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Monday, January 11, 2010


~~~~~~~~ Chapter-4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Subjectivity and The Cosmic Intelligence.
The Cosmic Intelligence is at the root of all Existence. It is the form and essence of All Manifestation.
Cosmic Intelligence is the 'principle' that is at the Heart of "Consciousness".
Consciousness is the phenomenon, a constant state of movement, a flux, where-as the Cosmic Intelligence is the Unchanging substratum.
In 'Consciousness', the world, and a sentient being come into existence, appear and disappear together simultaneously. At no moment there may be only one of them. They are totally and unconditionally interdependent. They don't know the laws that give rise to them, maintain, and again end them. But no doubt, every one knows for certain that there will be a day, when one would simply disappear from the world. Moreover, everyone believes that the 'world' of one's perception, will still keep-on existing in one's absence, also.
This assertion itself can never be proved, yet we don't doubt it. It is a very strong, perhaps the strongest belief, that no one would disbelieve in his/her wildest dreams.
At present, we can just say it needs to be investigated.
But for now, our only most practical and available route to it is through 'Consciousness'. Through the very simple, tangible fact that we exist, and we 'know' we exist. We don't need a proof this simple fact. It is not an assumption, or concept, an idea or a conclusion. It is inborn conviction, which needs no confirmation.
What does it mean ?
It means, everything has 'Knowing' and 'Being' as the essential factors involved in its 'Existence'.
At present, we can be just satisfied in understanding, that nothing exists apart from 'Being' and 'Knowing'. Because if there is such a thing, no one knows and can know abot that thing. No one can prove the existence of such a thing.
Since everything follows the laws of Science in strict compliance, it will not be wrong to say that these laws are there within the very foundation of Existence. And obviously, there is an 'Intelligence', that ordains these laws. This intelligence needs to be a Non-personal Conscious Entity, that is the content of and contained in the Existence itself. If not, It would not be able to control the Existence, and make it follow the ordained 'Laws'. It is also implied that such an Entity is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent. It is there at the root of the 'sense' of being a person, and so it is a 'Conscious Being'. It is not separate from the Existence. It is not 'subjective or objective, yet the 'sense' of 'subjectivity' and 'objectivity' 'flow' from It. As It manifests Itself in every individual being, every being shares Its
Intelligence, i.e. The 'Light of Consciousness',
and personifies that Light as the 'self'. After 'personifying' one takes oneself to be a 'conscious being' and the rest as the 'world'. This 'Light of Consciousness' is neither 'one', nor many, it is the 'only' Itself.

It is the Only Cosmic Intelligence.

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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :