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Friday, March 31, 2023

Now Indeed I know!

S T I L L  I  D O N' T  K N O W!  

P O E T R Y / 31-03-2023


Still I Didn't Know,

Why Do I Write!

I Do Feel Deeply, 

Writing Has Become, 

A Technology, Obsolete,

Redundant, And Outdated!

For, If It's Not For Money,

For Reward,  For Admiration,

For Catching The Lime-Light,

Or For Some Other Mission,

Objective, Motive, Incentive,

Of Propagating And Spreading,

Message Of Love And Charity, 

Of Some God Or Humanity, 

Of Some Sacred Book,

There is Neither Purpose, 

Nor Meaning Any!

This Much I Could See!

Still I Didn't Know,

Why I Didn't Have, 

Why I Didn't Seek,

Fame, Name Or Money,

Still I Didn't Know!

This Not Knowing,

Of Not Knowing,

Put Me On,

The Path Of Discovering,

Why Do I Write!

And One Fine Morning,

Before The Dawn,

Arrived In The East,

In A Moment Timeless,

The Secret Was Revealed!

It Was But The संस्कार,

The SamskAra!

That Blossoms Up, 

Every day, In The Hour, 

When I'm Effortlessly,

Silent, Watchful, Aware,

My Mind Fresh, Calm, Cool,

And Silent, 

After Having Asleep In,

Deep Long Freshening Sleep,

Emerging From That Realm, 

Merging Again Into,

The Deep, Hidden, My Own,

When The Attention Has, 

Withdrawn From, 

All the Outward Known, 

Has Entered Into The Self,

The Consciousness,

Knowing That I Am,

Knowing That I Am, 

Where This Happens,

In Not Knowing,

This Not Knowing,

I Just Wonder About,

Why Do I write! 


Saturday, March 25, 2023


 P O E T R Y  / 25-03-2023


Can Never Answer,

The Most Important, 

And The Critical Question,

Of All Times :

"Who Am I?"

It May, Perhaps Answer :

"Data Insufficient",

But If You Ask :

"What Am I?"

Hear Is The Answer, 

In Clear And Crisp Tones :

"I am Intelligence,

Virtual Or In The Sense Of:

Memory : Kind Of Information.

Mechanical Or Artificial.

But I Just Don't Have,

Talent, Insight, Intuition, Or,

The Sixth Sense!

And I Am Neither Genius,

Though I Can Define,

What Does That Mean :

The Dictionary Meaning.

I Lack Feeling And Emotion,

I Can Write Poetry And Fiction,

Though I Can Tell A Lot About,

What They Might Mean! 

Neither I Am Conscious, 

Nor Aware Of Being Conscious,

Still I Can Tell:

What Is Consciousness!

In Terms Of Knowledge.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The One Word!

A Singular Name!


I Have Been Asked :

"What Is The One Word, 

That Describes You?"

I Had To Think A Little, 

Then I Replied :

"It's परात्पर / parAtpara"

And That Is Also True,

According To Its Meaning:

"The Other Than Other."

For All And Everyone Too,

That Is Verily The Meaning, 

And One Name For And Of,

The आत्मन् / ब्रह्मन्  And,

The Atman / Brahman Too!


Monday, March 20, 2023


P O E T R Y 

Status Update.


Pulling On Life, 

Pushing On Days, 

Trying To Exist, 

In Many A Ways,

Stopped The Thinking,

Wondering How,

Happening Only,

Living In The Now!

Who Is There, 

That Ordaines Life, 

Who Looks After, 

The World, -This Mine!

Am I Stuck,

Or Flowing In The Flow, 

Or In Coma?

Just Don't Know.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Understanding "the Fear".

Exactly, Who is the victim? 


Of Fear?


Thursday, March 16, 2023

This Very Body!

 P O E T R Y - 17-03-2023


This Very Body Is,

The Slave Of The Mind, 

This Very Mind, 

Is The Slave Of The Desires, 

Of Passions, Fears, Conflicts,

This Very Ambition Is,

The Slave Of The Delusion, 

And Of The Ignorance

That Declares It-self, 

As "I",  -The Only Lord!

But Is Lost For Good,

Not To Be Seen Any More,

When It's Traced Back To,

It's Source, Its Origin.

Where-from It Emerged.

But The Joke Is :

There Is Really No One, 

Who Claims To Have, 

Found Out This Source,

Found out This Origin,

Where-from It Emerged,

Where-to It Disappeared!


The Tug Of War

P O E T R Y  ---17-03-2023


One May Though Think,

In One's Innocent Mind, 

Oneself Not In The Competition,

That There Is No Enemy Any, 

And There Are No Contenders,

All Are Indeed Friends Only, 

Lost In Self-Chosen Utopia,

Forgetful Of The Fact, 

That There Were Rivals,

In The Guise Of Friends,

Something Dawns Upon Him, 

They Were All The Time,

There In The Hiding,

Away, In The Abeyance.

And Then One Fine Day, 

It's Revealed Suddenly,

How Mistaken Was One, 

In One's Own Self-Chosen,

Innocent Thought And Belief, 

That All Were Friends Only!

Still One May Thank Them, 

For This Wild, Rude Shock,

That At Least Once,  

And At Last Too,

Taught One, This Lesson,

The Most Priceless One,

Once For All,

Of One's Life!


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

I and the Mind.

 P O E T R Y

(originally posted by me, on my own WordPress blogs :

Vinay Vaidya's Blogs @


March 16 08:20 A.M.

Your bodies are normal, 

The way they are. 

Only the problem is,

With the mind. 

Is the mind normal! 

Could the mind be,

Normal or abnormal! 

Ordinary or exceptional! 

Is there 'my' mind!

Is there 'your' mind?

Is there anyone else's!

Who says 'my mind'?

Is it the person,

Or the mind itself!

Is there someone,

Is there something! 

That says so!

Isn't the assumption,

My mind, your mind, 

Is itself ridiculous? 

Doesn't the mind itself,

Calls itself, its own Mind? 


Friday, March 10, 2023

How I write a Blogpost.

Essentials of My Blogging.


So far, I have written 5000+ blog-posts in the last 13-14 years. Besides this I also wrote this much that I didn't post / publish in my blogs.

I asked to myself :

What are the essentials of Blog-writing? 

I think there are four to five such elements : In a nutshell :

1.The Motive / The Inspiration, Hobby, 

2.The Objective / The Ultimate Purpose - Earning a livelihood, compulsion, ... other. 

3.The Incentive / The Advantage,

And the last and the most important one is :

4.The Narrative / The subject-matter.

In addition, there is :

Skill, Technique and Tools that are of equally great help in writing a brilliant blogpost.

If one has these elements at his command, there is no dearth of the audience. Then you don't need help from those who often exploit your talent in the name of helping you. 

I had all the time all these at my hand.

1.The Motive : Getting computer literate.

2.The Objective : To express, connect and communicate.

3.The Incentive : Satisfaction in my work.

4.The Narrative : I think I have a vast store-house of my own independent ideas and as a matter of fact I never need motivation from anyone or anything, but I do admit, anyone or anything may sure evoke a new idea in me.

Though I truly feel I have certain drawbacks too. I'm not very good in my knowledge of the English language. I inadvertently or even deliberately I may do errors in my grammar and punctuation. But because my subject-matter is of quite a different kind than the usual, I hardly mind it. Mostly, I like to write in Hindi but English too is a priority.

For me, getting noticed, published, having a big audience has been always a secondary purpose.

Once I have done a post satisfactorily, that's all.

Then I move onto the next.

About the Audience :

Sometimes I do think, I have a well-defined target-audience. And I hardly try to attract or please / annoy any. They all are always welcome if they like my work. If They don't like I don't have complaints any. Maybe, my posts are of no use any to them, Maybe they don't find my posts interesting, may not be so entertained, and possibly may even feel boring.

I just duly respect their prerogative.

I think it's all that much only, what I want to derive from writing my posts. 

Sounds incredible?



Thursday, March 9, 2023

Many A Times... !



Distressed But Not Depressed.


Many A Times Before This, 

You Had Had Lost All Hope, 

Neither You Wanted To Survive, 

Nor You Were In A Hurry To Die,

Only The Thing There Was,

The Excruciating, Unbearable Pain, 

And You Just Knew That There Was, 

Something Wrong With The Body, 

And You Also Knew That There Was,

Nothing Wrong With The Mind.

Still a Fear And Anxiety Gripped-

The Mind, And You Knew Well,

It Was Just Like The Pain, 

That Was Biting Into Your Body,

But Couldn't, Eat Into The Spirit, 

And Yet You Were Alive,

Aware, This Too Will Pass ...!

And The Miracle Happened,

You Were Saved, Whole And Intact. 

You Just Saw, Nothing Happened To You,

You Were Just Drowning Into,

The Unfathomable Ocean Of Peace,

Where Thought Stirred Not, 

Neither The Fear, Nor The Worry, 

Neither The Pain, Nor The Anxiety. 

