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Saturday, December 18, 2021




is spreading fast.

In The U.K. everyday there are around 600-700 new infections that need hospitalization.

There is a

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies,

Nick-named Sage,

That helps the Government in the war against the Corona.

Let us hope Sage may bless us victory in this war against this world-wide pandemic!


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Love Unconditional.

 Poetry : 17-12-2021


Have you ever been loved, 

-By someone, 


Has someone loved you, 


Have you ever loved someone,


Has someone been loved by you, 


How could you expect, 

To know this!

How could you ask this, 

To someone?

How could you tell this, 

To someone?

When you love, 

Someone Unconditionally,

You don't see, the other,

You don't know, the other, 

You even don't see yourself,

You even don't know yourself!

That is the only condition,

When you love,

And are loved,



Sunday, December 12, 2021













EMULATE -- अवमूलयति,

SIMULATE -- सममूलयति / संमूलयति,

FEEL -- प्रलीय,


-- धीम्, 

-- धी, धियौ, धियः,

-- धीम् धियौ धीः 

-- धीम् कः? 


-- तं परः 



-- अमू (अमुकः), असौ अमू अमूः,

(Demonstrative pronouns)

अमूं / अमून् / अमूमन (उर्दू) 

-- धीम् (धीम्-कः)


-- विद्, विदो,  विदः / विदाः / बुधाः

-- बुध,

-- WED,


-- दिवः / दिवस / दिव्य / देवः / देवता, 

-- WEDDING / विवाह,

-- गिरा, अंगिरा, ग्रीक, गृर् > गीर्यते, गुरुत्व

-- ग्रावा (stone), ग्राविति,


-- अंगिरा / अङ्गिरा,



-- अङ्गिरस्,

-- शैक्षम् 

-- अङ्गिरा शैक्षम् 


This is the way how The Greek and English could be explored and found to have roots in The Sanskrit.


Conclusion :

That is how I can relate the languages, and I can think / feel / realize / understand, that there is a pattern, one could always explore, discover and understand too. 

If that is true, how could we say which language might have derived from which another?

Is not the idea misleading, that one (or more) language was there in the beginning (!), and then many other different then developed in time?


-- ईक्षप्लव,


-- द्विष्कवत्

(having divided / decided split into two).



-- ऋ-लीयते...

Then how / why the languages seem to have a resemblance of the kind?

Shri Devi Atharva SheerShaM categorically answers this question.

The sound and the phoneme, the word and the meaning are closely inter-related.

Sound and Light emerge from consciousness. And consciousness is the very principle that emerges from the imperishable principle, -- shiva.

That is,  though Sound (स्वन / स्वर) and Light (लघुतः) orignate from the same and unique principle that is shiva. The manifestation and the consciousness of the manifestation is the beginning of the world and the one who assumes the form of the individual self. The pure, primordial and prime intelligence principle that is consciousness is though associated with all and every thing, beings (creatures) is also unique and indescribable.

Then there is the prime intellect in each and every single individual, be it a sentient living being or an insentient thing / object.

Intellect in the individual is the reflection of the same Intelligence, that manifests in each and everything / everyone.

That is the only ground and the very source of all that is seen as world and "I".

That is how all sounds that constitute the voice emanate from the same Principle.

That is how / why the languages resemble in the first place.

If there is urge, earnestness, one could sure explore, discover and find out this "I", this consciousness, and this Intellect within one's own heart indeed.

This is precisely the subject-matter if the text : Shri Devi Atharva SheerShaM.

भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः।।

क्षीयन्ते चास्यकर्माणि तस्मिन्दृष्टे परिवार ।।८।।

(मुण्डकोपनिषद् --२-- २-- ८)


Saturday, December 11, 2021

Walking in the Dark

Ignorance, Doubt, Sceptic,

अज्ञश्च अश्रद्दधानश्च संशयात्मा


Light on the path.


Through the dense woods,

Walking in the Dark,

I was ignorant of my self,

I was doubtful of my self,

I was sceptic of my self.

Though I knew : I am, 

Yet didn't exactly :

Who or What I am / was / is. 

The sprawling dense dark woods,

Were a challenge and an urgency, 

An emergency, evoking in me the urge, 

To explore, discover and find out:

Who or What exactly, 

Is / Was / Am, 

The thing named 'I'.

That was the spirit behind the journey,

I took up and went through, seeking out, 

In my endeavor, in enthusiasm.

