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Faith : The Etymology
The Sanskrit word "प्रेत्य" could be traced to be rooted in, or may have been derived from :
"प्र + एति"
which means one who has died and has left for the heavenly abode.
Another way could be from "प्रीणाति / प्रीति", meaning "is loved" or one who "loves".
The word "faith" is again cognate of फ़िदा / fida - one who has surrendered before the God or the Almighty, The Lord Supreme.
Fida has again connotation with the word : fidelity, confidence, -- opposite of infidelity : infidel - one who is a non-believer.
Yet again, faith could be cognate of Sanskrit :
प्रतिष्ठ / प्रतिष्ठा
Where one firmly abides, rooted in, settled.
Offend, defend could be traced to :
अव प्रतं, अव प्रथं, अव प्रथं, द्वि प्रतं, द्वि प्रथं, अव स्पन्दं, द्वि स्पन्दं,...