P O E T R Y - 28 02 2023
The Bare Truth!
Is God Love,
Is Love God?
May Be True,
May Be Not!
I Neither Know,
What Is Love,
Nor I Know,
What Is God!
P O E T R Y - 28 02 2023
The Bare Truth!
Is God Love,
Is Love God?
May Be True,
May Be Not!
I Neither Know,
What Is Love,
Nor I Know,
What Is God!
We Have Made Our Life Hell?
We Have Made Our Life Hell!
Or Rather Simply,
Have Made The Life Hell.
But Why We Have Done This?
May Be, Because Of A Thousand Reasons,
May Be, There Are A Thousand Causes,
and May Be, There A Thousand Answers.
None Is But Enough To Explain,
None Is But Enough To Tell Us,
Why We Have Done This To Life,
Or, Why This Happened To Us,
But We Can No Doubt,
Find Out, Discover For Sure,
How We Have Done This,
Or, How This Happened To Us.
This Is Only Because,
We Have Been Always Taught,
Not To Hate, But Love,
For Love Is God,
Or God Is Love.
And We Tried Our Best,
To Suppress The Hatred,
To Cultivate The Love,
Without Having Seen,
While All This Time,
There Was Never Love,
There Was Only The Hatred,
The Doubt, The Suspicion,
The Anger, The Despair,
Seeping Deep, Through,
Deeper Into Our Heart.
The Pain And The Agony,
The Effort And The Failure,
The Sense Of Being Guilty,
Made Us Mad And Crazy, Sure,
Unhappy, Sad, Angry, More.
Yet We Kept On Trying,
To Love And Not To Hate,
Without Looking At The Fate,
Overlooking, Ignoring The Fact,
That We Were Not What,
Nor Ever Needed That.
That Was The Fault,
And That Was The Folly,
That Was The Error,
We Had Made Ever!
So This Happened To Us,
And There Were No Causes,
There Were None Whatsoever,
Why This Happened To Us,
But There Was Only The Question,
How This Happened To Us,
How We Made Our Life Hell,
With All That, Pent Up,
Accumulated Irrational Sense Of Guilt,
Stored Up All That Hatred And Anger,
Blinded By Greed, Envy,
The Fear And Jealousy,
We Kept Wandering In The Wild,
Of Expectations, Hopes And Fears,
We Never Saw That Life Itself Is / Was,
As Such, Rich, Prosperity, Abundant.
That Is Truly What Happened To Us,
Or, That Is Precisely, Exactly,
How We Made The Life Hell!
P O E T R Y : 20-02-2023.
Yet Again!
Love Is The Name Of
A Bird,
That Is Instinct!
P O E T R Y / 20-02-2023
A Bird,
That Happened To Exist,
On This Earth,
In Old Days.
But Seems To Be,
Now Extinct.
We Know We Speak,
We Walk, Run And Play,
We Cry, Hate And Quarrel,
We Eat, Drink And Merry,
We Enjoy, Grieve, And Feel,
We Sing, Dance And Flirt,
And May Have A Crush,
All These Things Are Not Birds,
Neither Extinct So Far,
There Are Trees,
There Are Fish And Animals,
All These Are Not Birds,
Neither Extinct So Far.
We Can See Them In A Zoo,
In Jungle, Garden Or Forest,
If Not In A Museum.
But Have you So Far Found,
What Exactly You Mean;
When You Say : "I Love."!
Therefore I Think,
May Be Love is The Name Of
A Bird That Is Now Extinct.
P O E T R Y. / 19-02-2023.
The state of mind of no-one!
Neither in the world,
Nor Away from it,
Neither indulging in,
Nor withdrawn from,
Running away from it.
I have but resigned,
To the state of acceptance,
Let what comes uninvited,
Let what goes away unasked,
I neither request nor suggest.
Though I welcome all,
Whatever comes to me,
Whoever comes to me,
Happily say good bye! to,
Whatever goes away.
Whoever goes away.
For I do know well,
Nothing is going to stay,
Nothing is going to abide.
Nor even the image,
That I have made, Of myself,
For there is no such image,
For I claim nothing as mine.
I'm, but nothing is my own!
I do let what comes,
Let what goes away.
I'm not concerned,
For I have ever to stay!
Nothing To Say...!
P O E T R Y : 07-02-2023.
It May Not Be Because,
You Have Stopped Thinking,
Or, Expressing And Commenting,
Reacting And Feeling.
Maybe, It's Because,
You Have Entered,
Deep, Limitless, Silence Within,
That Is As Solid, As The Space,
That Moves But Moves Not,
Within That Sacred Space,
Wherein And Where-from,
Thoughts And Feelings,
Memory And Where-from,
Emotions, Dreams And Words,
Do Emerge Move, Jump, Frolic,
Sometimes Sane Or In A Frenzy,
Prompted And Inspired By,
The Movement Of,
Those Heavenly Planets,
That Keep Moving And Dancing,
In A Rhythmic Synchronicity.
The Human Though Follow The Tune,
Quite Unaware Of The Cause,
Their Mind, As Consciousness,
A Stream Of Feelings And Emotions,
Keeps On Emerging,
Rejoicing And Dancing.
The Tectonic Plates Never Know,
How In The Heart Of The Earth,
What Prompts And Promotes,
Their Dance And Frolic,
But The Birds And Animals,
Do Know, Watch And Wait,
Keep Calm, All The While.
There Are People,
Who Don't Think,
There Are Some,
Who Do Think,
Those Who Think,
That They Think,
Though Don't Think,
Believe, They Think!
Just Like They,
Believe God Is,
Or Some Who,
Believe Is Not!
Who-so-ever Are They,
Though Not Timid,
Though Not Meek,
But Are Sure Weak!
For They Know Not,
If God Is There,
Or Is Nought,
Neither They Know,
Nor Can They See,
If There is God.
Or God Is Not.
Without Knowing,
They Believe So,
They Believe Not!
Seeing Is Believing,
We've Been Told,
That Has Been But,
An Axiom Very Old!
Seeing Is The New,
Way Of Understanding,
When You Finally Stop,
The Way Of Thinking.
Changing Only The Way,
Of, How Do You Think,
Is Never A Way,
But Keeps You Stink!
Just In a Moment,
Just In A Wink,
Try Just To See,
And Stop To Think!
What is Thought?
The Sanskrit equivalent of "Thought" is :
प्रत्यय : प्रतिरूप विधीयते इति प्रत्ययः / प्रत्ययम्.
As is pointed out in the पातञ्जल योगसूत्र :
दृष्टा दृशिमात्रः शुद्धोऽपि प्रत्ययानुपश्यः।।२०।।
शान्तोदितौ तुल्यप्रत्ययौ चित्तस्यैकाग्रतापरिणामः।।१२।।
For practical purposes, this could be treated as a proper definition of "Thought".
Though Thought is neither the Intelligence (चित्) - Awareness, nor any of the many and different objects that are perceived through the senses, at the same time, it is also to be noted that the consciousness too is neither the Intelligence (चित्)-Awareness, nor it is the impression caused upon the consciousness by an object.
So Therefore, it follows that Thought plays exactly the role of Artificial Intelligence as is evident from the two aphorisms mentioned in the above lines.
पाणिनी अष्टाध्यायी 3/1/1 may also be taken as a clue to this evidence.
... "प्रत्ययग्रहणे लिङ्गविशिष्टस्यापि ग्रहणम्"
This is again a confirmation to the fact that Thought is verily A I indeed.
A salient example is :
अहं प्रत्यय - The I sense;
That is not truly and exactly the Self, but the reflection of the Self in consciousness, and is synonymous with ego, and as such expressed in the word :