I clinged to the mere, bare thread of "I",

Remembered and recalled the same. 

I never let it slip away from my clinch,

Through the dark dense far-flung woods,

I never cared for the dread of the sounds, 

That kept haunting me from behind, 

Neither was allured by those calls,

That tried to catch my attention ahead,

Undaunted, unwavering, bit adamant too, 

Stubborn, obstinate, and haughty,

I kept on walking like the blindfold.

The remembrance, the call from the within,

Was the thread that I never let loose,

I never let it slip away from my grip.

Through the dark dense woods, 

Finally and ultimately, 

I discovered the very source of the light, 

Where-from came out this ray of I am. 

I discovered I was / is / am, 

The ray, the source and the light, 

That illuminated me, the world, 

And the deep, dense, dark woods, 

Yet is utterly calm, cool, detached as well, 

From everything else, 

Yet is also all and everything.



The Quit Religion Code


From the very beginning of the civilization, there have been many different traditions of beliefs / faiths, owned and practiced by the many people of the various different places on the earth.

The beliefs, faiths, no doubt are the prerogative of the individual, but are essentially made of the stuff that is thought. The 'Thought', as noun, and also as a verb. Thought is the very fabric of any belief and faith. In the absence of the thought, no belief or faith could ever exist, nor practiced.

This practice of a tradition is what religion is all about. No thought, no belief. Neither faith, nor the practice of the Same.

Consequently over the time, prompted by these different beliefs and faiths, different and many a traditions, and the practice of them, evolved out many religions upon the earth.

A belief or a faith is essentially a 'Thought' or an 'idea' only, in terms of a set of words. Yet  these words originate from a language that facilitates the communication of this or that thought or the idea.

This is because the words do have a meaning and a purpose in the day to day conversation, and its also true that the most useful words are often, of help. Thus we have a set of synonyms and we tend to believe, this is knowledge. Then we have many languages and we try to translate a word of one language into a word of the other.

This gives the illusion that we know.

At the mundane level a society could use many a spoken words and according to convention, it became the language of the kind.

But as soon as man learnt to associate a word with an object, he also began to give names to his feelings.

The feelings were of course of the kind of those like apprehension, desire, fear, hope, joy, sorrow,  jealousy, even attachment, love, passion, and the rest. A sense of the hypothetical "time", in terms of the present, the past and the future. 

Just as we don't have a common world, we also don't have a common past, present, or future.

Then how could we talk about a collective one, which is forced upon us by any religion?

Yet fascinated and bemused by the thought that there exists such a common world and its past, present and future, we keep on striving to attain goals in this hypothetical world, in this assumed future, which differ from person to person.

Then each and every person has a memory that is the storehouse of the incidents pleasant / not so pleasant. This is because every experience helps us in learning how to face the challenges posed by the life, from moment to moment, and how to survive and thrive. No doubt, Knowledge is of utmost importance.

So, only because of our memory, an idea of the past takes place in the mind, and a future too is projected there.

So long as we live in the now and don't translate the past and future in the sense of "time", we do well, and live the life moment to moment in the now / present. This now / present is a moment, which has neither a past nor a future. Yet it's so alive. Subsequently, there is a memory in terms of the assumed past and a hypothetical future.

The memory soon caused a sense and pattern of the "psychological time" which was known to the man in the evolution of the civilization.

So there is an individual time and an individual world for everyone. Still, he somehow started to believe in the existence of a world, common to all, and could not see, there is really no such a world common to all. This world again needs to be ascertained repeatedly moment to moment.

A few powerful then started to force their own thought upon the weak.

This is the very foundation of a tradition, which soon took the form of a religion. No religion is exception to this. 

For living and surviving in a society, one can find a tradition helpful to some extent. But the same becomes a conflict and a burden also, when one comes across yet another, that differs with that, -what one is used to.

A man born in a tradition may find it difficult to comply with and to follow the rigorous and strict discipline imposed upon him by his tradition.

Consequently, there was clash between different traditions, and religion dictated the traditions to use the power and it's till date the same.

All the religions of the past had / have the same story. That is how there were and are rebels who denied the authority of the organised religion.

This could be called the Q. R. Code, where an individual quits the tradition, beliefs, and faith of the tradition, in which he was born and brought up.  And still, may or may not embrace another tradition / religion, because he can see, know, realize for himself that all, and every organised religion is the very cause of conflict only.


