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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Fabulous / प्रसंगवश

Is the new blog, I began a month ago. 

Don't miss! 

Though it was aimed at writing some Marathi post, found it impractical because of some unexpected reasons. So writing something else. Yesterday wrote a post :

The Fabric of The Cosmos / ब्रह्मसूत्र / Semantics.

This post is in Hindi / Sanskrit.

Just for info.


कल ही अपने ब्लॉग "प्रसंगवश" में हिन्दी में एक पोस्ट :

ब्रह्मसूत्र / तुलसीदास / श्रीरामचरितमानस 

The Fabric of the Cosmos.

से संबंधित लिखा।




Saturday, August 28, 2021

When this happens!

 Poetry : 29-08-2021


Being Connected, 

Being alive! 


When you know, 

Someone or something, 

Is keeping a tab on you,

Round the clock, 

You are at once convinced, 

They are there!

May be the Gods Physical! 

And not only convinced, 

You also know for certain,

That You are ALIVE!

In their and your own,

Real Time, though physical!

Yet it's really enchanting,

Very fascinating too.

Neither fanciful nor untrue. 

For a while you know,

You are connected!

And you are protected, 

Safe and secure,

For you know, 

Privacy and individuality, 

If not a myth.

Is a dream only.

Two aspects of the same,

The individual and the individuality.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Quantum & Conscious

"Can Consciousness be explained by Quantum Physics? ..."


Thus begins with a news article.

First of all let us see if Physics is very clear about what it means by "Consciousness", or for that matter, by "consciousness".

The root of both the words is the word :


The above word "Conscious" though refers to a state of the mind of any of the living creatures.

Grammer-wise, "consciousness" is an abstract noun, and the one, who has "consciousness", is a man or animal, who is conscious of such an object or some-thing else that is perceived in the "consciousness".

There are a myriad objects that are there out of the attention of such a "Conscious" being, but the one who has this "consciousness" is by its own evidence, a unique principle, and not at all any object whatsoever. 

The "Conscious" entity is thus the foundation and criteria upon which the whole variety could be or is explained. Quantum (matter / energy) is but one prominent amongst all those the rest and many objects.

How could the objects could possibly explain the criteria? Isn't the question is upside-down or  ill-formed?

This will never happen because the fundamental premise itself is an erroneous notion.

But they (Physicists and Mathematicians) are prone to such jumbling up of the words.

It is interesting to note how without examining the validity of the question, modern scientists have discovered a new approach to keep them busy in the intellectual labyrinth.

All this is happening, because though they see how Vedanta candidly answers all their valid and essential questions about the Reality, - which is the sole and unique principle, their conditioned mind can't ever accept the same in their wildest dreams.

It is fear on one hand, on the other it is empty pride alone, because then they will have to accept defeat before what they think is an end to their own individual and also collective way of 'scientific" thinking.

Consciousness is the only Prime Principle,  all else is secondary, rooted in, stays, abides and finally returns to the same. Physical Time and Space is but objective reality perceived in this fundamental  Consciousness Principle. 

Associating this Consciousness with organism makes the organism "conscious", and the same "consciousness" is at once split into the object and the subject.

If this be the truth, do we need God?

Vedanta and Samkhya-Darshana neither deny nor assert God. They find the question of God irrelevant, superficial and superfluous as well. 

Isn't God an assumption only? 

Still Vedanta and Samkhya-Darshana accept the (existence of) such a God as an adjunct only. 

The trinity of this God, the soul and their world is but one single whole reality, because no one of the three can exist in the absence of the other two.

This explains unmistakably and beyond doubt, that these three apparent realities are totally, utterly, completely interdependent upon one another.


That is what they mean by Brahman (ब्रह्म).

The same Brahman is indescribable because in the description, there is division inherent.

The object / one that is described, 

The subject that describes this object and,

The description / the narrative

They say Brahman is devoid of all distinctions.

Again, this Very Brahman is Consciousness.

This Consciousness is verily Intelligence.

This very Consciousness is Atman.

Who is the there other than this, that could be its evidence? 

Isn't one, one's own only and unique evidence?

This truth of Self (Atman), Brahman (ब्रह्मन्) or Consciousness is the Self-Radiant Reality.


Friday, August 20, 2021

I'm but lost!

Poetry : 20-08-2021


I'm but lost, 

A short while ago, 

Though I felt, 

I was but only,

A bundle of thoughts, 



Groomed and zoomed! 

A second ago,

When I was ego, 

Something happened,

Like a sudden, 

Unexpected blast, 

And was so devastated,

Come about, finally fast!

And just knew,

Couldn't but know,

Where I was,

Who I was,

Where I was.

Regained the truth, 

I was ever the same,

I'm ever the same, 

I was never this name,

I was never this man. 

That is no more now, 

That is what happened, how!

Gone is the man,

Gone is the ego,

A while ago, 

Still I'm sole, 

Still I'm whole!

A contradiction in terms,

When I note this myth,

A Reality indeed,

When I see this truth.

Like the wind,

I'm gone,

Like the air, 

But I'm.

I'm the air,

I'm the breath,

Coming in, 

Going away,

All the same.


Monday, August 16, 2021

The Birds!

Poetry : 16-08-2021


Could The Hinduism would be extinct,

In the coming next 100 years?

Or could it survive perhaps?

A scholar of 'Hinduism' fears!


Birds of different feathers,

Fly freely in the sky vast, 

But then in the evening,

Come to the nest, at last.

Birds of different shades, 

Birds of different colors, 

Birds of different hues, 

Reach, Arrive there so fast. 

One hardly knows,

Where do they come from,

One hardly knows, 

Where do they go away. 

Yet there are birds,

Of the abstract form and kind,

Who roam in the man's mind.

Of different shades, colors, norm, 

Invisible, formless, with not a form.

Man gives them names, or a name, 

Then they make the man their game. 

Though the man becomes the slave, 

Never knows how he was but naive.

They take the man for their virtual ride, 

And never feel ashamed, neither hide.

An ism, a doctrine, a theory, a tenet,

Thus lives on its life, under the blanket.

Man never knows not, could never see,

How long these birds would stay and flee. 

In his ignorance, but man sure suffers, 

In his own folly every man though differs.

One doubts how long survives an ism,

The other believes his own is the only real.

All struggle to save their ism from extinction,

Thus goes on and on, the life eternal.

Thus keeps running, the movement of time, 

And man deluded, goes astray, in his pride.


Sunday, August 15, 2021




There is something wrong while the word 'consciousness' is defined. 

This doesn't need a great talent or wisdom to see that consciousness is the only and the unique evidence of whatsoever is known. But at the same time, the consciousness is its own evidence also.

Though Psychology defines consciousness in terms of the individual's mind and its many tendencies, the very simple meaning of the word suggests that consciousness is when one is conscious of something.

Veda and Vedanta assert with firm and full conviction that all and everything exist only  because of Consciousness which is the only Self-Evident Principle, while all else needs the support of Consciousness to prove their existence. 

This Consciousness is unique in that, it is not the same as the dualistic consciousness of the individual, which is always in the form of the consciousness of the subject and the consciousness of the object.

The life of an individual or an organism for that matter, is no doubt, a manifestation of the same unique Consciousness in him that soon assumes the duality of the kind.  This duality is an assumed notion only. 

In conclusion, whatever was, is and will be, originates from, survives within and returns unto the same unique Consciousness Principle.

Gita tells us :

अव्यक्तादीनि भूतानि व्यक्तमध्यानि भारत। 

अव्यक्तनिधनान्येव तत्र का परिदेवना।।२८।।

(chapter 2, stanza 28)

This Consciousness is ever so immutable, pure, while the individual consciousness is often ridden with many impurities.

If the physicists would like to see how they define, and what they take by this word 'consciousness', they could also realize that by no logic, experience or proof, this could be denied, refuted or ignored in any way.

The same Consciousness is the 

'ईश्वर' Principle for those who think He is the Unique and Supreme authority Who alone creates, controls, and dissolved His Creation repeatedly, and the individual is only a tiny  expression of His myriad creations.

We can't equate this term 'ईश्वर' with God or other such equivalent, because the word 'ईश्वर' could be rightfully derived from the Sanskrit roots, which simply means :

"The Supreme Consciousness, The One, Who Governs the Whole Existence / Universe in Every and All respects".

"ईशिता सर्वभूतानां सर्वभूतमयंश्च यत्।

ईशावास्येन संबोध्यं ईश्वरं तन्नमाम्यहम्"

(preamble to  ईशावास्योपनिषद्) 


The Edge.

Courtesy : the title borrowed from :

BBC Science Focus magazine.


The Edge.


Where is the edge of,

The observable universe?

And what is there, beyond?

The Edge of the observable universe is,

In the observer,

And the other end too is within.

But the observer is beyond time and space,

While the observation is akin to time and space.

Could possibly there would be the time and space, in the absence of the observer?


Saturday, August 7, 2021


To the last post :



So there is consciousness that implies something one is conscious about. 

The thing one is conscious about is 

"The Object", 

While the one who is conscious of something is 

"The Subject".

This implies the consciousness involves the object and the subject. 

But at the same time the object is the known and the subject is the knower.

Again, the known keeps changing while the knower remains fixed, unchanging. 

Though this appears so, there is still another level of awareness where the knower is aware of the subjective. This is also common knowledge and understanding of all and everyone that this subject,  the I or the me is subject to change under all and every changing condition. 

This means the subject constantly undergoes mutation. This paradox hints at yet another awareness of I and this is the end and the Ultimate Reality. This is the core which is strictly immutable but this requires a deeper insight to stay and abide in it. 

This is the true meditation.

This involves no practice or effort of any kind. Because all practice and effort is made by I, and this awareness is utterly devoid of this sense of I, you, he, this, that and other such pronouns.

Therefore pointing out to it is just absolutely absurd and impossible also.

Still scriptures try to help the seeker.

An earnest, deserving, sincere seeker can sure take the hint or even directly come upon this Reality, that dwells in all and every living being, yet manifests itself when one is mature, ripe.


Friday, August 6, 2021

The Locksmith

The Clocksmith.


Isn't time illusion? 

I was reading about how a locksmith invented a clock, the first prototype. 

He knew instinctively  through own insight that 'time' has a conceptual existence and you can measure the same independently, define the 'unit time' according to your convenience.

Thereafter the Physicists learnt defining 'time', and how to make it relevant and fit into a frame as much exact as accurate mathematically as well.

This doesn't mean that 'time' is an entity or a quantity like other material quantities. 

So ultimately they defined a criteria like atomic time. This is of course the most practical one. 

Yet they had to set this clock according to the time that defines the year, -say astronomically. The rocket-science turned into, and developed into the science of missile or of the spacecraft. 

Quite so a locksmith turned into a clocksmith.

But who or what exactly might have invented the lock-down?

Like time, Isn't a lock-down, also an illusion?

This question occurred to me, when I felt there must be a facility that defines and measures the (movement of) time in a computer when it is not connected to A.C. Then a friend told me there is a small button-cell that maintains that time in the computer while the A.C. is off.

This is how they devised a criteria in terms of Giga-hertz, and accordingly in a computer, a 'second' is 'defined' / 'curated'.

Really time might be elusive, as it keeps on  deluding all the time, the very intelligent people also.

Could we now assert that the 'consciousness' (of time) exists independent of this 'time'?

Isn't the consciousness self-explicit? 

Could there possibly be a state when the same,  -the consciousness didn't exist nor exists, shall not exist?

Could we negate, refute, deny consciousness by any logic, experience or insight what-so-ever? 

Who knows?

Is not the  'knowing' itself synonymous of consciousness? 



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :