Doom's Day.
Escorted by
The Three Horse-riders namely :
Doom's Day.
Escorted by
The Three Horse-riders namely :
P O E T R Y.
No Escape!
When Life Is Not Worth-Living,
But Dying Is Not In Your Reach!
When You Have Ample Time At Your Hand,
But You Have Nothing To Do With It!
When The Goals Have Disappeared,
And The Objectives Are No More In Sight!
When You Are Stranded and Stuck,
Somehow Life Goes On And On,
Though You Can Neither Push Nor Pull It!
You Are Almost Dead, But Not So Dead Too!
You Can See There Are Others As Well,
Who Are In A Situation Worse Than Yours,
And Also See That They Are Not So Dead,
They Have Hope, Expectation And Future!
That Is No More In your Case!
Still Life Goes On And On,
And There Is But The Last Only Hope,
Its Of Course Going To End,
Sooner Or Later,
Where Time Too Will End For Good!
Poetry 20-11-2022
If Not Me?!
The God Who Loved Me,
Was Spy Indeed!
The Spy Who Loved Me,
Was God Indeed!
I Always believed,
The Other Way Around,
Despite This, Instead!
I Was The God Who Loved Him,
I Was The Spy Who Loved Him.
But Now The Secret Is Divulged,
And I Am Convinced For Sure,
It Was Not But Dream,
Neither Was It But a Drama,
I Was Not In A Coma!
Neither Was In Trauma!
The Mystery It Was,
Is No Mystery Any More!!
While I Was Seeking For Him,
He Was Seeking For Me Sure!
All The Days Are In The End Same!
At the end of the day!
All days are same in that,
At the end of the day,
All end sooner or late!
At the end of the day,
As much anxious worried,
You retire into the bed!
Some unfinished tasks,
Some half-done moves,
Some imperfect works,
Some not achievede ends.
You're as much stuck,
As last night, you had,
When you had retired,
Tired, worried into the bed!
Don't know if there was a day,
You have walked up all the way
Fulfilled, happy and for sure,
That you needed nothing any more!
Though you may still hope,
Tomorrow is also a day,
But you soon realize,
All days are in the end same!
Everyday you wake up in the morning,
Go through the news stunning, appaling,
Of crimes, injustice, violence and deceit,
And forget you too will have to fight!
At some moment you are though spared,
Unhappy, anxious, worried and scared!
You have to first quench the burning thirst,
Devouring you, eating into your veins!
It's the story again the same,
All days are in the end same!
Poetry / 15-11-2022
Here and Now!
Thinking of;
Things, Thoughts and Time,
All this was but without gain,
One escaped or missed the Truth,
That Transcends all of them!
In the labyrinths of the same,
Life passed but seeking in vain!
Could one turn the attention,
On something other, the else,
That could give the meaning,
That could give lasting satisfaction,
So that all seeking is got rid of,
And the seeker too, along with!
Isn't it a wonder realizing then,
The seeking and the seeker,
Appear and disappear together!
And though the Truth remains,
That is the Reality only Ultimate!
That is not a thing or thought,
Of this world or any other beyond,
That is but the ever-present Now,
When you see you utter "Wow!"
Poetry : 12-11-2022
Freedom Is :
Choiceless Awareness!
When You Expect Nothing,
From This World,
When You Don't Claim Anything,
Of This World,
Though You May / Do Need,
The Essential Things,
Like Food, Cloth and Shelter,
And Are Deprived Of Them Too,
You Don't Claim,
Even The Right To Life.
Because Then You Don't Claim,
This Body Too, That You Possess!
You Then Don't Claim,
The Thoughts, The Feelings,
The Sentiments And The Emotions,
That Come Across The Mind!
Not "Your Mind".,
Because You Don't Even Say : My Mind!
My Thoughts, My Opinion, Or Views.
Knowledge, Memory Or Experience.
For You Have Already Seen,
You Are Neither Related,
Nor Are You Unrelated,
To Anything, What-So-Ever,
To Any-One, Who-So-Ever!
You Don't Claim, This Body,
To Be Your!
Neither The Body Claims,
It Possesses You!
You Don't Claim, Right To Life,
Neither The Life Claims You!
Then You Are Life, Death,
And Beyond The Two!!
And It's True!!