Friday, December 10, 2021

Faith / Fear

Doubt / Desire


Faith is the Fear, 

Doubt is the Desire. 

Fear follows the Faith as a shadow, 

Doubt follows the Desire as a shadow,

The one who knows the Fear,

The one who knows the Desire,

Can never be overcome by,

The Doubt or the Desire.

The one who knows the Doubt,

The one who knows the Fear,

Can never be overcome by,

Neither the Faith, nor the Fear,

Can never be overcome by, 

Neither the Doubt, nor the Desire.


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

How prompt is the NET!



The post I wrote in this very blog a half an hour ago was a POETRY. 

No doubt, it is not about suicide or inviting one's premature death.

"Die to the world and the world too dies."

By the way, I referred to 'Dependency'. 

'Dependency" in any form is the bondage.

The psychological dependency, and not the physical is even far worse! 

The organism,  the body of course needs air,  water, food and shelter to survive.

But the world, obsessed with psychological needs, worries, desires and creates the illusion of imaginary fears and compulsions.

That is what one could always understand.

Points out the ancient wisdom.

This is not the death of the body. 

It's rather the Death of the idea, that I'm the body.

The world and the one who experiences the world, both exist as an idea only in the mind. The mind is not an individual, and neither the individual the mind? 

What is then "mind"?

Mind is consciousness and consciousness is life. 

The Consciousness is life only, and the life is consciousness only.

The life and consciousness are inseparable.

The phenomenal idea of 'me' and the "world" arise in the brain addicted to "thought".

"thought" is a wave and at the same time, it is also a concept.

Apart from thought, there is no "thinker" or "one who thinks".

It is the whole and sole foundation of the  ignorance of : "what is".

This ignorance comes into being with the thought and gets associated with the next thought that immediately arises in the brain after the earlier one. 

So a fictitious identity is born that assumes oneself as the "thinker".

The continuity of memory strengthens this false notion of oneself being someone.

That is sure a real joke! 

So who wants to die?

Isn't the question itself erroneous?

Because the individual never existed.

How the chimera that never existed, nor was born could die or kill oneself? 

Neither born nor could "die".

It's the idea that keeps getting born and dies too, -subsequently!

But the idea is a temporary phase / wave of the kind.

The "what is" is timeless Reality.

The Consciousness and the life!


Thanks the NET or Who-so-ever, that took pain and care of the post and at once I was given a response.

Before writing this post, I had checked if at least there was one "page-view" of this. Yes, only 1.

Having confirmed this, I was convinced how I'm being watched and monitored also here constantly.



I just want ....

To die. 

Poetry : 07-12-2021



Not that, 

That, I want to kill myself,

It's rather that,

The world wants to kill me,

And doesn't,

Let me live on! 

And I'm just unable,

To save myself.

So I would rather like,

To die happily,

And not, 

To live on,


In doubt and conflict, 

In agony and anguish,

Any more!

That's how, 

 I just want,

To die!

That is it!

But, Please wait!

Dyeing isn't,

The Death of the body,

It's rather,

The Death of the dependency, 

And as long as I'm,

Dependent upon the world,

I ain't really, truly alive.

Though I may look like living,

I keep on vegetating only.

Repeating the patterns,

Everyday and every moment. 

I'm but a puppet, 

Performing the actions, 

Prompted by the world around me.

I don't want to be a puppet, 

Instead, I'd rather like to live,

Like a puppy!

Vulnerable and resigned to, 

The whims of the world,

Around me!

I just want to die.

But don't want to kill myself, 

It's rather the world around me,

That is trying to kill me!

And really, 

I just don't want to die! 


Friday, December 3, 2021

The Creator.

Poetry :

When the Creator makes a selfie.


Even when,

The image has been carved out and delivered,

The Creator keeps the chisel busy.

Keeps hitting on through the hammer,

Applies a few strokes of the color, 

Of the brush, here and there, 

A few additions and alterations,

And as and when His job is done,

He hands over the same, 

To all those other people,

The care-takers, 

That promptly take up the same, 

To the funeral ground.

And the image resumes, 

Its onward journey,

In the Unknown,

Where the Creator welcomes it,

Still the operation is repeated, 

No one knows how many times.

Finally the Creator embraces the same,

Puts a kiss on the image,

As a mark that signifies,

His job is done,

That there is no more, 

A point of return.

And the prayers of the people are answered :

R. I. P. 



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :