P O E T R Y.
Casual, Instant and Sudden!
A moment ago,
You were sitting comfortably,
Indulging, Lost in,
Looking at the monitor,
Thinking about Pros and Cons,
Speculating the prospects of
Investing in what stocks,
That appeared before your eyes,
In waves, ebbs and tides,
There were risks of unexpected loss,
Chances of imaginary profits,
When something stirred,
And in a split second,
Your mind went blank!
Suddenly, instantly, for a time,
Brief, extended, long or short,
You couldn't have dreamt of,
For you were wide awake!
And in the very next moment,
A Fear gripped you,
Accompanying a thought,
Of insecurity,
Where no one was your near or dear,
No one knew you,
Nor you could hope,
Support any,
As if you were left alone,
Stick in a big ship,
Though you were safe,
You didn't know,
Where you were being taken to,
Instantly, Suddenly, but Casually.
And who were taking you where!
A shiver rode up,
Ascending up your spine,
Insecurity of being,
Stepping into an unknown future,
Left you stunned, speechless.
And the recognition returned not!
Recognition of the past,
Imagination of a future,
For there was no mark of the two,
To be seen or detected.
How long you were there,
Hanging up in the middle,
As if in a parachute,
You knew not!
The moment has passed,
Still the fear persists,
And you even don't know,
What you were / are afraid of!
Life has been such a trauma,
A Calamity, Uncertainty,
You have to go through,
Till death arrives!!