the consciousness.

Object and Subject,

Keep on mutating, 

Changing the form,

Yet the two emerge out from,


The Consciousness Immutable.

The Unique, but not one or many. 

One or many are the attributes only, 

Of What I'm! 


The words 'beginning' and 'end',

Belong to time,

But not to, what I'm.

Time is consciousness. 

I'm ever so untouched,

And quite unrelated to,

This time or the consciousness.

(Thus spake the Reality.)




Love-hate !


Poetry : 22-04-2021.


To have being, 

To be having,

Is all that,

What is behavior.

One is, 

What one has, 

One has, 

What one is, 

You can't be,

What you don't have, 

You can't have, 

What you are not, 

If you are love,

You have love, 

If you are not love,

You neither have. 

How could you then seek, 

How could you then find, 

The love, that you aren't.

You don't have hatred,

If you aren't scared.

You are not hatred,

If you have not hated.

How could you have,

What you aren't.

How couldn't you have,

That you but are!


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Did the Universe have a beginning?

अनादित्वम् or 

The अनवस्था-दोष? 


A few days ago came across this apparently erudite post in .

In logic, it is called 'begging the question'.

In classical Sanskrit and wisdom of Veda,  another name for the the same is :


Which means the question itself is shrouded in uncertainty and has no valid ground any. 


A "beginning" implies a movement in "time".

"before" and "after" denote "time".

A "beginning" implies, it started at the end of a time.

If one may ask :

Was there "time" before this "beginning" took place?

The problem is two-fold, the most intelligent scientists or mathematicians fail to see that so far they couldn't grasp / define what do they mean by "time".

Whatever they say about "time", is in terms of comparison of 2 or more events and they call one of them as of a shorter duration and another as of a longer duration. They can't define what they call "time", independently of duration.

This is what is the "relative" time. 

We can "measure" the same but that is again relativity of convenience.

Really, "time" / "duration" don't have their existence independently, but appear to exist as notion or assumption only.

The "time" physicists speak of, has no material-existence, like the matter.

And again, as they claim, even this so-called 'matter' could also be neither created, nor destroyed.

What about the "Space"?

In a Vedika text, namely the

"Shiva-atharva SheerSha",


It is pointed out that whether material or the non-material, "time" is the product of the essence imperishable.

अक्षरात्संजायते कालो कालाद् व्यापकः उच्यते... 

व्यापको हि भगवान् रुद्रो भोगायमानो ....

यदा संहरते चायं,  रुद्रो संहरति प्रजाः .... ।

This means :

From the "timeless" Rudra, comes into being the "time" of perception and imagination. 

And again, as this "time" is all-pervasive, this gives rise to, and evolves into the form of what we call "Space".

Is it not just a coincidence, that while trying to understand the nature / behavior of  the quantum particles, Eric Heisenberg was  struck by the idea of Uncertainty which he then gave shape and form of a "principle"?

"Uncertainty" is verily what is pointed out by the Sanskrit word :

अनवस्था-दोष .

We see, Veda very clearly do announce that what we think and assume as "time", is / was what evolved or rather 'inferred' from the essence of existence and then from only this very "time", evolved out into, or became the "manifest", the "Space".

The same "Space" is synonymous with the element "Akasha" आकाश. 

Akasha (आकाश) or this "Space" is the very foundation, upon which further evolved out  the grosser elements like agni (अग्नि, fire), vAyu (वायु,  air), Ap / jal (आप् / जल, water), and prithvi (पृथिवी, earth).

This may not be true in the strict sense, and the point is, -all this "phenomenon" is held into consciousness and 'inferential' only.

Consciousness is verily the "observer", while the phenomenal is the "observed".

Consciousness is therefore the threshold, where our search for the existential truth or the Reality attains finality / perfection.

But a 'mind' that asks this question, is again the intellect (बुद्धि), and is the ray of the light of the same Consciousness wherein are held  the gross elements.

The extrovert mind talks about the observed or the phenomenal, while the introvert mind seeks the very source from where arises the  intellect itself.

Then, let us check, if the question :

"Did the Universe have a beginning?"

Is really a legitimate one?



Saturday, July 17, 2021

The New Trend!

This is It! 


When a friend became father for the third time, he named his son :

X AαE A/12

When I asked him, how he called his son? 

He pronounced his name.

"अनिरुद्ध संकर्षण प्रद्युम्न! "

But this doesn't connote or match well with the name of your son!"

"Well! Come on!

Let me tell you a secret!

This is but the pw of the account I opened in his name on a social networking site!

And this is again for me to remember the correct pw."

He whispered.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Poetry : Annapurna 


She rolls flat-bread,

She cuts vegetables,

The innocent enchanting,

Smile on Her face, 

At once evokes respect, 

Maybe She is but a child, 

The Grace She showers, 

Upon the one, 

Who-so-ever looks at Her,

Blesses him with joy! 

When you decifer Her name, 

You could know the secret sacred, 

That is hidden there,

In the letters of Her name! 

Though a hint could be given, 

From the Sacred Mantra:

"ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्ली चामुण्डायै विच्चै।।"


Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Life.

Thus spake the Lord.




You Never Die. 

Even if you die,

Your world dies with you. 

You can't kill the world, 

Nor the world can kill you. 

In every death, 

There is a next birth.

And in every birth,

There is a death.

You never live alone, 

In every life, 

There is an infinity of lives. 

You live one, you live all. 

Then you leave one, and leave all. 

Yet you never perish.

You never know, 

How many births you had,

In the past,

You never know, 

How many you have,


You never know, 

How many you shall have,

In the future.

I had a myriad births,

You too had,

Though I know them all,

You don't know!

O Arjuna!

Thus spake the Lord :

"बहूनि मे व्यतीतानि जन्मानि तव चार्जुन।

तान्यहं वेद सर्वाणि न त्वं वेत्थ परंतप।।"

(Gita : chapter 4, stanza 5)


Friday, July 9, 2021

The Scriptures.

Let us begin with :

"The description is not the described".

A Scripture is nevertheless always a description.

The Ancient texts of yore and lore, are chiefly of the following 5 kinds :







"The description is not the described" 

suggests and avers :

It is very important to understand, Why and how a scripture is really of worth and is of use in terms of importantance as :

Descriptive, Instructive, Narrative, Cryptic, Mystic, or the kind of a Philosophical only.

There is yet another aspect of a scripture, that is the Literary.

Broadly speaking, the scriptures of the Sanatana Dharma have yet another categorization :

Nigama (निगम) Which are kind of affirmative.

Agama (आगम) Which are kind of deductive.

Affirmative Speak of the Supreme Reality either in terms of Ishwara or without dealing with such a concept.

Again, these scriptures don't insist that Ishwara or the Supreme Reality is ONE or MANY, but they do point out that the Supreme Reality is simply indescribable and Unique at the same time.

There is also a category of the divine entities that help in managing the functioning of the world, the law and order that is essential for the life of each and every individual.

These are verily the Devata (देवता) who have the power to control and regulate the life of all the individuals and their world.

This implies each and every individual has his own individual world and all these worlds are a compact whole universe (Brahmanda / ब्रह्माण्ड).

That is the whole framework of the scriptures of the Sanatana Dharma.

An individual can not only approach, but even more, attain also the Ultimate Reality, call it Ishwara or by any name of your choice.

This is how every Devata (देवता) is addressed in this way as the परमेश्वर / Lord Supreme.

A follower of Sanatana Dharma has no doubt or  confusion what-so-ever about this.

This means "Devotion" or "Bhakti" (भक्ति).

This is how every-one can practice the 

Sanatana Dharma


For an intellectual, -a man of words or concepts however, there are scriptures that elaborate in much details the system and the methodology of performing the activities that could possibly help him approach and even more, attain the same Supreme Reality that a man of devotion (भक्ति) could reach with his pure heart and Love for his IshTa Devata (इष्ट देवता) in one or another form of his inclination.

In principle, the Sanatana Dharma enumerates 5 essential Devata (देवता) गणेश, शिव, शक्ति (देवी), विष्णु and सूर्य .

The rituals or yajna (यज्ञ) however describes and needs many a forms of the same 5 as above, in their individual capacity and power. This implies that by propitiating these Devata (देवता) through performing a yajna (यज्ञ) one can acquire all worldly wealth, prosperity, health and  pleasure.

The Vedanta however points out that all these things are transitory and the only lasting peace is found when one realizes the Self / the Atman.

A Devata (देवता) is only a concept and may be, though very powerful, could never be more or even as much powerful as the one who thinks of this Devata (देवता).

As a fact, one who is devoted to such a Devata (देवता) is at the best, a vehicle of the same.

The Devata (देवता) is the one, who inspires his intellect (बुद्धि) and he merely serves the same Devata (देवता) all the times. May also believe that after his death would go to his place / abode and enjoy there all the pleasures of heaven.

The scriptures warn that all the worldly and all  the heavenly pleasures are transient and only the peace and bliss that is found in the Self / Atman is eternal and ceases never.

This is how the Sanatana Dharma is a way of life inclusive of different sects, traditions, faiths and beliefs.


Thursday, July 8, 2021


A Thought about the THOUGHT. 

A Comparision:

Yesterday,  came to see an interesting warning about ADHAR, given by the UIDAI.

I understood this as follows :

"Every ADHAR No. is necessarily a 12 digit No., but it is not (true) that every 12 digit number is also necessarily an ADHAR  (identification) -number."

Whatever, I remembered a similar doubt / query.

What stuff is the world made of?

Or :

What is the basic element that forms the world?

Essentially, the most simple yet the very correct answer to this will be :


When one thinks, a world is at once projected in the mind. We can't say if the world exists prior to and apart of THE THOUGHT.

This implies each and every THOUGHT is funda-mentally a quantum (physical / material) move-ment.

Now we can see the significance of probability-factor in the behaviour of a quantum particle.

As regards to THOUGHT, again the probability factor (in principle) holds true.

You can never predict what next thought will come up in (your) mind.

[Note : "your" is again an assumption, a thought only, and not essentially a material entity that is  verifiable physically]

So the Uncertainty Principle applies equally well  to THOUGHT as much.

This was perhaps the crux of,  

-what J.Krishnamurti might have tried,

to point out to :

David Bohm, -the Physicist,

In their Dialogues :


Summarily, we could conclude that THOUGHT is kind of a quantum stuff.

THOUGHT might be verily the proverbial, 'cat' in the quantum experiment, referred to, in the :


Finally, I do agree and I'm not sure, if all this really makes sense or not any.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

What is Bhakti!

Gita refers to Samkhya-Darshana in chapter 2.

Thereafter in the next chapters, Lord Sri-Krishna tells to Arjuna that He was teaching him the same ancient yoga that was first of all taught to Vivaswan (Sun) by Him. Vivaswan taught the same to Manu and then the same was known by the kings.

In long time, by and by, it was lost to the next generations and the same I am now teaching to you,  O Arjuna!

In the coming chapters He says the aspirants of Truth are of 2 kinds.

One of them tries to know the Truth / Reality, and in this attempt fixes his attention on what is permanent and what is transient.

Then he slowly comes upon the realization that all other than consciousness is transient and he fixes the mind in the quest :

What is this consciousness apropos me? 

He then understands that 'me' is only a thought (vritti) like all other thoughts that arise and go away, but nevertheless very strong and binds the other thoughts so as to seem as if 'me' is some-thing permanent and everlasting.

Maturity helps him and he begins to see that truly he is the only immutable "Self" and the same as Brahman.

This is not an experience, conclusion, memory or emotion,  sentiment or even a feeling. 

This is but Realization timeless. 

Kapila Muni is said to discover this Darshana.

In all there are 6 Darshana and it is not some  philosophy or a philosophical thought, but literally a kind of apperception of Reality,  which may happen through the ways of Samkhya-Darshana, Mimansa, Nyaya, Yoga, Vaisheshika, Vedanta.

These six Darshana are the ways through which one can come face to face to Reality. 

This is not a method, and there is no "how" or a logic that could help. What matters is only the earnestness, sincerity, and maturity of mind when one has diligently meditated upon the point : what is that which is for ever and what is that which appears and disappears repeatedly.