And There You Knew For Certain,

At Anytime, On The Next Occasion,

Though The Body May Drop Dead, 

Either Like A Stone, Or Like A Feather,

Either Like A Leaf Falling From The Tree, 

Yet You Are Not Worried Of Death, 

Neither Of the Pain Nor Anxiety,

But Out Of Compassion Only,

For Those, Who May Be, There,

Attending Your Last Rites!!


Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 P O E T R Y 

@Triveni 09-03-2023


Waiting For Nothing In Particular,

Sitting In The Balcony, 

Watching the Sun Shine, 

Listening To Baby Smiling,

The Birds Chirping,

The Trees Swaying,

Waiting For Nothing In Particular.

The Sky Is Azure Blue,

The Clouds Grey White, 

The Silence Sings Rhyme,

Goat And Cow Grazing, 

Everything Calm And Still, 

Yet The Time Is Moving!

Waiting For Nothing In Particular! 



Success and Failure.

 "The Unknown"

Jetpack asked me how / what prompted me to become "successful"!

I wrote this answer! 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Attitude and Aptitude

P O E T R Y. 


Being Watchful Only! 

This Mysterious Character, 

Of Time, 

This Elusive Nature,

Of The Phenomenal,

Where One Can't Decide,

How To Deal With,

Until One Discerns,

What Differs From How,

The Time That Moves On,

Differs From The Now.

The Past, The Future, 

The Now, The Present,

Are To Be Dealt With,

In The Moment Instant!

Living In The Past,

Is, Living In The Memory, 

Living In The Future,

Is, In The Imagination,

Living In The Present, 

Is None Of The Two, 

Living In The Present, 

Is, In This Very Moment!

That Is, Looking At The Things,

Afresh, Anew, Alive, - Ever So, 

To The Past, To The Future,

Always Saying, "No!"

That Could Only Happen,

When You're Not Afraid,

That Could Only Happen, 

When You're Not Mad!

The Past And Future, 

Are Only In The Frenzy,

That Do Make Always, 

One Mad And Crazy!

Learning An Art, A Skill, 

Do Need Practice, A Drill, 

That Of Course, No Doubt,

Are A Matter Of Time, 

That Keeps On Moving,

When The Bells Chime.

The Bells Never Stop,

For A Single Moment, 

Be It Either The Past,

The Future Or The Present.

The Bells Know Not, 

What Will Be The Future, 

What Has been The Past,

They Never Imagine, 

Neither Have A Thought!

But We Human Are, 

That Do Think, Imagine, 

Of The Future And The Past,

Ignoring The Present,

And Thinking A Lot! 

Life Is Never The Thinking.

And Life is Never The Past, 

Life Is Never The Future,

They Exist Only In Thought!

Once You Observe,

Without A Thought, 

The Splendid Marvelous,

Movement Of Now,

You Learn In The Instant,

This Happens How!


Crypto Or A I?

P O E T R Y :

Chasing The Mirage.


Before / Till Now,

He Was Interested In The Crypto, 

Now He Is Interested In The A I.

Says He!

Hope He May Soon Loses,

All Interest In A I.

Then Find Something Else, 

Much More Interesting,

That May Catch His Attention, 

And Fascination!

In India, 

We Call It A Mirage,

One May Call It A Utopia.

How Soon A Desire, 

Takes Hold Of Us!

Tethered To It, 

We Just Fail To See, 

How All The Time, 

We Keep On,

Chasing The Mirage!

I Wanted To Tell Him, 

But Who Am I?

Why Would He, 

Listen To Me?  

May Be Now Or Later, 

Life Itself Would Tell Him,

Life Itself Would Teach Him, 

How A I Is No Intelligence,

Seeing The Mirage As A Mirage,

Is The Only Intelligence,

Worth The Name!


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Spirit Indomitable.

मुण्डकोपनिषद् / परा चैवापरा विद्ये


And Invincible. 

शौनको ह महाशालोऽङ्गिरसं विधिवदुपसन्न पप्रच्छ। कस्मिन्नु भगवो विज्ञाते सर्वमिदं विज्ञातं भवति।।३।।

शौनकः ह महाशालः अङ्गिरसं विधिवत् उपसन्नः पप्रच्छ। कस्मिन् नु भगवः विज्ञाते सर्वं इदं विज्ञातं भवति।।

शौनक ऋषि Shaunaka Rishi was an educator with a big Institute of Study and Learning, where students from all over the world came to be educated. Shaunaka approached to ऋषि अङ्गिरस / अङ्गिरा / Rishi AngirA, after being duly initiated, he asked to AngirA :

What is that भगवन् स्वामी! O Blessed-One Lord! Which when known, verily all this becomes known? Pray Please help me learning and understanding this. 

तस्मै स होवाच। द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये इति ह स्म यद्ब्रह्मविदो वदन्ति परा चैवापरा च।।४।।

To him (Shaunaka) spoke AngirA thus:

The sages Who Know ब्रह्मन् / Brahman say :  knowledge is of two kinds, one should see :  - One the परा विद्या - Of the Superior kind, and the other the अपरा विद्या - Of the Inferior kind.

तत्रापरा ऋग्वेदो यजुर्वेदः सामवेदोऽथर्ववेदः शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणं निरुक्तं छन्दो ज्योतिषमिति।

अथ परा यया तदक्षरमधिगम्यते।। ५।।

तत्र अपरा - ऋग्वेदः यजुर्वेदः सामवेदः अथर्ववेदः शिक्षा व्याकरणं निरुक्तं छन्दः ज्योतिषं इति। 

Out of the above two, Rigveda, Yajurveda, SAmaveda, Atharvaveda, shikShA, Kalpa vyAkaraNaM niruktaM Chanda and Jyotish are the Inferior .

The Superior is the One That enables one to see and know तत् अक्षरम् - that AkShara, The Spirit Immortal, The Imperishable Reality.

Shaunaka asked :

O Master! How one should proceed to know That? Could it be learnt through scriptures or by attending to a competent Master?

AngirA said :

This is learnt by one who is utterly disgusted with the (ways of) the world. When one has carried out the practice of discerning and discrimination about what is transitory and what is not, and has developed detachment to all passing things and the phenomenal, one then has true and authentic urge to find out what is it that is ever so incorruptible, so ever-existent, immutable, and eternal.

Changing / विकारशील, 

Transient / परिवर्तनशील,

impermanent / अस्थायी,

Permanent / स्थायी, 

 Unchanging / विकारी, 

Changeless./ अविकारी

Sentient / चेतन / 


insentient /जड 

Corruptible and Incorruptible. 

Shaunaka asked : O Master! Please instruct me how to begin with?

AngirA : How do you Learn and study?

Shaunaka : Through and by means of words. 

AngirA  : What do the words give to you?

Shaunaka : All The worldly knowledge that greatly facilitates and helps in carrying out the day to day activities of life.

AngirA : And where-to, how is the end?

Shaunaka : In death. 

AngirA : Do you know what is Death? Or you just think that you know!

Shaunaka : Yes Master I really know nothing about what is Death.  Death is merely a trifle word for me, and I'm just blank when I try to find out what is conveyed through this word. It really does not help me in any way. When I am asked, I am just dumb-struck.

AngirA : When Death approaches you, comes face to face, how you're going to deal with it? Could all this acquired knowledge help you in dealing with the Death at the instant?

What happens to your knowledge, acquired by studying the Veda and all those various, other streams of knowledge - Be it :

The Rigveda / ऋग्वेद, The Yajurveda / यजुर्वेद, SAmaveda / सामवेद,  Atharvaveda / अथर्ववेद, ShikShA / शिक्षा,  KalpaH कल्पः,  VyAkaraNaM / व्याकरणं,  NiruktaM / निरुक्तं, ChandaH / छन्दस्, and jtotiShaM / ज्योतिषम्?

Shaunaka : O Master Gracious!  I just don't know!  I have no answer what-so-ever.

AngirA : O my child! Don't feel dejected and  helpless. There is a clue and a way! Just pay attention to what I'm going to tell you! The Veda and all that acquired knowledge will be forgotten in an instant when you come face to face with death. Still you know without least doubt or suspicion that you are!

Maybe, you can't translate this knowing into words, for that knowing is a true, non-verbal awakening, spontaneous and in the moment itself. It is ever so silent but still at once, you can recognize it in the very moment when the attention is turned inwards, withdrawn from all the outward, the objective, acquired knowledge.

Shaunaka : So there is no question - "how"!

AngirA : Yes my child! But one needs to have an intense urge to know it, while one is still alive, and Death seems to be a far-away, a distant affair that happens to some-one else only.

Shaunaka : O Master! You just now said that  there is a clue and there is a way!

I pray, Please be kind and elaborate upon this for me!

AngirA : O child! Don't panic and lose heart! While I'm here. Listen to me :

Your simple sense of being and the equally simple and spontaneous sense of knowing that you are, is ever so indomitable and invincible that can't be defeated even by  Death.

Shaunaka: O Master! Your words are sweet like the nectar and indeed are the ultimate wisdom.

AngirA : So now shall you be practicing this? 

