Life is a festival, put the fear aside, ...
Poetry : 22-06-2021
Life and death, renew, rejuvenate,
Forget the fear, greed, and the pride!
Disease is the sign of the sick mind,
Has come to us, to remind to us, guide!
The fear that is here, is but the only disease,
The Death, that is here, is but the only cure,
Eat, drink, merry and rejoice, be happy,
Life is happiness, nature, know for sure!
Eat, relish, the nature's bounty and gifts,
Drink the nectar, the juice of the fruits,
And not the wine, that makes you stupid,
Play with the flora, sing with, the chirp of birds.
Merry in this way make friends with nature,
Be happy in enjoying what's your share!
The three major roles of life, however,
For some is, to eat, to drink and to merry,
For all those men and all the women,
Who want to always be really happy.
To live such a life is the only true life,
All other goals their, are but secondary,
The roles these three are but very natural,
And all the other things are consequential.
So says the charter, unwritten of life,
Man is but a husband, woman but a wife.
Whenever the two are thus merry-making,
The progeny happens, gets the offspring.
This is what and how, then there is the family,
It's all the love of life, and the life of love really.
Then comes up the envy, jealousy, and hate,
The possessiveness, the war, whatever is fate.
Then the weak, left to the mercy of the strong,
Become their slave, in the right or in the wrong.
Then springs up a collective, that is society,
Where the might is right, is the rule only.
Life is then gone, but all the else remains,
And is called ethics, morals that are framed.
Then arises the hype, the fear and the shame,
The nature is the whole, spirit, body is the name.
The nature is verily the soul, generous, kind.
The nature is life, wisdom, love and heart,
The nature is always same, in all of its forms.
Still there is degeneration, and all things decay,
Keeping the nature alive, afresh and let so stay.
So ever in rhythm and tune are all the things,
But still there is death, for all the living beings.
Man though knows not the mystery of death,
Gets thus so caught into confusion always.
Thinks in terms of 'I am the body and mind',
Forgets ever the Spirit, that is the life behind.
But the one who knows, the body as form,
And the mind that is only a changing norm.
Knows that there is the nature as life and spirit,
And the death is the end, with a new beginning.
Is not freightened of the forthcoming end,
Discards this phenomenal world behind.
Enters the wisdom of the bliss unending,
Where time is no more, only the spirit survives.