Arjuna however couldn't be convinced by this Samkhya-Darshana of Kapila. 

So Lord Sri-Krishna told him :

लोकेऽस्मिन द्विविधानिष्ठा पुरा प्रोक्ता मयानघ। 

ज्ञानयोगेन साङ्ख्यानां कर्मयोगेन योगिनाम्  ।। 3

(chapter 3)

This way there are only two options if one has to know the Reality.

One is of Kapila, where ego itself tries to find out its nature and is ultimately exhausted in this very process.

There is another, where the ego is finally well  convinced that there is a Supreme Lord of the existence and surrenders / submits to Him unconditionally and in the effect is annihilated for good. Then again only the Supreme Reality reigns and the spiritual quest had reached its culmination. 

Bhakti is an intermediate state of being when one gradually weakens the ego and ultimately one is free from it. One can say this is liberation, end of the cycle of repeated births and deaths.

Bhakti or Bhakti-yoga is thus a karma / action, or the wisdom (jnAna).

This way Bhakti too is a Darshana (attitude), yet quite different than the six narrated above.


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Only Option.


Poetry : 30-06-2021.


The Politician.


Most of them, 

Keep on beating, 

About the bush, 

Because they know well,

There is neither a bird

In the hand

Nor two there,

In the bush.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Essence.

Where the knowledge is not any more. 


Poetry : 29-06-2021 

All the words have lost their meaning,

All the books have lost their sense,

All the feelings are empty and silent,

All the knowledge has come to the end.

All the recognition of the world and me,

And the memory of the past whole,

Thought and thinking have stood still, 

Are lost irretrievably, available no more,

All the imagination, hope and fear,

Of the future, forgotten like a dream,

The light of wisdom dawned upon,

When one reached at the heart, the core!


Friday, June 25, 2021

The Sudoku-Tantra.

Sudoku : The Sacred Tantra. 
For the beginners, a Sudoku is a 9x9 matrix of integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 arranged in a such a way that every integer in each column, row, and the 2 diagonals is not repeated.
Thus, there are in all 81 squares and every integer is there but once only in every column, row and the 2 diagonals.
Solving a given Sudoku is no doubt, a difficult or comparatively an easier intellectual exercise, but one can sure form a Sudoku as well.
So far, I didn't try to find out, how many Sudoku really exist but guess, it might be a limited finite number only.
But I do see a Sudoku is a beautiful example and model that let's us understand how we can take each number as an assumption only.
Tantra-vision looks at the matrix of letters that deals with the spoken letters / phonemes of all sounds that human voice can utter.
The same matrix finds place as :
अक्षर-समाम्नाय in Sanskrit Grammar.
Here every letter (वर्ण) is form and essence of a  देवता and they are such, of 33 kinds (कोटि).
Following this Sudoku, is an instrument of the गणेश-तन्त्र, while the अक्षर-समाम्नाय or the matrix of the letters belongs to :
The शिव-तन्त्र, as well as the देवी-तन्त्र also.
Again about what exactly is the significance and the role of a देवता in Tantra?
An integer is a whole positive number, and as such facilitates the counting of the number of the items under consideration.
Although an integer is an assumed idea and as such an assumption only, it signifies a deeper sense / aspect of the latent and not manifest, that could not be grasped through the senses (physical organs of knowledge).
When we kind of 'cage' such a देवता in a box and in terms of an integer, we need to place each in such a way, that it holds a unique place in its allotted column, row or diagonal.
This is the आधिदैविक /  Divine sphere of numbers and letters.
This indicates, we duly honor and respect each and every देवता .
When a Sudoku is solved, this happens.
A spoken letter or a number is basically a live expression of the corresponding देवता .
A Sudoku is therefore the bridge that connects the individual consciousness to the आधिदैविक /  the Divine Sphere, consciousness or the Divinity.
At the physical, mundane, secular level though we can consider each letter and number as a concept only. Maybe, It has a form and meaning also, but still it is a verbal thought, a word or a set of certain words, that keeps on arising and disappearing in brain. And as such it is but data or the bits of information, but no value ultimate.
Then we come to the realization that the "I" too holds a unique place at the level of the individual and the Divine also.
In man it is the ego, while as the core Reality, 
it is the Ultimate, Supreme, Absolute and the  Unique identity of the Existence.


Monday, June 21, 2021

Fear is the disease.

Life is a festival, put the fear aside, ...

Poetry : 22-06-2021


Life and death, renew, rejuvenate,

Forget the fear, greed, and the pride! 

Disease is the sign of the sick mind,

Has come to us, to remind to us, guide! 

The fear that is here, is but the only disease, 

The Death, that is here, is but the only cure, 

Eat, drink, merry and rejoice, be happy, 

Life is happiness, nature, know for sure!

Eat, relish, the nature's bounty and gifts,

Drink the nectar, the juice of the fruits, 

And not the wine, that makes you stupid, 

Play with the flora, sing with, the chirp of birds.

Merry in this way make friends with nature,

Be happy in enjoying what's your share! 

The three major roles of life, however,

For some is, to eat, to drink and to merry,

For all those men and all the women, 

Who want to always be really happy.

To live such a life is the only true life, 

All other goals their, are but secondary,

The roles these three are but very natural,

And all the other things are consequential.

So says the charter, unwritten of life,

Man is but a husband, woman but a wife.

Whenever the two are thus merry-making,

The progeny happens, gets the offspring.

This is what and how, then there is the family,

It's all the love of life, and the life of love really.

Then comes up the envy, jealousy, and hate, 

The possessiveness, the war, whatever is fate.

Then the weak, left to the mercy of the strong,

Become their slave, in the right or in the wrong.

Then springs up a collective, that is society,

Where the might is right, is the rule only.

Life is then gone, but all the else remains, 

And is called ethics, morals that are framed. 

Then arises the hype, the fear and the shame, 

The nature is the whole, spirit, body is the name.

The nature is verily the soul, generous, kind.

The nature is life, wisdom, love and heart,

The nature is always same, in all of its forms.

Still there is degeneration, and all things decay,

Keeping the nature alive, afresh and let so stay.

So ever in rhythm and tune are all the things,

But still there is death, for all the living beings.

Man though knows not the mystery of death,

Gets thus so caught into confusion always.

Thinks in terms of 'I am the body and mind',

Forgets ever the Spirit, that is the life behind.

But the one who knows, the body as form,

And the mind that is only a changing norm.

Knows that there is the nature as life and spirit,

And the  death is the end, with a new beginning.

Is not freightened of the forthcoming end,

Discards this phenomenal world behind.

Enters the wisdom of the bliss unending,

Where time is no more, only the spirit survives.






Knowledge Non-mediate

प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म 

(Awareness is verily the Brahman) 


In the last post it was mentioned how there is the knowledge mediate (अपरा विद्या) where the trinity of the knowledge, the knower and the  known is distinct and as such is never the Wisdom that is where the Intelligence is.

This Intelligence (Brahman) is the very Light or the Awareness without this division of the knowledge, the knower and the known.

The same is also termed as 

the Knowledge Im-mediate or 

the Knowledge Non-mediate,

As there also, the distinction of the three viz. :

The Knowledge, 

The Knower, and 

The Known,

Ceases to exist.


Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Ending of Fear.

Fear and Awareness.


Is death inauspicious? 

Is it the death, or the fear of death, that could be said inauspicious.

Is fear inauspicious? 

Fear again could be rational or irrational. 

Fear is a warning of the imminent possible danger. 

So fear is truly a blessing in that it makes one aware of the incoming possible danger.

One could be either foolhardy and face the situation blindly without understanding the implications and the significance of fear, or could cautiously deal with the fear.

But again, exactly 'who' is the 'one' that is in fear? 

Does the body know the fear?

Is it not the mind that comes across the feeling that is called "fear".

Is the mind the consciousness, or is known in the consciousness?

Again, is the mind personal (or individual) or the collective, or is neither the individual nor the collective, but only a collection of thoughts,  feelings, emotions, habits bundled together in memory.

Is the memory not information only? 

How one could possibly say 'my memory'?

Is not the adjective 'my' too a part of this memory that is of the brain? 