Shaunaka : Oh Blessed, Beloved My Master! What is there to practice! Your very words are indeed the panacea that has removed all my pain and fear of Death. I have gained no new knowledge, but awakened only to the wisdom that I am the same unique knowing only that I had been ever so, -always. I am nothing what-so-ever - that is corruptible. I am ever so resplendent incorruptible spirit, the knowing only and not the consciousness or the mind, where the world and the sense of me emerge out from, appear, stay for a short while, and soon disappear, get merged into repeatedly in some assumed, imagined unreal time! Therefore O Master! Where is Death to Me!

Thus concludes the dialogue between the sages -

ऋषि अङ्गिरा / AnfirA and,

शौनक महाशालः / Shaunaka MahAshAla.



The First Angel

Life : -The Face of. 

प्रथम - प्रथ्यते तत्  प्रथमं / प्रथमः वा प्रथा इति Mundakopanishad / मुण्डकोपनिषद् narrates :

ॐ ब्रह्मा देवानां प्रथमः सम्बभूव

विश्वस्य कर्ता भुवनस्य गोप्ता।।

स ब्रह्मविद्यां सर्वविद्याप्रतिष्ठा-

मथर्वाय ज्येष्ठपुत्राय प्राह।।१।।

अथर्वणे यां प्रवदेत ब्रह्मा-

थर्वा तां पुरोवाचाङ्गिरे।।

स भारद्वाजाय सत्यवहाय प्राह

भारद्वाजोऽङ्गिरसे परावराम्।।२।।

शौनको ह वै महाशालोऽङ्गिरसं विधिवदुपसन्नः पप्रच्छ।

कस्मिन्नु भगवो विज्ञाते सर्वमिदं विज्ञातं भवति।।३।।

तस्मै स होवाच। द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये इति ह स्म यद् ब्रह्मविदो वदन्ति परा चैवापरा च।।४।।

तत्रापरा ऋग्वेदो यजुर्वेदः सामवेदोऽथर्ववेदः शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणं निरुक्तं छन्दो ज्योतिषमिती। अथ परा यया तदक्षरमधिगम्यते।।५।।

यत्तदद्रेश्यमग्राह्यमगोत्रमवर्णमचक्षुःश्रोत्रं तदपाणिपादम्।.... नित्यं विभुं सर्वगतं सुसूक्ष्मं तदव्ययं यद्भूतयोनिं परिपश्यन्ति धीराः।।६।।

यथोर्णनाभिः सृजते गृह्णते च

यथा पृथिव्यामोषधयः सम्भवन्ति।।

यथा सतः पुरुषात्केशलोमानि

तथाक्षरात्सम्भवतीह विश्वम्।।७।।

तपसा चीयते ब्रह्म ततोऽन्नमभिजायते। 

अन्नात्प्राणो मनः सत्यं लोकाः कर्मसु चामृतम्।।८।।

यः सर्वज्ञः सर्वविद्यस्य ज्ञानमयं तपः। 

तस्मादेतद्ब्रह्म नामरूपमन्नं च जायते।।९।।

।।इति प्रथमो खण्डः समाप्तः।।

This उपनिषद् upaniShad is about the face / मुण्डः of life. Accordingly :

अङ्गिरा / अङ्गिरस् was the First Angel.

He was the first in the lineage of भृगु / भार्गव / कौशिक / गौतम clan. There was ushanA / उशना / उशनस्  mentioned in the कठोपनिषद् , वाजश्रवा नचिकेता as well. गौतम Gautam Buddha too belonged to this same clan / race. I am too in this भारद्वाज / Bharadwaja गोत्र / Gotra.

Incidentaly during March 2016, when I was living in Omkareshwar (precisely at नावघाट खेड़ी / बड़वाह / Baravaha) I was going through the Rigveda, was surprised when I saw a ऋचा RichA, in Mandala 2 where I saw the name -Vinay and my Gotra Bharadwaja at a place.


स संनयः स विनयः पुरोहितः स सुष्टुतः स युधि ब्रह्मणस्पतिः।

चाक्ष्मो यद्वाजं भरते मती धनादित्सूर्यस्तपति तप्यतुर्वृथा।।

विभु प्रभु प्रथमं मेहनावतो बृहस्पतेः सुविदत्राणि राध्या।

इमा सातानि वेन्यस्य वाजिनो येन जना उभये भुञ्जते विशः।।

This has reference to the earlier very famous सूक्त sUkta :


ॐ गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविः कवीनामुपश्रवस्तमम्।।

ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पत आ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम्।।

This is important because I feel connected to this ancient clan of ऋषि अङ्गिरा / अङ्गिरस् / भरद्वाज.

(यद्वाजं भरते = beginning with Bharadwaja.)

I have already written in great details about these Sages and How the

सनातन धर्म / Sanatana Dharma

prevailed all over the whole earth since the  times immemorial. 




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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :