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Thursday, June 30, 2022

If Only...

Poetry 30-06-2022




If all the channels were one channel,

If all the Aps were one Ap,

If all the viewers were one viewer, 

If all the views were one view,

If all the dues were one due,

If all the clues were one clue, 

If all the que-s were one que,

If all the cues were one cue! 

If all the news were one new,

If all the old were one old, 

If all the metals were but gold, 

Who might buy, what might be sold! 

If all the religions were one religion,

If all the God(s) were one God,

If all the scriptures were one scripture,

If all the truths were one true!

If all the birds were one bird, 

If all the words were one word, 

If all the worlds were one world,

What could have been this world?

If all the thoughts were one thought, 

If all the minds were one mind, 

If all the selves were one self,

What could have been this whole Self?

One just wonders if that's not true,

One just ponders over this clue!

The earth is free, the sky is blue,

The rose is pink, the love is glue! 

If that's true, where is sorrow!

If not true, why then borrow?

Let's see then what is there,

That can make us happy forever!



Sunday, June 26, 2022


Poetry :



Agony deep-seated,

Irony Deep-rooted.

Ignored, neglected,

Has been muted so far!

Come up, resurface, again,

Unexpectedly, suddenly,

In an unguarded moment,

When you are quite oblivious,

Obviously immersed, absorbed,

Fascinated, enchanted, absent-minded,

Lost in some trifle influence,

Or in something worthless,

A thought, a Principle, 

A Philosophy, an Ideal,

And just now, become aware,

Of the fact that nothing, 

In this, or of this world,

Could give you respite,

Relief, peace or solace, 

From this deep-seated,

Deep-rooted Agony,

You can but see, 

For the First and also,

For the last time as well,

How this Agony cruel, 

Took up roots, in your mind, 

How it vitiated your whole life,

And in a split second, 

It is uprooted, for once,

And for all, never to return.

And it is not the thrill,

The excitement or the joy,

That you had enjoyed so far!

You have lost all hope,

The fear, the apprehension,

The anger and the desire, 

As well as all despair,

And you seek no more,

Pleasure, and escape from, 

What you are / were,

And stay, abide in the Self,

That till now, looked away,

So very distant, till so far!


Saturday, June 18, 2022

On Hold...

Poetry : 18-06-2022


Being put on hold! 


How long could you yourself stay on hold, 

How long could you put someone on hold?

In a time-span rather shorter or longer, 

You may have to leave and end the talk.

Or, maybe though, be forced away to walk,

Which is keeping you busy so much,

Which you feel, should not stop as such. 

Though soon, maybe you could sense, 

There is a risk involved, thick, dense,

You could not see at this very moment,

Yet it is there like a threat potential, latent.

Before this comes out to be really true, 

Wait and watch yourself a seconds few!

How brave, you may have yourself told, 

How much long could you stay on hold?

How long then, you could be put on hold.

Maybe, you're really an exception only,

But all the people here, are bought and sold!



Friday, June 17, 2022

Sharing with myself.

 Four Screen-Shots post the day.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

As if, for granted!

Poetry : 16-06-2022

Nothing abides for ever! 


"Nothing" abides for ever!

It's good,

That nothing could be taken,

As if, for granted.

Though you desired, hoped, expected, 

Though you tried your best, 

To achieve what you earnestly wanted!

The world of the past, 

The world of the future, 

The world of the yesterday,

The world of tomorrow,

Though look so real, 

In your thought,

In your memory, 

In your imagination,

The people, places, events, 

Though look so real, 

That is all the work of your brain,

That conjures up a picture, 

Seemingly so perfect,

That you're deluded and begin, 

To believe,

Yes, I could / will achieve, 

In the near or a distant future,

What I always cherished.

But lo and behold!

The very next moment,

Everything is vanished.

And you scratch your head! 

Thinking, what may have gone wrong, 

That is what has been happened so long!

Longings and belongings,

Are gone in a moment,

And you watch on only,

This great event! 


While living the life,

Poetry : 14-06-2022


While living the life, While you are alive, 

Needs no effort, Needs no attempt. 

The breath keeps, Coming in, going out, 

The blood keeps, Running through veins,

The sleep comes, At its chosen time, 

The waking up, Follows the same! 

There is neither the past, nor the future,

Life goes on smoothly,  according to nature.

It's the thought only,  That brings in the past, 

And the idea only, That assumes a future! 

Both are creations only, of but the mind.

When the mind could be free of the kind, 

From them both, and the heart could see,

The futility of thought, of the fear, agony,

And can hold onto peace, discarding worry, 

Life is then a cool walk in the evening, 

If only you are not bothered of anything,

Life is like a warm walk in the morning!

And see only a living being dies one day,

And see this fact is always here to stay.

And there is danger, thrill, excitement,

In living this life, moment to moment!

Those who fear, are scared of dying,

Die every moment, even while living,

Those who have but discovered this,

Nothing really dies, not could die ever, 

The names and forms, appear-disappear, 

The Reality principle underlying formless 

The consciousness sustains  always, ever,

Here and now, though timeless being,

That is all, in all, and is in everything,

Watches in Silence whatever happens,

Truth Consciousness Bliss ever so reigns.


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Monday, June 13, 2022

The Three Faces.

Of Reality. 


Earlier (subject to the assumption that there was nothing, -not even the 'time', before the existence happened.) there were only the existence, knowing and the knowledge.

The three faces, - namely the existence, the knowing and the knowledge are / were / will be the only whole, unique, principle, and the three aspects or the faces, interdependent of  each-other.

With the arrival of the knowledge, appeared the fourth : the mind.

(Knowledge survives in the absence of mind, while the mind could not in the absence of Knowledge)

In the mind again emerged the face that was the individual.

The mind, as the, individual, as the collective and as the existentiak, took the form of Time and Space. 

Time that is fundamentally the timeless-ness only, reflected again in the mind in terms of the past and the future.

These 3 faces of time are Timelessly there in the mind, be it the individual, the collective or the existential.

With the arrival / emergence of knowledge,  The past and the future are / were so visible but the one, - the past, formed the memory, while the other, -the future but was merely a reflection of the past, in the mind. Again this reflection seemed to have its own existence,  independent and other than the past.

The Time stood still though. The individual mind that is a playground for the assumed past and the imagined future, was there yet quite unnoticed and even if one thought of it, it remained in a form that pertained to memory and imagination.

The past is synonymous with BrahmA, the present with ViShNu while the future with the Shankara.

Creation happened by and through BrahmA, in the past, how-so-ever distant or eons ago, survives / sustained by ViShNu, in this very  moment, or the present or and is expected to be annihilated in some very far distant or a near future.

Though we might not know if the BrahmA, the ViShNu and the Shankara are really the individuals, we could understand beyond suspicion or doubt, for certain, that these three aspects of the working / functioning post the Reality could never be denied nor refuted.

The Terminology :

Existence : सत्

Knowing : चित् 

Knowledge : मनस् / चित्त,

Knowledge-potential - बीज,

Knowledge-Dynamic - सक्रिय मन, चित्त 

The Creator aspect - ब्रह्मा

The Protector aspect - विष्णु

The annihilator aspect - शंकर / महेश

Though the creation, the preservation and the annihilation of the existence is again in the mind, in imagination only, this working principle BrahmA, viShNu, Shankara, are supposed to work in a cycle. Because what is, was never created, nor could be annihilated / destroyed.


Friday, June 10, 2022

The Sound of Void.

What a miracle is this Sound! 


Sound that becomes the noise, 

Sound that becomes the voice, 

Sound that becomes the shrill,

Sound that stands calm and still.

Sound that is music, serene, sonorous, 

Sweet, mellow, dulcet, melodious.

Who know from where it comes, 

No one knows to where it goes away! 

From and beyond, in the meanwhile,

Keeps reverberating, singing, awhile!

Here and there, keeps on frolicking,

Flowing, revelling in deep abeyance,

This is how, the sound is its own romance! 

Getting merged again into the Silence,

At the core, where is its very emergence.

The Silence is but the only God alone,

Who could know Him, how could be known!

Yet when you try to seek its abode,

You are just lost in it, your solitude!


Thursday, June 9, 2022

This Path-less Land,

Of Truth!


Many things are, 

In Your reach,

Many things are, 

In your sight,

Many things are, 

In your ambit,

Some are though,

In your sight,

Not in your reach. 

Some are though, 

In your reach, 

Not in your reach, 

Of those which are, 

In your sight, 

And in your reach, 

Some attract your attention.

And the conflict lets you not,

Take a decision.

And is lost the moment, 


There are times next, 

But this one was lost.

What's the use of, 

Wailing over this loss, 

Be careful, 

Be watchful,

Be attentive,

The Self is ever so near, 

The Self is ever so dear, 

Don't let it slip away, 

From your hands,

And you can't hope,

Attaining in some future, 

Distant, just here or very near. 

You have to clasp this very moment.

And you shall grieve no more.

That is the only door,

In this Path-less Land!



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ujjain, m.p., India
My Prominant Translation-Works Are: 1.अहं ब्रह्मास्मि - श्री निसर्गदत्त महाराज की विश्वप्रसिद्ध महाकृति "I Am That" का हिंदी अनुवाद, चेतना प्रकाशन मुम्बई, ( ) से प्रकाशित "शिक्षा क्या है ?": श्री जे.कृष्णमूर्ति कृत " J.Krishnamurti: Talks with Students" Varanasi 1954 का "ईश्वर क्या है?" : "On God", दोनों पुस्तकें राजपाल संस, कश्मीरी गेट दिल्ली से प्रकाशित । इसके अतिरिक्त श्री ए.आर. नटराजन कृत, श्री रमण महर्षि के ग्रन्थों "उपदेश-सारः" एवं "सत्‌-दर्शनं" की अंग्रेज़ी टीका का हिंदी अनुवाद, जो Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning,Bangalore से प्रकाशित हुआ है । I love Translation work. So far I have translated : I Am That (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's World Renowned English/Marathi/(in more than 17 + languages of the world) ...Vedanta- Classic in Hindi. J.Krishnamurti's works, : i) Ishwar Kyaa Hai, ii)Shiksha Kya Hai ? And some other Vedant-Classics. I am writing these blogs just as a hobby. It helps improve my skills and expressing-out myself. Thanks for your visit !! Contact :