If 'my' is memory only, exactly 'who' or 'what' is one that memory is tethered to like a thread?

Does the individual or the person that appears to be this thread, really exist?

How this phenomenon that is the individual or the person comes into appearance, and keeps disappearing repeatedly moment to moment?

If and when this fact is realized, there is no more the question of fear or the danger for the one, 'who' has come across this realization.

Is the 'one' then the mind or the consciousness of the mind?


Is this consciousness / awareness then could be an individual, personal, collective existence / affair, or free from them all, and the pure sense of being only? 


Thursday, June 10, 2021


Just A few days ago came across a brilliant conjecture:

"Is consciousness a quantum phenomenon?"

In Indian Philosophy, there is ancient atheist thought narrated best in Gita Chapter 16 :

असत्यमप्रतिष्ठं ते जगदाहुरनीश्वरम्।

अपरस्परसंभूतं किमन्यत्कामहैतुकम्।। ८

This thought insists that the world has come into existence without being created by (a / the) God. It is the outcome of the (fulfillment of) joy of sexual intercourse only. There is no such any  God (principle) that governs the existence, and the world is its own creation.

This again suggests (as some exponents of

 "नागार्जुन रसायन"  school say and maintain that)

"consciousness" is only the effect / result of chemical elements and their mutual reactions, manifesting / un-manifesting repeatedly and as such there is no entity behind the appearance and disappearance of the world  that governs, maintains and / or regulates this world.

The conjecture / suggestion :

"Is the consciousness a quantum phenomenon?" 

is partially true if by the word consciousness we mean the mind, but this conjecture could be further corrected, if we distinguish between the consciousness and the thought.

We could then perhaps conclude that thought is no doubt a quantum phenomenon.

This could be again understood that there is a thought 'Live' that is constantly in movement in the brain, while there is another 'dead' that is the recorded and is the stored in terms of memory. 

Nevertheless, the 'Live' one is supported by the consciousness where-in this 'Live' thought takes place. As such the same consciousness is then called "Awareness".

In Sanskrit, There are specific words to denote this dual role of consciousness. 

The consciousness that is associated with thought and operates in a mechanical way like an instrument and without attention, is 'mind' / मन, while the one that is aware of the thought is consciousness (चेतना). 

Again, the Awareness, -light that illuminates this चेतना is the called चित् / चैतन्य.

So for the sake of clarity however, we could see the paralles like Awareness for  चित् / चैतन्य, and चेतना for consciousness.

चेतना is therefore the personal aspect, while the चित् / चैतन्य is the impersonal aspect of the same Awareness, the attention, that is also referred to as अवधानं.


Lack of proper translation of these fundamental Sanskrit terms causes unnecessary confusion and complications.



Do, What You Will, ...



Do What You Will,

Life Has a Storehouse of Ample Rewards,

For Whatever You do,

Or, Whatever You do Not!


Wednesday, June 9, 2021


And the Science :

They say :

"Sub-atomic particles seen to change into anti-atomic and back to atomic."

A new research tells! 

Who saw or knew this?

Is the entity that saw / knew,

atomic or anti-atomic!

Or,  is it a conjecture proved true by reasoning

and experiments?

And exactly who saw / knew this entity that didn't change from one to another form?

Isn't its own evidence?

Just wondering!



Monday, June 7, 2021

दूसरी लहर!

एक विचार :

अतीत के भारत में दूध-घी की नदियाँ बहती थीं। 

आज के भारत में ज्ञान की नदियाँ बहती हैं। 

लोग ज्ञान में डूब रहे हैं !


Friday, June 4, 2021

Event 201.

This is it! 


This is how a plan was well-designed and was completed also successfully! 

Looks like the sequel is yet to come! 

But, No prize however for guessing, possibly,

"201" was but the code for 2020-1.


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Sharing what I'm!

Poetry :



Neither the pleasures, 

Nor the pains,

Neither the losses,

Nor the gains,

With everybody,

But I share,

Only the Love,

That remains! 



Monday, May 31, 2021




The Obsessive Troubleshooter.
















Monday, May 24, 2021

Poetry : 24-05-2021

The Reality : 

The Subjective, and The Objective.



Who is afraid of the Reality! 

Is he the one that is the objective? 

Is he the one that is the subjective?

Could the objective have a name and form? 

Could the subjective have a name and form? 

What is there that refers to the self?

Is there such a self, that is objective?

Is there such a Self, that is subjective? 

When the line of distinction between the two,

Is just lost and you can't find there any more,

Who are you then?

The objective or the subjective?

And do you then, 

Just cease to exist?

But, don't you know? 


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Own Source!








Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Cries and Crises.

Times and again! 


The Crises shout aloud, 

The Cries stay suppressed,

The Critics speak aloud,

The sufferers stay depressed.

The people keep scaring,

The media keeps glaring.

No one yet cares,

No one but dares.

There are many others,

No one really bothers!

Thus goes on the parade, 

Thus goes on the Charade.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Why Corona?

Corona virus is of the same type (SARS) that causes common cold.

Since the discovery of the radio signal trans-mission there has been a big increase in cancer cases all over the world.

Since the arrival of 2G (towers) there have been these rather newer diseases.

Since the beginning of 3G, 4G and now 5G, Corona has been spreading fast.

Some 2 years ago I  had expressed my doubt (conjecture) about this. 

There had been vociferous denial to my guess. 

A friend suggested a few days ago that the spread of Corona might have been because of mosquitoes.

After a brief moment I asked him, 

Why then, it has spread in the countries where they don't have mosquitoes?

Today while reading about a news-item, where a law person has submitted a plea in a court against the 5G  companies, this came to my mind.

Since last 3 years many have expressed / raised doubts about the possibility of radiation hazards be-cause of these mobile towers.

And I (and all) have seen, how a warning of danger is shown up at any place, where they have constructed such a mobile-tower.

The idea behind this conjecture is based on the fact that these viruses tend to mutate and thus keep surviving because prompted by such a necessity caused by the radio-signals.

May be, scientists could one day find out if there is any truth in such speculations.

Even if it could be established that the Corona spreads by mosquitoes or by mobile towers, no one is going to pay heed and we all will have to suffer.

Hope my fears are in vain.


Your World.

Poetry : 04-05-2021


Your World, 

Is just a matter of mind-set.

Neither your, 

Nor mine, 

Is the World Real!

The mind-set only, 

Keeps deluding you, 

In an incessant nightmare.

Where-from comes the mind,

Where-to gets it lost?

Find out and and know well, 

How the mind is the spell!

Once you see the light, 

Behind the mind.

That illuminates the World,

That illuminates the kind, 

You at once realize,

There is neither a Collective,

Nor any such a personal mind.

Still you have to put on the cloak,

Lest others may not you mock,

You are not unto them,

Merely a laughing stock! 

But why worry, 

When there is no such chance, 

Resolve and determine first, 

On the World and on the mind, 

Cast upon them but a glance.

The World is not Your, 

Nor is Your the mind,

You are but all them together,

Between the lines, if you read.

You are the Light,

You are the mind,

You are the World indeed,

If you would see thus instead!


Your truth is, not the Mind-set,

You are accustomed to, 

Reality is not the World, 

You are accustomed to, 

You are not other than the Reality,

Not the identity, accustomed to!


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Technique / AI

Is AI Technique? 

Is Technique AI?

How easy or difficult it is, is one question. 

How essentially needed is another.

When something is urgently needed, we don't question if it is easy or difficult.

For example, we need a vaccine or two for CORONA.

Is it easy to find out such a vaccine? 

Yet, is it not an urgent need of the time? 

But what about the Environment? 

What about the Oxygen?

What about the plants that 'manufacture' or filter out Oxygen from the atmosphere?

I guess they call it 'Oxygen Concentrator'

So, how easy or difficult it is, to produce Oxygen by means of such a 'plant'? 

How costly or cheap is the technique of producing Oxygen from such a 'plant'?

Again, how costly or cheap is the Oxygen produced by the (botanical) plants? 

And,  by the way how costly or cheap is growing these plants? 

Again,  how easy or difficult is the same for nature itself? 

And how intelligent it is on the part of 'human intelligence' to cut down such a vast, big, great number of (botanical) plants alias "trees"?

What and how long a time it takes to grow such a (botanical) plant or "tree"?

And what about the forests,  woods that have been grown up by nature without uttering a fuss? 

And what about the amount of the Oxygen they generate in their stride for living! 

Alas!  We don't know if plants or the nature has intelligence.

Artificial or Spontaneous,  natural,  real....

Neither we know if or not,  we do have such kind of intelligence.

We sure have intellect.

Intellect is no doubt an excellent and wonderful tool (that uses us), and we don't know if it uses us or we use it! 

We just don't know if we use intellect or the intellect itself takes us for a ride. 

Understanding this needs a great, tremendous  intelligence. 

With the help of this intellect, we can perhaps 'manufacture' Oxygen on the planet Mars! 

So that, In case when the life on earth ceases to exist, a handful selected 'humans' could settle down on the planet Mars.

Maybe, CORONA would give us a chance and a hope, so that the humankind (and not sure, if the 'humanity' as well) could survive in this way in the distant future.


Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Only Challenge

The humankind is facing many a challenges at this time and no one is sure how we as a whole could resolve and overcome these challenges.

But if looked carefully, we may uninamously agree that the only challenge that should be dealt with is :

How to restore the balance of human population in comparison proportionately with the other living creatures over the globe.

We can't ever think of achieving this goal by means of war, disease, or through applying the  ways of birth-control.

If we don't meet this challenge on our own, we are bound to fall prone to the whims of nature. 

Nature takes its own recourse, in its own ways. 

It's true we may reconsider the ways through penance and austerities that is observed by the ascetics. Only those, who look this as the only practical option for the future of the mankind would follow this spiritual discipline for their own ultimate benefit, however the same is also equally true for all others as well. 

All and everyone can see that the resources at our hands are enough for living the human life with peace and in harmony, if we are not after grabbing and hoarding the things which we don't need. 

This may be the only INTELLIGENCE that we may come across.

And no politician, scientist or organised religion is perhaps going to help you in reaching this INTELLIGENCE.


Friday, April 23, 2021

The Green!

That butterfly was green!

The one that I had seen! 

Trying to find out food, 

On the heap of garbage,

Fluttering wings stopped for a second 

Caught in the cam my, but in the next moment,

Lo and behold the beauty,

The one that I had seen, 

The one that transcends the ugly, 

The hurry that was but green! 


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Apropos to,

The Last Post :

Serendipitously, I chanced upon what I had commented upon my own very old post :

Consciousness part-1.

Dated : May 25, 2010 at 12:21 A. M. 


All concepts are always very complex and a wastage of time. 

Consciousness is not a concept but the Reality,  which is 'Subjective' at one end and 'Objective' at the (an)other.

If we (can) see everything as 'Energy',  then again, the 'consciousness' of the 'Energy' is prior to 'Energy'.

I am not dwelling in (the) conceptual.


This may relate to my yet another observation that I wrote in my post in my swaadhyaaya blog today only. 

There I stated that from the smallest to the biggest, all and everything are endowed with kind of the same awareness / 'consciousness', that pervades the whole existence at all levels. 

This means,

The Quantum Principle is a phenomenon which is another aspect of 'consciousness' only.

Subsequently, a quantum particle itself is at one end the 'Objective Reality' and on the another the 'Subjective Reality' as well.

This sums up how we can enter the threshold of the Reality of the Spiritual kind. 


Friday, April 16, 2021

Wendi Donigar and Audrey Truschke

Selective Amnesia.


There was this translator who had written a book about India,  and was published and subsequently taken back by penguin publishers.

Now there is yet another Audrey Truschke! 

Looks like she is an authority on MAHABHARATA!

Without being irritated an Indian can just laugh out!

No one can ever change the world.

Because your world resides in your mind only.

Neither you can change your mind or yourself! 

That is such an absurd ridiculous idea!

Meanwhile the nature is taking its own course. 

Doesn't know, care or worry for anyone how-so-ever great,  big or small.

And lately, the physicists are pondering over the premise:

"Objective Reality does not exist!"



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :